Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 1 – Part 2 – Day 2

@Druwcapa – 2019 – Chapter 1 – Part 2 –


Hello, hello everyone! It is now 7am, and thus, nighttime is officially over, yay! Time to try your hardest to survive, and plot some really nasty crimes! Rise and shine, everybody!



Gee, ugh… I’m tired…

Uh… what a weird dream. It’s another day inside this building. I’m starting to panic inside, just a little, but I’m still panicking. 

Yesterday was a good day, even though we didn’t find anything. Well, we’re gonna try to escape today, so I shouldn’t worry, should I?

Maybe I should check on Hajime, too? I should talk to him just to see if he got some sleep last night. Maybe not, since we didn’t find an escape hatch, but at least… let’s try it, right?

Well, anyway, let’s go get some breakfast at the food court.

Oh, Miya, Zeto and Hajime together? That’s an odd group. I’ll go talk to them! Hajime!

-Oh, good mornin’ Zeto! Miya! and Hajime-Hajime! Are you guys alright?

-Mornin’ Memopo! I’m feeling great! I was just talking with those guys about the motive thing… from the day before yesterday. but anyway anywho, I’m excited for our triunfal escape today!

-Morning! Yeah, me too! Let’s do our best to stay in shape and escape this shopping mall!

-I’m honestly not excited at all. I’d rather die. – Wow… how honest and edgy… –

-…… – Yeah, Miya don’t listen to him. – 

-…I… didn’t sleep, Memopo… Again. – Oh no! – Not even after… Nia’s session…

-Oh no Hajime, I’m so sorry for that! Do you want some help to walk? When I don’t sleep for that long I can’t even walk straight. It must be painful for you.

-Oh, it’s okay… I’m kinda rusty now but I’m still able to run! A little… So don’t worry!

-Hey, Hajime, why don’t you talk to Maki? She made me some tea yesterday, and tea is good to get you sleepy! Maybe you should try some!

-…Oh? Thanks, Miya. Maybe I will…

Oh, yeah, Zeto is here! Maybe I can hear something about him now! 

-Hey Zeto, what about you?

-Huh? What do you mean?

-How are you doing? Do you have some news?

-Hmpf. I guess I don’t, I spent my entire yesterday inside my dorm, so…

-Got it. Thanks. Will you investigate today?

-Not in the mood, at least for now.  – Not surprised I guess? –

-Yeah… Now, uh, let’s go to the food court? I’m getting hungry!

-Oh, okay! – Thanks Miya for helping me there!  – Let’s do it!

Then, we all made our way to the Food Court, we didn’t say a word, unlike yesterday.

Again, why is Zeto acting so rude these days? I don’t understand, he’s normally edgy, but not like that, and not in a situation like this.

Anyway… we entered the food court, preparing ourselves for a good day… and just like that, we saw… something horrifying.

Yesterday? Was kinda good, I spent some time with my friends, and no one fought anyone, but today? Well…

Hoshi: U-Urjkh!!– It’s… too… hard…

Chokakku: Just die already!

Memopo: Wh-What the?! Chokakku?! What are you doing?! 

Miya: A-AHHHH!!!

Zeto: What the… hell?

Hoshi: Ghm– P-Please, stop! G-Guys, please, help– Krgh!!

Chokakku: Don’t play dumb on me, dipshit! I won’t let you go that easily this time!

Haruka: Please, Ms. Dokuita, stop!

Maki: Whawha?! Chokakku?! You’re goin’ to kill him!! 

Joshua: Hey, stop that crap ‘lready, We had enough!

Chokakku: S-Shut up, you litt–

Joshua: Hell, we’ve been trying to stop ya for hours ‘lready! What’s the problem?! What’s your problem, gal?!

Chokakku: What are you-?! Ugh!

Hoshi: U-Ugh… Urhm… J-Joshua… P-Part’er… *thud* …t-thank… you…

Chokakku: H-Hey, asshole! Go away! J-Just…!!

Joshua: Are you kiddin’ me?! I won’t let ya spill sum’ blood here, madam! 

Aki: W-What the hell..? What the hell just happened?!

-W-What?! What just happened?!

-Oh, you guys came, thank god! We’ve been trying to stop those two for quite some time…

-They were fighting non-stop! Man, finally…

-Hey, Makoto, what happened here? Why was Chokakku–?!?!

-I don’t know? I literally just came here and they were already fighting… it’s strange.

-I.. won’t let this asshole escape without getting punished! I made up my mind, he’s definitely that asshole that you guys were talking about!

-W-Wha… What?! What are you talking about?! I literally was just sitting here! A-And then you…!

-Well, think about it, dumbass! You spend your entire day programming machines and stuff! You’re definitely the mastermind!


-Hoshi, are you alright? Why do you think he’s the mastermind, Chokakku? In a place like this, you can’t accuse people like that.

-It’s just so obvious! He’s the only one that can do things like programming and hacking and stuff! Or are you guys just dumb and can’t even comprehend something as simple as that?!

-Uh… I also do some programming and I know how to hack stuff. – Huh..? What’s even going on right now?! – 

-Yeah, gal, me too. It’s basic stuff that you learn at Hope’s Peak. – Wow, even Joshua?

-It’s an optional class, but most of us know how to do that, Ms. Dokuita, you can’t blame Mr. Nakanaka on that.

-What?! How should I know that?! I don’t do some stupid shit like that!

-And, uh, shaming his own talent? That’s low, bitch. I was angry before but not like that. Still angry at Makoto, though.

-D-Don’t involve me on this!

-I-I’m a game creator… not a programmer… I do some programming but it’s not my speciality! Augh… games existed before the internet was created, you know?!

-… – She looked angrily at him. – D-Don’t try to change the subject, mastermind! I-I’m sure of it, you heard me?! I’m sure of it!

-And, if I remember correctly, Junko Enoshima wasn’t a programmer either. Just saying. – Is Zeto on our side or not?! I really don’t understand. – 

-Hey, don’t try to blame this shit on me, he’s the mastermind and I’ll stick with it!

-Why are you guys so obsessed with this mastermind lately anyway? Weren’t we going to escape together? We shouldn’t worry about it. At least not now for sure.

-Y-Yeah, yeah! O-Our priority is escaping this place, isn’t it?! S-So let’s-

-Ugh, shut up already, no one wants to hear your lame-

-HEY! – Ah! – Don’t shut Shiroga, asshole. You don’t have any rights on her. Now shut the fuck up because I was kinda liking this mood, but you ruined it.

-By the way, what the fuck is your problem, Zeto? Which side are you on?! Ours, or Mono-

-Or mine’s?! 

-Not again..! – Kiyohara exclaimed, annoyed. –

-Hello, my pals and students! How are you guys doing? 

-Hey! Why don’t you just drop the motive and let us go?!

-Y-Yeah! Let us go, meanie! Y-You’re horrible

-Wow, I was expecting something more friendly for your headmaster but yeah, of course, super meanie!

-What? Will you let us go then, Mr. Robot?

-Haha, no! I just came here to do a vibe checking!

-What is… a vibe check?

-This! – He quickly disappeared, and then… –

Maki: Oh no! That’s a vibe check!

Teru: W-What?! T-That’s a…

Joshua: That’s a freaking GUN, hell?! What is wrong with that talkin’ machine?!

Monobot: It’s not a normal gun! It’s a taser gun!

Kiyohara: W-Waahh!! What are you going to do with that?!

Monobot: Well… Since it has been a day since I told you guys the motive… and no one died, I had an idea!

Memopo: Are you going to… shoot us?!

Monobot: What, no! I can’t do that, it’s a painted water gun! Honestly, I really can’t do that. I should probably add this to the rules.

Hajime: So… what’s your… idea?

Monobot: Well…

Now… from today forward, some areas… will be locked when the other one is open! Just to spice your plans and stuff! And to create some heated fights, too! For this floor, the Garden and the Audio Room will be locked! So, if you want to go to the Garden, you’ll have to make sure that no one’s inside of the Audio Room, and vice versa!

-How… exactly will this turn into a fight? Those are not… important places.

-W-Well, let’s, uh, see! If you wanna go to the garden, and someone’s inside of the Audio Room, wouldn’t you wanna go and kill that person?

-…Uh, no. Not at all, you’re really stupid.

-…W-Well! Those places will be important! I’m sure of it! 

-…Can you just leave now? You are not that great as a host. If you could lock the food court or our dorms, it would be worse and more threatening of us.

-Well, this was my first plan, but I can’t. I can’t lock places without grates, or places that you can open with your phonobots.

-Wow, that’s kinda useless, coming from you, super lord headmaster!

-… I would also lock Hoshi’s and Aki’s lab, but… I can’t, since they don’t have locks. Well, Aki’s lab at least. Hoshi’s lab is being locked at night anyway!

-…Wait, did Hoshi spent the entire night at the Game Station?! 

-Oh, uh… Yeah! I played every arcade, but I kinda forgot to investigate in the middle of it… Maisake and Joshua tried to get me out but it was for nothing. It was super locked!

-Wow, that’s also pretty useless! Congrats, Hoshi!

-Anyway, be prepared for some juicy murders! Because I, Monobot, your headmaster will never die!

-Shut up. Choke on your polaroids and die. – Does she know what a polaroid is?

-…That’s racist. You’re racist.

And then… he just left.

What’s wrong with him?! If he really wanted us to kill each other, well, he got the wrong cast, cuz we are NOT going to, I bet my life for this! We.. We are getting out of this place, today!

But… still, what the hell just happened right now?! It was such a nice day, but now… the mood was completely gone.

-…So, since everyone is relaxed and better now, should we start our breakfast? I made some for everybody!

-Yeah, alright, let’s eat!

-…Alright, just so we can stop this already.

-Sure, please. Let’s eat, my students, we need to spare some of our energy to escape this place!

-And then right after that, I’ll go get some sleep… probably.

-Oh! Maki, could you make me some tea? I need to sleep… really bad.

-Hum? Our session didn’t help you?

-I mean, it was great… but sorry, it didn’t.

-…Alright. Strange. Very strange indeed.

-Do not worry, Hajime! I’ll be right back!

-So, let’s wait for her first, everybody! – I agree with Makoto, and it seems like everyone else does too. – 

Then, we waited for Maki, and after some time, she came back with some tea for all of us! Then, we finally started our daily meeting.

Makoto: W-Well… so! Our plans for today?

Maki: I’ll go back and visit some places I didn’t explore yesterday! Like the Garden or those “labs”!

Aki: Since we’re talking about that, where’s my lab?

Haruka: I think… your lab is the Clothes Section, Mr. Kinota.

Aki: What the-?! What does clothing has to do with matchmaking?!

Miya: I mean, you were liking that place, so I guess those labs has something to do with our likings, not our talents?

Kiyohara: I guess so? He did say “Aki’s Lab” not “Matchmaker’s Lab”…

Chokakku: Anyway, I’ll be staying in my dorm. Again. I don’t have to and I won’t investigate again. It’s pretty clear that we’re not getting out of this place soon.

Shiroga: W-What?! C’mon, Chokakku! We need to investigate, it’s our only hope!

Chokakku: Hey, listen here you–

Zeto: “You” what, Chokakku? Wanna throw words at her again?

Chokakku: … Ugh, fine, whatever. I’ll investigate… the storeroom, I guess?

Joshua: Yea, gal, do sum’thin’ helpful for us!

Chokakku: I already said I was going to- Well, anyway.

Hajime: Maki… this tea is really good… I guess I’ll be staying in my dorm again… Just so I can try and get some sleep. Probably won’t, so if anyone wants to spend some time with me…

Nia: And I’ll stay in Haruka’s class, in the Garden. If she gives us another one, of course.

Haruka: Oh, yes I will! I’m trying my hardest to  give you guys all the lessons I’ve been planning for a while!

Kiyohara: By the way, I’m coming again! If you don’t mind.

Haruka: Please come, Mr. Inuma! It’s sad that I don’t have my notebook with me, so I need to remember the subjects. But teaching is my talent, so I can memorize things easily!

Hoshi: I’ll… stay in the Game Station. I need to crack those codes. And by “crack those codes” I mean stay the rest of the day playing everything over and over again.

Teru: You… didn’t need to say that. Anyway, I’ll be staying in the kitchen! The green one, preparing some lunch and dinner!

Shiroga: I-I guess I’ll be staying in here then… I don’t know, I-I think this place is nice…

Zeto: Yeah, and I’ll be staying with her too, so you all better not try to do anything with her.

Joshua: Crap. 

Zeto: What?! What were you “crapping” about, big guy?!

Joshua: Maisake and I were gonna spend our afternoon training sum’ self defense and stuff. Y’know, basic stuff for me… and for her. And she thought this was the best place for that.

Maisake: Yeah, but do not worry, Zeto, I guess we’ll be practicing at the entrance, then.

Aki: Well, Miya and I talked last night, and we’re going to spend our time at the Audio Room, investigating.

Miya: Yeah, we need to make some progress as well 

Makoto: Well… that leaves… Memopo and I again..? Hey, Memopo, are going to do anything today?

Memopo: …Hmm… I think I’ll be doing the same thing as yesterday, just walking!

Makoto: Nice! I’ll be investigating the hallways in general then!

Maki: Oki Doki! Let’s go, everyone! We’re getting some big progress today!

And again, after that, everyone went on their ways. I didn’t want to walk all the way over to my dorm just to get out again. So I stayed in the food court, looking at my Phonobot.

Hmm… What if I try to have a talk with Zeto and Shiroga for now? It’s a crazy idea, but I didn’t have a chance to talk to them since we got here, so let’s do this!

-Hey, Zeto and Shiroga! Do you guys mind if I stay here for a while?

-Yes. – What. – Please just go away.

-Nope, please come here, Memopo! We’ve been waiting for someone to talk to us since yesterday!

…You did at least, I wasn’t going to open the door to my dorm while I was trying to sleep.

-…A-Anyway! How are you doing? Are you alright?

-Oh, uh, kinda, this place is bad, but I already know you guys, so it isn’t a bad thing! 

-What do you mean, aren’t you afraid of Monobot? You don’t even open your mouth when he’s talking.

-I’m… I’m not afraid of him! It’s nothing like that! I just listen so I can understand what he’s planning to do, so I can be prepared for what he has in mind!

-Hmpf. Makes sense, I guess, but yeah, you’re right, it’s good to listen sometimes. – He then sat on a chair, on his chair. – 

-M-Memopo, can you explain to me why is everyone mad at Zeto? H-He’s been acting kinda “okay” with our situation, b-but that doesn’t mean that we have to get mad at him or something!

-But that’s the reason, though. How can you be so calm and rude in a situation like this? Joking around and playing tricks?

-Well, you see, I’ve been kidnapped a bunch of times. Actually, no, not kidnapped, but most of my life I was trapped inside a strange place, alone. So this isn’t a big deal for me.

-Huh?! Most of your life?! That’s pretty unlucky for the lucky student!

-Unlucky? Memopo, this was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned to stand on my own shoulders, and I learned that if I want something to happen, I should either work for it or wait for it. And most of time I just waited for it, and things worked out, pretty neat, huh?

-That’s… not a good lesson, at least from my point of view. – Yeah… he’s lucky. Pretty lucky. But that’s not the same situation, it’s a life or death situation! – Anyway…

-Y-Yeah, I was always jealous about his luck! He’s such a cool guy! Compared to my talent, he’s powerful! 

-What about your talent? I never understood how “lack of luck” could be a talent! It’s kinda interesting how there’s a lucky and an unlucky student together at the same class!

-O-Oh, that..? I-It’s pretty… uh, complex… how can I explain that…? I-I don’t know, really…! Let me see…

-Prepare yourself, Memopo, this is a long one. – Huh?! – No, actually. Really prepare yourself. It is a long one.

Shiroga: W-Well, you see, my talent is a little impressive, not as impressive as Zeto’s, but…

Zeto: As long as something bad happens to her, a lot of good things happens to everyone else.

Shiroga: H-Hey! I was going to say that! Not fair!

Memopo: Huh?! How does that work? I didn’t get that! “As long as something bad happens to her”…?

Shiroga: H-How can I explain… huh…? Oh, okay! So, I’ll explain how I entered Hope’s Peak!

Memopo: Oh, that will be interesting! I wanted to hear that for a long time!

Shiroga: W-Well, at first, I was going to enter Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Cosplayer! I love doing some cosplays and stuff! But sadly, at the last second, someone else better than me appeared, and snatched my talent from me!

Zeto: Yeah, that was rude from the administration, she worked very hard to earn that title. And it was just a regular cosplayer, but Shiroga’s cosplays are really good.

Shiroga: A-Anyway! After a few days though, I got another letter, saying that I was chosen as the Ultimate Fashionista! A-Also, this look was inspired by the second victim of Hope’s Peak Killing Game, y-you know? Mukuro Ikusaba! That blonde girl from all the old pics from the past of Hope’s Peak! It’s rumored that she was betrayed by her sister, that Junko girl! But from what the headmaster said, they were good friends.

Zeto: Yeah, she did that so the headmaster would accept her. But when he saw her dressed like this… he changed his mind for some reason. So she couldn’t enter Hope’s Peak, again. He’s a jerk, she wasn’t going to hurt his butthole or anything.

Shiroga: Y-Yeah, I also don’t understand, I made this entire look in a way to say that they deserved better! B-But anyway, just a day after that, I received another letter! I was going to enter Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Stylist! But just like the Cosplayer talent… s-someone else snatched it from me.

Memopo: Wow, this is actually depressing, how did you get your talent if this kept happening to you?

Zeto: Hope’s Peak noticed this, and after a few adjustments, they made an experiment with her consent.

Shiroga: T-They recruited 18 Lucky Students for an entire class within 10.000 random students across the world, and they kept checking the placements! and because my unluckiness, I was always the person next to them.

Zeto: And just like she said, it was an experiment with all teenagers across the world, so, y’know, her being always close to winning wasn’t a coincidence. 

Memopo: Oh, I see! So then, after they saw that, they recruited you as the Unlucky Student? That’s pretty… sad. But still a talent! A worthy one!

Shiroga: Y-Yeah… So basically, by making myself miserable, I can give my luck to others! Pretty worthy, huh? – It looks like sarcasm, but somehow I can’t see any kind of sarcasm coming from her. So she really likes that? – 

Zeto: But, there’s something peculiar about our talents. Something that we just noticed while we were together.

Memopo: Huh?!

-When we’re together, our talents gets neutralized, for some reason. – Wait, what?! Oh, it makes sense now, so that’s why they’re trapped with us! Not lucky but it seems like it’s also not unlucky? –

-Y-Yeah, it’s pretty scary, isn’t it? L-Losing the only thing that you’re good at just by spending some time with your best friend?

-B-But how?! It’s not like you guys are siblings or something! Are you?!

-No, we aren’t. That’s gross. I call it a “yin-yang” situation, like, black and white, you know? We’re neutral together. If she stays with me, her talent gets neutralized. The same goes for me.

-Y-Yeah, he’s right! Definitely right! B-But black and white because it’s neutral colors! R-Right?

-Oh yes, I’m actually not racist or anything, if you thought about it before. Shiroga is my… uh, best friend after all.

Hmm… Interesting. I spent some more time talking to Zeto and Shiroga. I guess I misunderstood him before. Actually, not really, he was being a jerk, but now he’s been acting… kinda nice? Maybe Shiroga asked him for that? She’s a pretty sweet girl.

I like their relationship, it’s like… Makoto and mine’s, with a little of Aki and Miya’s. At least when they’re together. He kinda orders her around a lot, though.

-Well, I’m going to my dorm now. – Already?! – I spent so much of my time talking with you.

-W-Wait, Zeto! D-Do you want me to go with you?! We can go together if you want!

-I mean, yes, of course. But you can stay with your friend Memopo if you want. – I thought I was also your friend. – 

-…U-Uh… Memopo, it was nice seeing you today!

-Oh, uh, yeah! Let’s talk again sometime soon! – Gee, Shiroga, don’t let yourself be ordered like that!

-Yeah, bye! – And then they walked away… together. Without even looking back at me.

Ok, forget what I just said, I don’t understand their relationship at all.

Well… I’m alone, again. So… what should I do…?

Huh… I spent a lot of time talking to them. It’s kinda weird how time is passing by so fast. 

Well, what should I do now?

-What if you for once spend some of your time talking to me, huh? Kehehehe! Wait, wha- –

Memopo: What the-?! What are you doing, y-you robot?! 

Monobot: Hey, Memopo! You spent your time yesterday with other people just so I wouldn’t talk to you, am I right?!

Memopo: H-How do you KNOW that?! Stop holding me, ugh!

Monobot: I saw the cameras, Memopo! Why are you being so mean to me? I just wanna talk, I swear! 

Memopo: Oh my god! Just stop already! You’re annoying me since yesterday! A-Actually, how do you even DO that?! Y-Your arms weren’t like this before!

Monobot: It’s a special function!  I can unite my arms with my body and–

Memopo: … Someone?! H-help?! Teru?! Where is him?!

Monobot: Memopo, pleease?! I need someone to talk! – Ugh, let me think about something… quick!

Memopo: W-Well… I-I can’t talk if you keep holding me like that!

Monobot: Oop, I’m sorry! Okay, I’ll stop holding you!

Memopo: …Great. Thanks.

-See, you’re free now! Now, can we start some free time even- H-Huh?! H-Hey, where are you–?!?

…I started to run. I ran towards my dorm. I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t want to confront him, but gee, he’s really stubborn! Oh my god!

I just… I just ran towards my dorm, like, I didn’t even look at Joshua and Maisake training, but I pretty sure that they were confused for seeing me running like that out of nowhere. I entered my dorm, closed the door, and the unpleasant surprise I found inside was… not a body, thank god, but…

-Hey, why did you run from me?! I swore I just wanted to talk, I won’t punish you, geez! Actually, yes! Now I’m gonna punish you if you don’t talk to me!

-What?! You can’t do that! That’s not written in your rules!

-…W-Well… well… !! – Yeah, I broke him. –

-Why are you so obsessed with me? I don’t wanna talk to you, just please stop. I didn’t kill anyone and I won’t kill anyone, you can’t fool me with your tricks!

-What?! Who said anything about killing? 

-You, the day before yesterday.

-…I don’t wanna talk about killing, oh my circuits! If you don’t wanna chat with me, alright but let me rest from those killing games a little, I do have a life, too!

-What, how? You’re a literal robot hosting a murderous game.

-Well, for beginners, I always wanted to be a comedian! I was created for a killing game? Sure! Do I like it? Yeah, of course! Am I excited for the first victim? I make predictions every day! But let me rest a little, woman!

-Oh my god, alright, alright. Just don’t talk to me and you’ll be fine. Or else I’ll die but I’ll beat the crap out of you.

-Alright! Thanks! – Then… he sat on the floor. and stayed there. –

Well… now that I’m inside my dorm… and everyone who saw me probably thinks I’m crazy… what should I do? 

Maybe I should read that diary! I promised to myself that I would read it sometime!

Well, I wanted to, because when I walked towards the diary…

-Wait, don’t open it! Or else you’ll be executed!

-Uh, what now?

-Y-Yeah, it’s pretty important info! You shouldn’t open it until… Chapter 4 or so!

-Chapter… 4?

-Yeah! When you find all the pages up to Chapter 4! It’s a pretty misleading and spoilery diary, so I made this little quest just so you have something to do before reading it!

-…Are you kidding me? I don’t want to do a quest, just give me the pages already.

-…Ok! I’ll give you pages! – Hm, where’s the trick? – If….you hang out with me! – Yeah… there’s the trick. – 

-…Well, it’s still a clue about this place, so of course, I guess? It’s not like it would matter anyway, since we’re getting out of this place today.

-Kehehehe… Kehe! Thanks Memopo! 

Should I hang out with Monobot? I mean, no. But it’s not like I have any other choice. He would probably say something like “Do it or I’ll execute you!” again.


-So, uh, Monobot, how… are you? – I don’t know how to start a conversation with a robot. Especially a murderous robot that trapped me inside a shopping mall. – 

-I’m feelin’ great, Memopo! Those days were great for my health! I finally started my killing game, and I made some huge progress on the class trial!

-Right… what about this “class trial” that you talked about, how does it work? I never went to a trial before. – If he’s willing to spend some time with me, let’s at least ask some questions, am I right? Just to pass time. – 

-Oh, so you’re interested about me! – Nope, not about you. – Okay, very well! The class trial is that part in a killing game where the survivors meet up to discuss about the traitor! Our traitor, in that case, being the killer, or as I like to say, the blackened. 

-No, I understood that part already, I meant to say “What should I do in a class trial?” I never saw one before.

-Alright! In a class trial, you’ll have to present your arguments for who the killer is, and at the end, vote for who did it! In our case, if the majority of the surviving students vote correctly, then only the blackened gets punished! If the majority votes incorrectly, then everyone gets punished, except the blackened!

-Okaay… – I hope someone find an exit, quickly! – And… how do I argument? How do I know if what I’m saying it’s the truth?

-You don’t! You’ll investigate so you’ll have your arguments, but it’s obviously a fight between truths and lies, hope and despair! 

-Oh, I see. – Gee… this is so boring… and scary, kinda. I don’t want anyone to die. – 

…Then we stopped talking. For a while, because he’s stubborn as hell. I spent the rest of my afternoon listening to him. Not actually listening, just standing by his side while he talked about his creepy stuff.

-Hey, Memopo, being a host is kinda boring, isn’t it? – Huh?

-What? What are you talking about so suddenly?

-Y’know, you’re a magician, so you have to plan all your shows, and you probably do that alone. Isn’t it boring sometimes?

-I mean, sometimes it is. Being an actual human person takes a lot of work, and making new tricks sometimes takes even more time.

-Kehe… That’s exactly how I’m feeling… sometimes I just want to give up on my killing game. – Yes, please! –  There’s a lot of killing games already, maybe if I gave up on mine, it wouldn’t matter.

-Yes, please, do it, cancel this killing game! Let us go back to the society!

-But… I want to improve myself! I wanna be a better robot, I want to make people happy and give them something to feel happiness for! – Huh?! – So I won’t give up on this killing game!

-This… doesn’t make sense. 

-Memopo, memopo, memopo. Kehehehe! You see, my dream finally started, after this killing game ends, I’ll finally have finished my goal to make people happy! Like I said before, I always wanted to be a comedian, I love seeing a big smile on someone’s face!

-But… we aren’t happy. You trapped us inside this place! How could we enjoy something like this?

-…It’s my job, y’know. – Oh, wait, what? No really, what?! Your job?! – I’m your headmaster, so it’s my job to run this killing game. And I love it. Even if means taking away your freedom, I was made for this. But I also have my dreams, I also wanna live. But it’s my job, my priority.


-It’s my life, it’s my job. If it means killing people and killing my robotic soul, then I need to do it. It’s my job as Monobot. I do like it, but sometimes it’s just annoying.

-This… doesn’t make sense. Are you okay? Did you finally snap?

-So… Kehehe! Kehehehehe! Kehehehehehehehehe!! – Yeah, he snapped. Why is he laughing like that?! – Okay, okay! Memopo, since you helped me and listened to me… – I didn’t even listen, I was busy thinking, but alright – … I’ll tell you something.

You know that I’m an A.I., right? Well, I also have my own personality. I have my wishes, and I created my own soul. I actually don’t think that this killing game will last long but I’m wishing for it to end at least after five or six trials, it’s a normal setting, you don’t know what I’m talking about, but you’ll see.

This shopping mall has some big, dark secrets, Memopo. These walls, they’re black. They are pitch black. Why black, you ask? Black from all hope. Black from the outside world. It’s your job to take the black from it, and turn into gray.

This is just the beginning, Memopo Sakagara. You need to prepare yourself for heartbreaks and betrayals. This isn’t an innocent place. Some of your friends are going to die, and you know that.

Maybe you’ll find the truth and escape? Maybe you’ll succumb into despair and kill? Or maybe you’ll be another one of those victims? I don’t know, but I’m faithful that you’ll be a great rival for me.

-And… why are you telling me this?! Why “rival”?!  – Yep, he’s crazy, not surprised. What is the talking about?

-Because… I can see some protagonist potential on you. I actually think you can survive this place, rival. No joking, I watched and read a lot of old killing games! – Wow… that’s… that’s actually nice?! – 

-Okay… but why, exactly?

-…I don’t know? I just… Ugh… well…!! I’m your headmaster! I know what I’m saying! – And then… – Just… forget beam! Forget everything I said! Forget Forget Forget Beam!

-Wait, what about the pag–

He left.

…What a weird guy, robot, whatever. What was he saying again? I didn’t even heard him talking about it. Not that I care, I just wanted him to go as soon as possible. Was he saying something about being a comedian…? Well, anyway, he already left, so it’s too late to think about it.

…But gee, this took some time. This actually took some time. 

…Oh, maybe I should go..? It’s time for our meeting again!

I can’t believe I spent the rest of my afternoon listening to him.

Yeah, after that, I prepared myself for anything that could happen, and after that, I walked towards the food court alone. 

But… even though I was preparing myself, I could never predict this happening in front of my eyes. 


Chokakku: You little-!

Memopo: Wait, what?! What’s wrong?! Makoto?! OH MY GOD?! 

Makoto: Urkh-! M-Memopo… Hel-Help! J-Just- KGH!!

Chokakku: U-Gh..! Not you, now! Just let me kill him already!

Memopo: Chokakku, what the hell?! Why are you doing this again?! What’s your problem?! What’s your literal problem right now?!

Chokakku: You-!! I won’t let you escape now!

Memopo: Oh my… god, Chokakku, just stop! Let him go, you–! – I ran towards her… but then.. –


Memopo: C-Choka… Chokakku? – Did she… did she really slap me?! What is wrong with her lately?! – 

Chokakku: I won’t let you protect this little bitch again! I don’t care if I’m going down with him, he’s dead to me!

Memopo: W-What… What the-?! What’s your problem?! Literally, what’s wrong with you these days?! Take a chill pill and just stop with that nonsense!

Makoto: U-Uhg… my… neck…

-Oh gosh, Memopo, your face! – Nia… and Kiyohara… are here…

-Hey, Chokakku, what’s wrong with you lately? It’s not normal for you to throw punches at people! And you’re hearing it from me!

-This… this asshole… Makoto Hiroma… I will never forgive him for what he did! I will… never!

-I-I was literally just going to talk to you and apologize for the motive! T-The motive night?!

-Exactly. You don’t deserve that? In fact, just shut up, I don’t wanna hear your lame excuses! You’re just dead now! 

-Hey, now. Chokakku. This has been quite the journey, but could you please calm down and not attack random people? If he was apologizing, you have the right to not accept it, but assaulting him back will just make you worse than him.

-Y-Yeah… first you guys threatened him to DEATH… and now you almost KILLED Makoto! This is not fair for him, he’s been through a lot lately! And you’re just being rude and unlikeable right now! 

-…Shut up… Shut up! I will escape this place! I need to…! I will never… I need to get out! I-I…! 

-Oh, I see. You want to get out, but you’re afraid of killing and you want to blame everyone around you just so you won’t feel guilty by killing someone innocent. 

-…Sh-Shut up… Nia… Tsukiyama…

-Hey, buddy, are you alright? Do you need some help? Here, I can carry you.

-T-Thank you… Kiyohara… – He helped Makoto to get up and stay still. – …

-So am I right? You’re just an afraid woman, aren’t you? You say that you don’t care but inside you’re as desperate as anyone else. 

-Nia… Tsukiyama… I… I…

-Chokakku, I see now. – I love how Nia’s handling this situation. So calm and proud of herself, like an actual psychologist! I mean, she is an actual psychologist! But like, a professional one, with a doctoral degree and stuff! go to your dorm and sleep. You need to chill and think about your actions. 

-I will never forgive you. I… I will… U-Ugh! I hate you! – Then… she left, running. It was really awkward… –

-Why… why was she so obsessed with Makoto? He really was trying to help, how can’t she see that?

-…I’ll go to my dorm… too… – Makoto… please, let’s talk… Well, thinking is useless, because he also walked away. –

-…I can’t understand… She’s not the kind of person to do that.

-It seems like she’s overreacting about this killing game, after the motive, she probably started to become paranoid with the idea that someone would kill her, but if she wants to act this way, I might as well give her a full talk later. She’s just afraid, but that doesn’t mean that her actions were good or forgivable. – Nia… handled that in a very good way. I can understand her reaction and honestly? I’m jealous about how she handles those situations. –

-Good luck Nia. I think it’s best to let him rest for now. – Yeah… – Now… what were you doing, Memopo?

-I was… investigating, I spent my afternoon investigating everything in general.

-Oh, cool! Now… uh… let’s wait for the rest, I guess..? I don’t have any topics to talk about.

-Yeah, let’s do it… We should tell them about what just happened, too.

-Alright then. Now, let’s discuss a little, shall we?

Then… we waited until everyone was reunited. And then, Nia told them everything that just happened.

I… I can’t believe what I just saw. Poor Makoto… everyone’s attacking him lately.

Anyway… Tomorrow I’ll talk with him. He needs to rest for now, I’m sad.

Maki: So… what should we discuss today?

Teru: I spent the entire day in the kitchen, and I saw that all the ingredients got replaced! After that I left the food court to buy some fresh food at the Market, and I guess that’s when Chokakku attacked Makoto.

Miya: Why did she attack him again? And now physically?! That’s so mean!

Aki: Honestly, I’m not surprised, she’s being kinda bitchy today. But anyway, Miya and I were going to investigate at the Audio Room, but it was locked, I guess Monobot was telling the truth about locking the doors.

Haruka: I’m so sorry Mr. Kinota! I’m really sorry, please accept my apologies!

Miya: Oh don’t be! It’s alright, we investigated at the Clothes Section again! Nothing new, as you might expect. 

Maki: Oh, Ohoho! Hoshi’s at the Game Station, again! It’s a giant room, full of arcades and stuff! Pretty dark, but it’s cozy! 

Maisake: We’ve been practicing through the entire day, so I’m sorry but we didn’t investigate today.

Joshua: Yeesh, sorry y’all. We’ve been practicing for a future plan. I think y’all know what’s our plan already but y’know… just sayin’.

Haruka: Well, just like yesterday, I was at the garden doing some classes. It’s kinda tiresome when I’m not in a mood, so I might take a break tomorrow, I’m so sorry Mr. Inuma and Ms. Tsukiyama.

Kiyohara: It’s alright, you deserve a break!

Nia: Yes, everyone needs a rest, especially our teacher.

Kiyohara: Hmm… 

Memopo: So… that’s everything again? Nothing new? – Oh no, please…

Teru: …I’m getting kinda nervous… we didn’t find anything new and it has been three days already.

Memopo: No… this can’t be it! We shouldn’t give up now, we need to continue investigating..!

Kiyohara: Well… we didn’t find anything again. And the one that’s with that key didn’t show up. And this place is kinda small…

Teru: That’s true… there’s also that key..! So… someone’s really hiding that key from us..?

Aki: It seems like it. When I find that nasty person.. I’ll…

Nia: …What if I inspect on everyone’s dorms? Also, since we’re trapped inside this place, I can help everyone in here with a special section.

Haruka: That would be… lovely, but wouldn’t you waste your entire night helping us?

Nia: It’s nothing to fear, though, I’m more worried about my classmates than myself.

Kiyohara: That would be… nice. But don’t overwork yourself, alright?.

Nia: Haha, don’t tell me what to do.

Maki: Well.. I-Is that it, then..? Will I never finish my dark backstory at my circus?!

Haruka: My… students… didn’t you hear what Ms. Tsukiyama just said?

Aki: How… annoying…

Miya: …W-Well.. let’s stay hopeful! We need to… escape! 

Joshua: D-Don’t worry… buddies? Maisake and I are gettin’ out of here with y’all as soon as possible!

Maisake: Yes, let’s take a rest, everybody. We’ll never stay hopeful if we continue with that attitude.

Nia: So, we’re going to rest for now? I need some time to prepare myself.

Maki: Yep… I think so… Awa…

…Wow, that’s… sad. We didn’t find anything again, oh my god… Is… this the end? No… Uh… let’s… go back.

At least… Nia’s there to help us! I’m sad about her, though. She’s gonna waste most of her night trying to help us. She’s… actually way better than me.

-Now… what should we do while we wait for the announcement? Discuss about something?


Hello hello everyone! It is now 10pm, and thus, nighttime is officially starting, whew! So go to your dorm room, and sleep! Or stay awake, but be prepared for someone attacking you from behind! Good night, sleep tight, and killing? You might!

-…Well, that’s an answer for ya, aga’n. – That’s pretty on time. – giddy up y’all, to your cabinets! 

-And remember, I’ll go visit on each one of you guys’ dorm rooms, so stay prepared. 

-Alright, now… let’s get some rest, I guess? I was sooo in the mood… well, at least we’re not giving up, so that’s something.

-Hmm, Miya, you’re right! We shouldn’t give up, we’re gonna think of something, I’m sure of it!

-O-Oh, thanks Memopo! – Why she always gets flustered when I agree with her? It’s cute, and I like it, but… I just don’t understand. – 

-So… let’s go, now? – Yeah.. let’s go. – To our dorms…

Then… we all left the food court, and walked towards our dorms, no one actually said anything, we were all tired from today… and from Chokakku. Makoto wasn’t even waiting for me.

…I entered my dorm, closed the door and sat on the floor. I can’t believe that we didn’t find anything again. It’s my fault too, I barely investigated these days. Why is Chokakku acting like that? First Hoshi, and now Makoto?! Why? This place is bad, but she shouldn’t have done that!

…Why is it so difficult? Why is it so bad? I wanted to live a normal, happy life with my classmates. Makoto, Miya, Maisake, Maki… I want to get out… but I can’t do something like murder! It’s just… common sense, right..?

…Right? I can’t… kill.

After thinking about everything that’s been going on, I dropped myself on the bed, tired. I wanted to think more, I wanted to think about something that could help us escape.

…But after a few minutes, I fell asleep.






















Wait… what time is it…?


…O-Oh! Nia! She’s here!

I quickly jumped out of the bed, and ran towards the door, opening it with my phonobot. 

-…Oh, Nia, I’m sorry, I fell asleep! What time is it?

-Hello Memopo, please do not worry. And, I think it’s 1am, probably. –…One AM?! She’s still awake?! –

-H-How are you still awake?! And why?! Shouldn’t you be sleeping by now? 

-Haha, yes, but I didn’t. I promised to enter on everyone’s dorm room, didn’t I? Well, here am I.

-But… it’s too late. And the dorms are already dark by this point and I didn’t find a switch or anything.

-Do not worry, I’ll be quick, I promise. – Uh… yeah, alright then. – 

-Ok, alright…

Well, I let her inside, if she’s gonna be quick, then it’s alright, but she needs to get some sleep.

-Memopo, are you feeling exhausted? About this killing game? 

-…Yeah… that and the fact that it’s 1am. But yeah… I just- I still can’t believe that we’re still trapped inside this place, you know?

-Hmm, I understand. – She said, while investigated every single thing in my dorm. – This shopping mall is kinda intriguing, sure. But at least no one died so far, it shows that our bonds as classmates are strong. 

-Yeah… you’re right. But I’m still scared about the motive. And how Chokakku reacted about it. Any news about the key?

-Hmm… Not really, but I’m entering the not suspicious dorms first, so it’s understandable. 

-I’m not suspicious for you? Oh, thank you! So, who’s the next one?

-Hmm, probably Hajime, or Teru. You’re a very determined person Memopo, so I can’t see how you would be suspicious for me, or for anyone else. – Awn, thanks! She investigated a little bit more, and then… – Oh, Memopo, why didn’t you tell us about that diary?

-O-Oh, that diary? It just appeared inside my dorm when I first entered, I didn’t even open it until now.

-Is that so? Then why, even though it probably contains a lot of clues about this place? – She said, and looked at the front – 

-Monobot came into my dorm today and told me that I shouldn’t open it until I get some more pages. It seems like he made some kind of puzzle for me. I don’t understand.

-Well… Ultimate Fanfic Creator… that was Takedo Himoji, if I remember correctly. One of the kidnapped students, huh? This is interesting. – She started to open it, and then… – 

-Hey, don’t do that, or you’ll be punished!

-Well, well! What are you two ladies doing in the middle of the night?! It’s literally 1am, geez, get some sleep!

-Not now, Monobot, I am investigating. What about this diary?

-I already said to Memopo before, she shouldn’t open this diary until she finds all the pages up to Chapter 4!

-Hmm. Interesting. Now can you go? There’s a lot of stuff that I want to do.

-H-Heh?! You can’t, you creep! Unless you’re planning on killing her, I won’t let you guys wake me up in the middle of the night just for some investigation!

-Well, what if I kill you? Would that be better?

-E-Eh?! I’m your headmaster! Say that again and I’ll… execute you! Kehehe!

-Nia… I think you should go. He’s probably telling the truth, he can kill you!

-Alright, kill me then. – Eh?! – I didn’t break your rules, so kill me then, give Memopo solid proof that you’re a worthless scumbag. – N-Nia?! What the hell?! – 

-…Ugh, kehe… I hate when I can’t do things like that. – Huh? He… can’t kill her? –

-Wait, what do you mean? You can’t kill her?

-…Well, I don’t think it’s written in the rules section but… I was programmed to never kill someone until a rule is broken, or they’ve been found in a class trial, or as a sacrifice for a motive.

-…You SHOULD update that! That’s important! It’s on your code!

-Hey, Shush, I’m your headmaster and I know what’s good for you! But… ugh, I’m tired, alright just lemme…


-Now that rule is your Phonobot, satisfied..? – I looked on my Phonobot to see if he was telling the truth, and then… –

Oh, so he was telling the truth. “Unless a rule is broken, Headmaster Baby Boy Monobot can’t kill or punish an innocent student.” …I think this is important, somehow. But I’m too sleepy to process it through my mind.

-Thank you, Monobot. Now, can you… please. Leave? I need to continue my investigation.

-Alright, alright, gee. It seems like nothing important is happening anyway. Just get out of this dorm as soon as possible, I didn’t wake up for that! And I was almost ready to congratulate someone for killing, geez… – Then… he left my dorm. Finally. – 

-Thank you. Now, Memopo, I’ll continue my investigation. I’m almost finishing it, so don’t worry.

Well… after that, nothing important happened. Nia finished her investigation, and I was almost sleeping, until…

-Hey, Memopo, wake up.

-…Huh? – I opened my eyes, quickly. And then I saw… –

Memopo: H-Huh?!

Nia: Are you still awake? I was almost leaving, but I decided to check on you once more. 

Memopo: W-Where… did you get that thing?

Nia: Huh? It was on that giant magic box over there, you see, pretty interesting if I may say. Can I have your permission to keep it? It kinda brings me memories from my childhood.

Memopo: Huh..? Oh, that’s my shiny blue pendulum from like… just one show?? The hypnosis trick… Sure… alright… The trick didn’t work anyway… it was my first show. But why did you wake me up?

Nia: If you don’t remember, I was investigating your dorm. And since I was just about to leave, I just wanted to ask you if I could keep this. 

Memopo: Oh, okay… where did you put that diary?

Nia: I left it on that big top hat.

Memopo: …Alright… It’s… alright. Goodbye Nia, and please, get some rest.

Nia: Alright, haha. Thank you so much! Good night.

Memopo: Night, Nia…

Then… Nia left my dorm, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I looked at the top hat just to see if she told me the truth, and yes, the diary was on top on that top hat. top on top. Haha…

Anyway… today was a big day… tomorrow is probably gonna be the best day, when we finally escape this place! I’m sure of it! Again… Alright.

I’m scared… No, not scared, but worried. I’m worried about myself, and everyone, and especially Makoto. He needs to stay safe, and just a few hours ago, Chokakku almost murdered him… I need to get out of this place, with him and the rest of my class… and… I will do everything that I can to protect him. Anything, to protect my best friend and neighbor. He owes me curry.

Wow, I’m sleepy.





















The forest, a dangerous hellhole, for dangerous animals and true men, just like me. Who am I, you might ask? Well, I’m a emo. I’m the king of the lords of the evil edgyness. I’m also a vampire, and a werewolf. I’m powerful as hell and I also was abandoned when I was a kid by both of my parents in the jungle. I hate everyone and my heart is hard to melt. I also murdered an entire high-school before.

But honestly? There’s one thing that I love. Myself. I shouldn’t be afraid of myself or how my story works. As long as I improve myself and accept criticism here and there, I’ll grow up and I’ll be a better person, maybe my heart won’t be as hard to melt anymore! Take those harsh and nasty words of mine, fellow emo kings! Be yourself, as long as you improve and get better! There’s no need to fear about the present, especially if you’re just starting! We can do this, fellow emos! Together! 

Now, one day, I will finally get my revenge towards my step-brother, who killed my entire family in cold blood and left me alone in a rainy night, laughing as he ran away. He left me to die in the forest, but I grew up, and now, it’s time for me to get my revenge. I’ll find you, oh, long lost step-brother! And when I find you, I will destroy you, and get my revenge, for our dead step-mother! 

@Druwcapa – 2019 – Chapter 1 – Part 2 –


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