Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 1 – Part 2 – Day 1

@Druwcapa – 2019 – Chapter 1 – Part 2 –


Hello, hello everyone! It is now 7am, and thus, nighttime is officially over, yay! Time to try your hardest to survive, and plot some really nasty crimes! Rise and shine, everybody!



Huh… What was that? A morning announcement? Oh, so that’s what he meant by that. Monobot.

It’s our second day inside this shopping mall… yesterday was quite the disaster, with Aki and Chokakku versus Makoto… actually, everyone versus Makoto, to be honest. With the announcement of the killing game, and a motive, everyone turned against each other, even though we’re classmates.

But somehow, I’m still hopeful that we’re going to escape! I don’t want to spend another day inside of this building, and my friends probably don’t want that either! I quickly jumped out of my bed, and opened my door, I’m excited for today’s events, and I’m sure, I’m definitely sure that we’re getting out of this place soon!

-Oh, hey hey, Memopo! Good morning!

-Teru and Hajime! Are you guys okay? Yesterday was… quite the day, wasn’t it? 

-Oh, yeah, it was… But, I don’t know, I’m feeling great! Today is the day for sure!


-Hm? What’s wrong Hajime?

-I… didn’t sleep last night. This place is not making me feel great emotionally. All these things about Monobot and staying trapped inside this shopping mall…. ugh… – Oh, my god. –

-Oh, I’m so sorry for that, but the only thing I can assure you is… that we’re gonna escape this shopping mall today! I promise! 

-Hehe, thanks for trying to help, Memopo… I’m already tired of being trapped here… 

-So, guys, wanna grab something to eat? I was just heading to the Food Court. Since no one’s awake yet, I might get something to eat!

 -Sure, I was going there too! I want everyone to be prepared for another investigation, so I was going to prepare some breakfast for everyone! Positivity always comes first! – Teru said, giving us a bright smile. – 

-Yeah… I’m also starving… like I didn’t eat for three months…

-Hmm hmm!! – I smiled at them, and then we made our way towards the Food Court, having a small talk while looking around. –

-So, how is your dorm? Mine’s pretty big, I’m surprised that a giant room can fit between those doors! 

-Oh, mine too! And it also has some props from my previous shows! It’s fitting, but really creepy. The wardrobe has some spares of my normal clothing too. 

-Yeah… also mine… but instead of props from shows, it has lots and lots of dirt… and skulls… bones… I’m a zombie but I’m not from 1920… that’s lame…

-Oh, oh!! Mine has a bowling station, a small one, but still. And lots of old trophies of mine! It’s creepy, how did they get that?

-W-Well… at least my dorm didn’t have anything personal of mine…

-Oh, man… I just can’t wait to go back to my normal life… This place is really messed up…

We talked a little more, and then we got into the Food Court. Once we got there, we found… someone?

-Oh, hello there! How are you all doing today? Did you sleep well? – Oh, Nia is awake?! – 

-Nia?! What are you doing here so early?

-Oh, I didn’t sleep. I thought about investigating, so after everybody entered their dorms, I walked away, and investigated some more. – It makes sense… but why? – 

-Aren’t you feeling sleepy? You were awake for the entire night, weren’t you?!

-Yes, I am sleepy. After all, it is not an easy job to stay awake for such a long time. But I can work with that. I saw Zeto investigating as well, we didn’t talk but he was working quite a lot. –

-Oh? Zeto? Working? – Yeah, exactly, I’m also surprised! –

-Yes, I was also surprised. But enough about me. It’s daytime already, isn’t it? So you are probably here for the breakfast, am I right?

-Yeah! Do you want something? I was gonna prepare some food for everyone else anyway.

-Yes, please, just a tea. – Nia said, and right after that, she yawned. – I need at least a hot drink before going back to my dorm. 

-Alright! – Teru said, excited. And right after that, he rushed to the kitchen, leaving me and Hajime alone with Nia. – 

-So, Hajime, are you alright? You seem depressed, is something wrong?

-O-Oh… well… I’m having insomnia… and there’s also the killing game…

-Oh, yes, that’s right, the killing game exists. Do you mind if I come over to your room later? Maybe I can help you with that.

-Y-Yes, please..! I never felt this weak before…

-Alright then, I won’t sleep now since this is my priority for today. – Nia, no!! – You can come over too if you want, Memopo.

-Oh, no, don’t worry! I, uh… If I have some time later, I’ll think about it! – It’s nice that she’s willing to help him, even though she also didn’t sleep. Maybe I’ll visit them later? – You should sleep, though.

We stayed there for a while, talking about school, our situation, until everyone just came to the Food Court together. I’m surprised, even Zeto came with them!

Oh yeah, and also…

-…H-Hey everyone! How are you guys? – Makoto… – Uh… did you all sleep well? We should prepare ourselves for another day of investigation..!

-Well, as I was saying, Kiyohara, this place isn’t good for my health. That Monobot will pay for what he did to us for sure.

-Uh, Chokakku? You weren’t talking to me. 

-Oh, I know. It’s not a lie though, I’m super pissed about this stuff, crap. 

-My students, please, let’s… be heroes! Yesterday, was, quite the day, I know, but, let’s stay positive! Don’t ignore each other just because of a silly fight! 

-Yep, yep… Y-Yeah… yesterday was frustrating… but sure! We can, uh, find a new escape route today!

-…Can you explain why you brought me here, Shiroga? I could’ve just waited until everyone walked away to get my breakfast.

-W-Well, you won’t! We need to stay together! A-And, you didn’t tell me what you were doing yesterday…

-Investigating, alone. Nia was also there for some reason, though. I didn’t bother anyway.

-Huh?! Hey, Nia! What were you doing yesterday with Zeto? I saw you entering your dorm last night!

-Oh, Maki, we weren’t doing anything in particular. I couldn’t sleep last night, you see, but it’s nothing that bad, we saw each other a couple of times, but in the end, everything went well.

-Hmm, hmm, I see. Did you find anything new? 

-Nothing, Maisake, sadly. But Monobot was telling the truth about some rooms being locked. The garden, the game station and both bathrooms close to the storeroom were locked. 

-Yikes, partner. I wish I could just smash that maniac’s head onto the floor and end this across lots. He’s seriously not messin’ around with us. Gonna take my apple peeler and–

-Hey, let’s stay in touch with the positivity! Let’s just forget about that stuff and eat, alright? I know yesterday was a disgrace, but we can escape today if we try hard enough!

-Woah, Miya! I really wasn’t expecting for you to be so… enthusiastic after yesterday. Really, you’re normally so emotional that I expected you to be totally depressed.

-I-I am depressed, alright?! But! I won’t change anything if I just stay depressed all day! Right, Memopo?

-U-Uh?! Oh, yeah, sure! We need to stay positive, everyone! It sounds cheesy, but believe in my words! We are Hope’s Peak Students! We won’t fall for Monobot’s tricks!

-Yeah, Memopo is right! She’s totally right! You guys should… listen, to her. – Makoto is still depressed over yesterday, I want to talk to him later if I can. Maybe it will help him cheer up? – 

-H-Hey, Makoto. – Kiyohara? – Uh, I’m… sorry if we made you feel bad yesterday. Mostly Aki and Chokakku but, uh, we were really mad about the motive so we didn’t think about your feelings.

-Makoto, I made a fool out of myself yesterday! And I live in a circus, too! I’m so ashamed, Kyah! – Maki?!

-Y-Yeah, s-sorry Makoto… – Shiroga too?! Wow, so Maisake was right! – but I wouldn’t be able help, anyway…

-Mr. Hiroma, I should have helped you yesterday. It’s my job as the Ultimate Teacher to help my students and give them hope for a better future. Therefore, please, accept my apologies!

-…G-Guys… I-It’s okay. I shouldn’t made Monobot mad, so it’s my fault after all, don’t worry about that!

-Hey, Nagito! It’s not your fault!

-M-Miya, dear, who’s Nagito?!

-M-Makoto… But seriously, don’t worry! Let’s just eat and talk about our plans for today, and after that, investigation time, second act!

-Oh, and talking about eating, where is Teru? He wasn’t with us when we all woke up.

-Oh… Maisake, that’s because… he’s making our breakfast… alone…

-I see. Hey, are you feeling okay, Hajime? You look bad.

-It seems like Hajime’s suffering from insomnia. I’m going to check on him at his own dorm later to talk about it.

-Hope ya feel better soon, pal. It sucks to have that insomnia thing in a hell like this.

-Yeah, Haji, you’ll feel better soon! – It seems like everyone’s happy and calm now. That’s nice. If we continue with that attitude, we can defeat that robot today and together! – 

-…Where’s Teru, guys, seriously? Someone should check on him.

-…Ugh. – Well, not everyone is happy. Aki and Chokakku are still mad about Makoto and the motive, I think. –

-Everyone, I’m here! 


Teru: D-Don’t worry, it’s just me! I got you all some breakfast! I hope you like it!

Haruka: Mr. Tozumi, oh my! You shouldn’t have done that just for us, it’s so much, I just don’t know how to react! Thank you so much!

Maki: Wow! Wow! Teru is also a housewife! A househusband?! A perfect husband material! 

Nia: Yes, Teru, thank you so much for your service!

Hajime: This… looks… delicious, thank you… Teru…

Teru: A-Ah, gee, everyone! I just wanted to give you guys some motivation for investigation! We need to stay healthy, and hydrated! So please, eat as much as you like!

Hoshi:Yay, yay! Thanks, dad!

Teru: Haha! Please, stop, right now!

Memopo: Hmm!! Thank you, Teru! **munch**

Joshua: So, what are y’all plannin’ to do?

Maisake: Well, this is a problem. We already investigated through the entire mall.

Zeto: I’m going to stay in my room. Only Shiroga can go if she wants to.

Kiyohara: Hey! That’s not fair!

Nia: Well, we investigated the entire night, we should rest a little. I’m also going to stay in my room.

Hajime: I’ll… also… stay in my room…

Shiroga: W-Well, I’ll stay with you Zeto… I don’t have anything else to do anyway, and I don’t know how to investigate very well…

Maki: I’m gonna get some stuff in the market! Teru is coming with me!

Teru: Yeah! 

Hoshi: Well, I’m going to see that game station, from what Daphne said yesterday, it’s really dope!

Maisake: I’ll investigate that game station as well. It probably has some kind of clue about the technology in this mall.

Miya: I just said that it was dark… Well, Aki and I are going to the clothes section! 

Aki: Excuse me, what?! You didn’t talk to me about that! 

Miya: Yeahhh, but we’re best friends! I need someone to talk to!

Aki: Ah, alright, alright. Gee.

Haruka: If someone needs me, I’ll stay in the garden. My lessons are going to start, but I won’t judge if you don’t wanna come.

Kiyohara: Oh, oh! I’m going! 

Chokakku: Yeah, me too. Education is necessary. And… I want to stay away from some people.

Joshua: Yea, also goin’, teach. 

Haruka: Amazing! Thank you all so much!

Makoto: Hmm, I’ll investigate the corridors and such, then! Maybe the audio room, too? What about you, Memopo?

Memopo: Huh?! Me?! Uh, I don’t know… I’ll probably see what you guys are doing? Everyone is already investigating in some place.

Makoto: Oh, alright! So everyone has something to do!

Teru: Then, it’s settled! Let’s go, everyone! Some more investigation!

Everyone agreed with their own positions, and one by one, each one of us walked away. 

And now… here I am…

Inside my dorm room. I don’t know where I should start, everyone is already doing something, so I should go too. But where?

What should I do today?

Hmm, where should I spent some time…

Oh, I know! Maybe I should see Makoto! It seems like he’s investigating alone, and I want to talk to him about yesterday. Yup, so I need to go to the Audio Room! 

After quickly deciding where to spend my day, I slapped my cheeks and jumped out of my bed, and right after that, walked towards the Audio Room.

I was walking towards the audio room, right? So, uh, I saw him.

-Kehe! Memopo! Come here! – Maybe I should just ignore him. What is he doing in the middle of the food court? – Heey, don’t ignore me, I just want to talk!

-No, Monobot, I don’t want to talk with you. I’m looking for Makoto.

-That’s not fair! Gee, I’m your headmaster… being treated this way… – Yeah, I should just go. – Hey, don’t just walk away like that! I have something important to say!

-Is it, though? Just stop. – I gave him a… cool darker side, full goth, night and blood, darkness and despair inside my soul, y’know, I was trying to act like Zeto.

-Alright, acting like a douchebag won’t get you anywhere, miss! I am your headmaster, and I make the rules of this mall!

-Mono- Ugh, really, I… I really, just, I don’t like you. You trapped us inside this shopping mall, and you also blocked our only escape hatch. Do you really think that I would dare to spend even one second of my time with you?

-W-Well, if you teenagers… I am the- … You, y-you can’t snatch my ego away like that!

-Yeah! Bye, please don’t talk to me.


Well, he’s here, so the Phonobot shows your exact location too, at least during the day it seems. Is it a new feature? I swear this wasn’t here yesterday.

-Makoto, hi! What are you doing? 

-Gwah! M-Memopo?! O-Oh, it’s just you, sorry!

-Huh? What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?

-Huh, why’s that?

-You literally startled right now. If you want some time alone, you can say so!

-Aha, it’s nothing, I was just surprised to see you here. I’m trying to make those buttons work, but, it seems random. And I don’t know why there’s a giant monitor here. But anyway, did you want to talk about something?

Should I spend my time with Makoto? Wait, why am I asking myself this?! Of course!

-Yeah! I wanted to see if you were okay. 

-O-Oh, about yesterday? Yeah, I mean, I’m not fine, but yeah, they just ignored me today so it’s fine. But still, Aki literally sent me a death threat and no one said anything about it… 

-You’ll be fine, I swear! I’m here to protect you, remember? I’m a professional bodyguard!

-You’re strong, but a bodyguard?!

-Gee, did you really forget that?! I’m maybe not as strong or as big as Joshua, but I can kick some butts and punch some faces with those hands and legs!

-Hehe, I remember that one show where you launched that guy out of your stage because he was trying to flirt with your sister, yeah you’re very strong indeed. 

-Yeah!.. Yeah!! You know what? Now I’m motivated! Let’s get everyone to gang up on Monobot! If we all beat the crap out of him, he’ll let us leave for sure!

-W-Wait, Memopo! You’re forgetting the rules! Who knows what he might do to us?

-What could he do? He just said that he would execute us, and besides the electric button from yesterday, he was definitely bluffing! I bet he can’t do anything to us!

-No, just– Alright, alright then! But, at least not now. If we can escape in an easy and non-lethal way, let’s do it. If not, then let’s get everyone to beat up Monobot! Now, uh… How are you doing today?

-Hmm, I’m fine, I mean, not great about this situation but, at least we’re all alive, aren’t we? But gosh, I was saving some hard money for that field trip.

-What the- Money?! Why? We were literally just going to some camp, there wouldn’t be anything for you to buy, I think.

-Yeah I know literal fetus, I was going to stock myself with lots of food for that field trip, and from what I remember, food costs money! And I was too tired to make my own food.

-Makes sense, but you know you could’ve asked me, idiot! I’m literally your neighbor, and you know my mother was making some curry for me! 

-You were going to bring curry to a field trip?! Makoto it’s a field trip not a… field staying, peanut! What were you going to do with cold curry?! 

-Are you daring to oppose my mother’s talent of curry making, peasant?! I’ll get both of us out of this place, and the first thing I’m doing is taking you out for some curry eating!

-I bet, – I said to Makoto, showing my dark aura side, the art of the Sakagara line of edgy auras, my soul was dating with my inner evil and chaos inside of me, and the only thing that I could say after that would be the last words Makoto would hear before his downfall. – Genocide Jack.

-…I’m going full crazy frog on you, Memopo Sakagara. I’m going full mad lad. Prepare to run for you life because I’ll hunt you down. You insulted my curry and now my scissors, now prepare for your punishment, annoying orange.

We spent some time laughing and fighting each other, and of course, I won. How? Well, a good magician never reveals their secrets, right? No, just kidding, I wouldn’t let this opportunity pass.

-You know that I can make your entire hair disappear, right?! I am the Ultimate Magician for a reason! 

-Well, If you really want to compare our talents, Meme-po, then lemme get your hair done really quick! Just some cuts here and there, and it will be your end!

Memopo: W-What?! Oh, heck, I forgot this was a real scissor!

Makoto: AHAHAHA! Prepare to your downfall, lend me your knees! Or prepare yourself for your punishment!

Memopo: So you really wanna do this in the hard way, huh? Well, it’s over for ya, buddy. It’s a beautiful night outside. Dogs are-

Makoto: You don’t need to repeat Hoshi’s most fanserviced character lines, y’know, or are you really that out of power that you need to rest in the shoulders of cartoon characters?

Memopo: Don’t mess with me, Makoto Hiroma, I have the power of god and cartoon characters on my side!

Memopo: HYAAAAAAH!!!

Makoto: If this was an internet video, you’d be immediately copyrighted, but since this is a non-fair fight, you’re 1% fine. Except that this is cheating, Meme-po! How did you even get those things?!

Memopo: There’s a lot of magic stuff in my dorm, dummy! I can make even more dangerous tricks, like… destroying your entire body with a single needle!

Makoto: W-Whaa?!?! Meme-po, you’re a total cheater!

Memopo: Don’t call me a cheater, cheater! It’s magic! You’re just chickening out because I’m the best witch of all the witches, aren’t you?!

Makoto: Ring ring? The Ultimate Witch wants to talk to you. She said that you’re not even close to become an actual witch!

Memopo: Well, tell her that she should trade talents with Maki, because she’s definitely the Ultimate Ultra Super Highschool Level Omega Alpha Clown! Not even a clown, but an entire circus!

Makoto: Copyrighted, oop- She disappeared, something that you should be able to do, too, am I right?

Memopo: H-Hah! It’s not my fault I’m not able to do the disappearance act yet, I’m the Ultimate Magician, not the Ultimate Mage! Although, I can’t say the same for you, Beach Man, who can’t cut this beautiful hair!

Makoto: Beach Man?! Ugh, my soul is broken and my body is melting! Not my fault, since I respect my rivals! 

Memopo: Yeah that’s right! And that’s your downfall, now, take this, Tree boy!

Makoto: WAAAAAH?!?! Am I Kiyohara Now?!


-Ok, I give up. But really, why “Tree boy”?! I don’t have anything to do with trees!

-You’re green, I rest my case.

-That’s greenphobia, you should be punished!

-Haha, never. – We both laughed for a while, and continued to make even more bad jokes. It was a fun time. –

God, I was thinking about just spending some time investigating with Makoto, I thought this would be way darker, but he’s way better now, I’m glad.

-…Hey, Memopo, thank you. – Huh?! – I mean, I was really upset about yesterday and all, it’s just so nice to have you around so I can just have a break and laugh with my best friend.

-Yeah, you’re awesome, Makoto. I’m happy that you’re better now. It was really upsetting, but talking with you, I don’t know, for a moment I forgot that we were trapped inside this shopping mall.

-Yeah, me too, man. Monobot sure is something, isn’t he? He kidnapped our entire class, and blocked all our chances of escaping. But I’m sure that with you around, we can escape this hell together.

-Oh, thanks, but, I don’t know, I really don’t know. I love my friends, but I’m honestly not a leader. Sure I can joke around and I try to cheer you up sometimes, but I don’t have the guts to be a leader. Especially with Chokakku, Aki and Zeto around.

-No, you’re great! I know they’re really bad, Gosh, they literally wished for me to die yesterday. But you’re different! You’re a good person and kinda buff too, so you can kick butts and at the same time you can also lead everyone to safety! 

-Yeah, I know, those muscles are made for kicking butts. But are you sure? 

-Yeah, surely sure! – He said, giving me an authentical smile. Aw. –

-N-Now, uh, I’ll go back to my investigation, hehe…

-H-Huh? Why?

-This was really fun! Now you cheered me up and I’m hopeful that we’re going to escape now! You gave me the energy that I needed to continue my investigation! Do you want to investigate with me as well?

-I mean, yes of course! Sadly, we can’t break those walls, because that blocked escape hatch looks pretty easy to punch down. 

-For you at least, I mean, I could throw my scissors at it, but punches would be more effective.

And after that, we spend the rest of our time together investigating the Audio Room. It had nothing interesting, sadly. But hey, we spent some time together, didn’t we? So it’s a win-win situation!

-Bye, Meme-po! I’m going to investigate in other places right now!

-Oh, that’s right, I was going to check on everyone! Bye bye, tree boy!

-Don’t forget. I’ll hunt you down. 

We looked at each other for a moment without saying anything. 

And then we laughed. A lot. 

-Aha, ok, ok, bye!

-Bye, Makoto, good luck! – And then, he waved to me and walked away. – Hmm… Now, where should I go..? I spent some hours with Makoto, so I should see if anyone walked away since that moment. 

-Huh?! Everyone is in the same location except Makoto?! I mean, Chokakku and Kiyohara entered the garden, but that’s about it. Well, anyway. 

-Hey, Memopo! Kehehe, there you are!

-Oh, no. Not you.

-Kehehehe! Are you surprised to see me?! You ended your conversation with Makoto, didn’t ya? So, wanna hang out now? I want someone to chat!

-Uh, I don’t know if you understood what I meant before but, I dislike you. I don’t want to spend my time with you, Monobot.

-I know, but I thought you were just angry about yesterday, but you seem relaxed now! So, do you wanna?! – So he’s not giving up. –

-…I mean… Eh, I had a… meeting… with… Let’s see… – Think about someone, quick! – Hoshi! Yes! I wanted to talk with Hoshi! I’m going to the Game Station right now!

-…Aw. – I walked away as soon as possible.

Hmm, so where’s the Game Station..? Well, Memopo, you dumb girl, it’s probably that room with that giant controller and buttons. 

Ok, stop being stupid, let’s check that out, since last time I went here, I didn’t bother to explore around. And let’s enter before Monobot appears again.

Ok, Ok, wow. Miya was right, this place IS dark. God, why is it so dark? And how does Hoshi loves this place? 

-Oh, hi Memopo. – Maisake, cool! –

-Memopo?! Oh, you’re here Me-Po!! How are you doing?

-Oh, hey guys! I’m fine, what are you guys doing?

-Well, MaiSai is investigating the arcades and the room in general, while me… I’m also investigating! The content! 

-And with that, he means that he’s just goofing around. I don’t blame him, though, this place is really cool. – Huh? Maisake likes the Game Station?! Well, let’s keep that in mind. – What are you doing here?

-Well, I said to Monobot that I was going to talk with Hoshi just so I wouldn’t spend my time with him. So, I followed my Phonobot and found this place. 

-Whaaa?! So our Phonobots shows our locations?! MaiSai, why didn’t you told me that?!

-Because everyone already said to each other where they would be for the rest of the day? I thought it wouldn’t be necessary. But yes, the Phonobots shows our locations. Including Monobot as well.

-Oh, sorry, makes sense. Well Me-Po! If you want to spend your time playing games, you can talk to me! If you want to spend your time investigating, you can talk to MaiSai!

-Since we’re here together, I think it would be better for her to spend her time with both of us, don’t you think? 

-I-Yeah! Of course! But you can choose one of us if you want to!

Should I spend my time with Hoshi and Maisake? Again, why am I asking myself this? Of course I will! If I don’t do it, Monobot’s gonna keep annoying me anyway. 

-Yeah, let’s talk! Maisake, you’re being more talkative than usual in this place! Do you like it?

-Of course, I do have some experience with technology, and I like games. The only bad thing about this place is that fact that Hoshi plays every game on the max volume. But besides that, I like it.

-Oh! So your talent has something to do with technology, then! – Wait, no! Memopo, she doesn’t know that you– –

-…I’m sorry, what? – …Oh, crap. – Memopo, did you forget about my talent?

-…I mean… – Oh gee, now she’s pretty mad…- I, uh…

-Wait, MaiSai,  you didn’t tell me about your talent either! I always thought you were a detective or something!

-Detective? …Well, I guess it’s okay, then. – …Thank you, Hoshi. – It’s not that big of a deal, and my talent is pretty boring. I don’t talk about my talent for most of the people I meet anyway.

-…So, you won’t tell us either?

-Nope. It’s really not that big of a deal, guys, don’t worry about it. Joshua knows about it, though. – So Joshua knows but we can’t?! – I mean, he’s my closest friend after all.

-So let’s ask him! C’mon, Me-Po!

-No, please… Really, haha… It’s really not that important. I’m actually kinda glad that you guys don’t remember it, since it’s a pretty dumb talent. But at least I’m at Hope’s Peak, so it’s worthy. 

-Hmm… Alright, I won’t force you to tell us. And I really don’t want to leave this place either, Monobot’s probably lurking around waiting for someone to come out.

-Ok, but but, you said that Monobot’s been asking you to hang out with him, why?

-I really don’t know! He’s just following me around! I think he’s trying to make one of us fall for that thing from yesterday.

-Oohh… Now I’m sad. – What? – Yesterday was a pain… At least we’re all better now…

-Yeah, you’re right, some of you guys were really mad about that stuff, but at least everyone is okay, at least most of us.


-Yeahh… I want to go home… I need to finish my most recent game… 

-Another game?! Didn’t you finish one just a day before our field trip?!

-Ye, ye… But this one that I finished It’s the prequel! I was almost finishing this new one, but then, yeah, this happened! Mom… please pick me up, I’m scared…

-Don’t worry Hoshi, we’re probably getting out of this place soon. Someone’s probably going to find another hatch or a way to escape today or tomorrow, so let’s just be hopeful. – Wow, Maisake’s so calm. She said yesterday that she was upset just like us, but the way she talks, it’s just… so cool. – 

-Yeah, Hoshi! And if Monobot tries to touch any of us, we can all gang up on him! He’s definitely not destroying us all together!

-B-But… that time limit…

-I wouldn’t worry about it either, it’s dangerous, but I know that he’s not going to do that. And besides, if he really tries to kill us, Joshua already planned to beat him up before he execute us. And Joshua’s pretty strong. I’m actually pretty confident, he’s really a strong guy.

-Ohhh, if Joshua’s gonna protect us… then it’s okay, I guess… He’s big and strong, and he has some big muscles too.. so I shouldn’t worry… 

-Yep yep! Back into gaming! – He said that, and began to play on the arcade again, as if nothing happened. – 

Joshua and Maisake… they’re pretty close to each other, aren’t they? They already have a plan against Monobot and Maisake is probably holding Joshua from falling to despair with only her words. It’s pretty amazing how they collaborate so well. 

-So, Hoshi! How was your session with Nia yesterday? 

-It was good! We talked about this killing stuff and how she’s assured that I’m gonna be fine, after that, we spent some time talking with our feet in the water, it was pretty relaxing!

-Oh, so you guys just talked and stuff?

-Yeah, Memopo, that’s what a psychologist does, I think. – Ah, I see. Nia calmed him down with words, just like Maisake. I think I need to improve that too… I won’t lie, I’m kinda jealous. –

-We also talked about my talent and stuff! Being a game creator isn’t an easy thing, I may look lazy but everyday I’m in a rush to finish my games and stuff, I don’t have time to Hope’s Peak! 

-I… think I can understand, since you’re a content creator, you have fans waiting for you and you always need to improve and have new ideas, right?

-Yep yep! I guess you’re also a content creator, since you have lots of shows, right Me-Po? 

-And I guess you’re right! But unlike you, I don’t have to always improve, since I can use my old tricks, but you can’t just take something from one game to another, so you’re better than me! 

Wow, I never thought about that. I think none of my them thought about that. Since we most see him in class, we never expected him to be that busy.

But it makes sense, I have a really hard job coming up with new ideas, and I only have to do that a few times! Hoshi really has to work hard…

-Hm, I guess I’ll take a break now. I was investigating this entire time and I don’t need to overwork myself. 

-Yay! MaiSai, come join me! You too, Me-Po!

Well, after that, there wasn’t anything to say, after that I played some games with Hoshi and investigated a bit with Maisake, nothing that interesting.

Memopo: Ah! I lost again…

Hoshi: Four wins! I am a true gamer after all!

Maisake: Seven wins. It was fun, but I should go back to investigation.

Hoshi: S-Seven?! How?!

Maisake: It’s an easy game, and I remembered some secret exits and tricks. 

Memopo: I should’ve expected that, but it’s my first time playing this game so I don’t mind, at least I had some fun!

Hoshi: T-There was a secret exit?!

Maisake: Huh? Isn’t that your game, Hoshi?

Hoshi: No it’s not! It’s from 2000! I wasn’t even born at that time!

Maisake: Huh, I like those games. I played a lot when I was a kid.

Hoshi: A-Are you a time traveller?! 

Memopo: Wow, Hoshi! So it seems you’re not a true gamer after all!

Hoshi: Not. Cool. MaiSai. Not. Cool.

-So… we spent some time here. Actually, we spent some hours here. More than I expected at first.

-At least it was fun! For a moment I forgot that we were trapped inside this shopping mall. Nyeh, I’m not even depressed anymore! 

-Yeah Maisake! Thanks for staying with us!

-Heh, it’s ironic for you to say that, since you’re the one who stayed with us. Anyway, I’m going to the meeting now, are you guys coming with me? 

-Yeah, I’m going! What about you, Hoshi?

-Hmmm, Yep! I’ll be staying here! – What – I need to get my scores up! I’ll beat you, MaiSai! Uh, tell them I’m investigating!

-Alright, let’s go then, Memopo. – She said, giving me a gentle smile. So I guess we’re letting Hoshi stay in this place? – 

-Okay, bye Hoshi! – I waved goodbye to him, then both of us left the room. –


-Well, you’re fine now, Memopo. It seems like Monobot is gone.

-Yeah, thanks a lot! Should we go now?

-Of course, but, before we go, can I just say something? 

-Yeah, sure, what is it?

-Hoshi wasn’t feeling well when we entered the game station, he’s a very vulnerable kid and you know that. So if he wants your help, just talk to him, say some basic stuff without questioning.

-You… just wanted to tell me that? It’s just common sense to try to help a friend.

-Actually, yes and no. What I want to say is that you just need to tell what you know. Be confident, I saw how you were kinda sad when I cheered him up. – Wait, really?! How?! – But really, you’re just as good as anyone else, so don’t worry about it so much.

-…Ah, thanks. It’s surprising how you’re always helping us, even when you’re upset. I wish I could be like you. 

-You are, really. I’m really not that special, I’m not lying. My talent is pretty basic too, it’s not something like an analyst or a detective. – Heck, there it goes my theory. – So just remember that, okay?

-Alright, but… why are you telling me this?

-…To be honest, I don’t know. I just felt something. Like I needed to tell you that, you know? It’s gonna be useful for your life at least. 

-Heh, thanks, thanks a lot. Now let’s go to that meeting, no one came here so I guess everyone’s already there. 

-Oh, you’re right. I guess we should go already.

Then.. we walked towards the Food Court. We didn’t talk or anything. So Maisake’s a pretty talkative person when she wants to. I see.

She’s funny, and kinda interesting too! I want to interact more with her later! Now… 

When we entered the Food Court, most of our classmates were waiting for us. Except for Hoshi, of course, and Zeto, Shiroga, Nia, Hajime, and Chokakku…? I can understand the rest, since they spent the entire day in their dorms but wasn’t Chokakku with Kiyohara?

-Ohoho! Maisake and Memopo are here! Do you gals know where lil’ Hoshi is?

-Oh, he’s not coming. He’s investigating the game station, he said that one of the arcades may have a secret prize, or something like that. I didn’t understand but well… – How can she lie so easily like that? – 

-So, uh, where’s Chokakku? Wasn’t she with Kiyohara through the entire day?

-Yeah she was! But in her own words, “she wasn’t feeling in the mood to be with you guys”, so she went back to her dorm and refused to leave. 

-Gee, and I was really expecting her to be in my class. Well, at least Mr. Jazra is a great student, and accepted my invitation. 

-I’m the bettermost, ain’t that the truth?!

-I’m confused, but okay. – Yep, also the truth, Makoto. – Well, let’s get started, shall we? We investigated a lot since last time, so there’s probably some news, right?

-Yeah! Let’s start our meeting!

Makoto: So, what’s the news this time around?

Teru: Well, for starters, Maki and I spend our entire day “buying” stuff from the Market, so.. we didn’t really investigate… but!

Maki: We know, we know. This isn’t an apology video so y’all shouldn’t forgive us, but we got some great meals for y’all guys and gals!  

Miya: Y-Yeah, it’s really good! Thanks Maki and Teru!

Aki: Also, uh, Miya and I didn’t investigate either, just so you know. And I also hate you.

Miya: A-Aki! You should’ve waited for the news before saying that! The investigation thing, not the hate thing!

Aki: Well, they said that they didn’t investigate, so I followed them. And… I just felt like it.

Haruka: Actually, I am so sorry for my incompetence, Mr. Hiroma. But my students and I didn’t investigate as well. Mr. Jazra, Mr. Inuma and I spend our afternoon having classes and trying to get Ms. Dokuita to come back.

Kiyohara: Yeah, buddy, we’re really sorry, but hey, it was productive, wasn’t it?

Joshua: Hey, what about ya, Makoto? Did ya found anythin’?

Makoto: A-Ahaa… Well, I tried to investigate but… 

Memopo: But…?

Makoto: Well, Monobot stopped me. He was forcing me to spent some time with him, so I ran away and tried to hide inside my dorm. But I forgot that he’s a sentient ex-machina robot and that my dorm has cameras. So I ran away again. 

Aki: What?! What are you even saying?! What the hell are you talking about?! Monobot following you around? That looks like a big excuse!

Memopo: No, that’s wrong! I can confirm Makoto’s alibi! Or at least, I have proof that he’s telling the truth! Monobot also followed me before I entered the game station, where Maisake and Hoshi were. So he’s telling the truth!

Aki: Wait, Memopo, aren’t you two buddy buddies? You can just lie for his sake, and you know that! Just tell us that you didn’t investigate and-

Maisake: Aki, stop. Both of them are telling the truth.

Aki: Huh?

Maisake: Monobot also followed me around. So I know that they’re telling the truth. 

Memopo: H-Huh?! W-Wha- I mean, y-yeah! She’s right!

Aki: …Huh, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. So It seems like he’s telling the truth, then. It’s not like you would lie for him or anything. Ugh.


Memopo: So… anyone? Any clue or topic?

Teru: …I guess that settles it? It’s not like we have something important to say. 

Makoto: …What should we do now? We didn’t find anything and it has been two days already…

Memopo: …W-Well… we shouldn’t give up now! We still have some days left! Let’s hope that tomorrow we find something new!

Miya: That sounds like a plan, then?

Aki: A very poor and rushed one, but it will do for now. Ugh, I didn’t want to sleep here again. But anyway, let’s hope for the best, I guess?

Maki: Yeah, and Teru needs to clean the dishes, too, so he needs to go now if he wants to sleep soon!

Teru: W-Wha?! Why me?!

Joshua: Cuz ya’re a fine “househusbando” or somethin’, Teru. You’ve made us food twice today! Now go on and make us proud, par’ner!

Teru: O-Oh?! A-Alright, going!

And after that… Teru and Maki ran to the kitchen with our plates, leaving us to discuss and go back to our dorms. Wow… Maisake really lied to protect us?! That’s incredible! 

-Hmm, so what should we do now? Go to our dorms again? – Yeah, that’s a problem. We didn’t think that we would spend another night in this place. –

-I guess we should wait until the nighttime announcement? Just to make sure? – Miya has a point, and right after that…


Hello hello everyone! It is now 10pm, and thus, nighttime is officially starting, whew! So go to your dorm room, and sleep! Or stay awake, but be prepared for someone attacking you from behind! Good night, sleep tight, and killing? You might!

-Just in time, huh? Gosh I’m tired… 

-Wait a sec gal, didn’t ya say that Hoshi’s inside that game place or sum’thin? So where’s him?

-…! – Oh my god, I think he’s locked! – Hoshi’s probably locked, oh my god!

-Oh, alright. Se y’all tomorrow. – Aki just… walked away without even caring. – 

-Well… Memopo, you should probably go to your dorm, Joshua and I can handle this. 

-Are you serious, Maisake?! I can’t sleep while he’s locked inside that room! We should save him!

-Yeah, but Joshua and I can handle this. And you’re probably very tired as well, so please, just go and get some sleep. I did you a favor, didn’t I? So please do that for me. 


-….Alright, But please do your best to save him! And try to get some rest too!

-Don’t worry about me, or Joshua. You should worry about yourself. Now please go and sleep.

-…Ok then. Good luck! – Then, I started to walk away. –

-Wait, Did I hear that right gal?! Why the hell am I involved again?! – And I oop- I walked away, leaving them to discuss about Hoshi. – 

Oh, Makoto is here! 

-Makoto! What are you doing here?

-Oh, just waiting for you! I was going to say good night! – O-Oh? –

-Oh, really? That’s very sweet, thanks! See ya tomorrow?

-Yeah, sure! And again, thank you Memopo, you’re the best!

-Hey, dumb dum, I said it’s alright! Now get some rest!

-Haha, gee. Good night, Meme-Po.

-Good night Makoto! I mean, tree-boy! – Then, he entered his own dorm, and I entered mine. –

…Oh god, holy gee. It’s gonna be another hurtful night inside this place, isn’t it? And it’s gonna hurt for Hajime a well, poor Hajime. I was really expecting us to leave this shopping mall soon, but why is it taking so long?! I was really, REALLY hoping for some new clue or anything, but after that meeting… nothing new was revealed. 

Anyway, I think I should get some rest. It has been quite the day, after all. 

Makoto, Hoshi and Maisake are good friends.

I should probably start to read that diary, too. But not now, I want to sleep so bad…

Ok, ok. Let’s get some rest, Memopo. Tomorrow is another day.





















Oh, hello, hello there! My name is Botokuma! And I am the headmaster of this academy! Actually, I was, before. But then another mascot took over. And then another, and then another, and then another. Puhuhuhu, there’s a lot of mascots lately, that’s for sure! I really don’t mind though, since it’s technically lots of new friends focused on killing games, so it’s funny to talk with them about the motives and your cast, the deaths, executions and so on!

Puhuhuhu, but it has been a while since we first started and no one died so far, right? Maybe I should kill someone just for fun! What about Memopo, the magical girl? Or Haruka, that small teacher? or Miya? Or Hoshi? Or Zeto, that edgy little boy?! I was entirely made just to make them feel absolutely despair, but I don’t know… I need some new ideas! Puhu… hu… I can’t shoot them because it violates the rules, and I don’t have some random teachers or headmasters to murder! Maybe I’ll invite some mascots over to execute them all! That’s a good idea, Puhuhuhu!

Ah, I missed this place so much! The old Botokuma theater! I’m surprised that this Ogami Tree is still healthy! Wait, did I say Ogami? I meant Sakura! This Sakura Tree is so old, oh, so old… And the Hope’s Peak Symbol… I hate this place so much! Thank god it closed a long time ago!

@Druwcapa – 2019 – Chapter 1 – Part 2 –


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