Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 1 – Investigation

@Druwcapa – 2019 – Chapter 1 – Investigation –


A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather at the storeroom for more information! After a certain amount of time has passed, which you may use however you like, the Class Trial will begin! 








…… W-What…?




S-So, it’s true then..?

Shiroga… s-she is… why? Who did this? 

Who hurted you?

No… No. Please… No… I want to escape… with everyone else… together… no, please, no…


S-Shiroga… please…


I want everyone… to escape…




Everything I could hear inside that bloody storeroom was Miya’s heartbreaking scream and Makoto’s cry for help. I was frozen in time. I was shocked, more than just terrified. I just stood there, looking at Shiroga’s dead body. There’s blood everywhere. The entire room is messy and I felt like I would faint anytime soon.

I-I can’t believe this. I really, I really can’t. How did she end up here? And… why? There’s no motive! Escape? Trying to kill us all?! Why?! Why would someone kill her?!

I heard footsteps. 

Someone was coming.

I heard even more footsteps.

Everyone heard the announcement.

-O-Oh… Oh my.. A-AHHHHHHHHHHGHHHHH!!! – It was Haruka. She was screaming in agony. – N-NOOO!! M-Ms. Nesumiiiii!!

-W-What the crap?! W-WHAT THE FUCK?! S-Shiroga, my sister! W-Who did that to you?! – Also Maki. Crying.

-W-What the hell?! This ain’t possible, pal! What the frickish HELL?!!? – Next, it was Joshua. – URKH!! 

-S-Shiroga… SHIROGA, NOOOO! WHY?! W-Why would someone do this?! – Next, Teru, he was horrified. –

-O-Oh my god, someone actually died! I can’t believe this! And… Shiroga?! – Nia… she was astonished, I think. – Oh no, t-that was NOT in my plans… S-Shiroga….

-O-Oh my god, Shiroga?! What the shit, dude?! Why would someone kill her?! O-Oh my god! – Even kiyohara was upset. –

-Oh no… – Maisake was… I don’t know. I don’t understand her very well. She seems like she’s panicking. – Shiroga, no…

-God, fuck! I can’t believe you guys killed the nicest girl here! What the fuck, you guys are fucking horrible! – Chokakku was very angry. – S-Shit! W-What the hell?! – O-Okay…. –

-Nooo… NOOOOOOO!! Not Shiroga! Noooooo!! W-What h-happened?! W-Why there’s so much b-blood?!

-S-SHIROGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! – Hoshi and Hajime were both screaming, too.

But… someone also came. And their reaction wasn’t that great.

-……S-Shiroga… No… No no… No.. W-What the fuck…. W-WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! – Zeto…. he was pissed…. a lot… and he deserved to be… – W-Who…W-Who DID THIS?!

-O-Oh, my god… Zeto I’m so… – Aki tried to talk to him, but… – I’m so sor–

-D-Don’t touch me you little fucking shit.. O-One of you guys. I-It was one of you guys… wasn’t it…? IT WAS ONE OF YOU GUYS, W-WASN’T IT?!

-Y-You have the exact same chances to be the killer too, asshole! W-We don’t know who killed her yet!

-D-Don’t fucking test me. I know you’re brave and shit already. One of you guys… k-killed my friend, my best friend… S-Shiroga… I will never forgive you. You heard me?! I will NEVER forgive YOU! I… I–

-Well well well well, well! It looks like everybody is here already! 

-N-Not you… Not you! N-Not again..! – Makoto was afraid, because… –

-KEHEHEHEHEEH!!  It is I, Botomachine! Monorobot! Monothinguie! Monokuma bootleg! Monobot! – Ugh… I hate this guy so much. How can he say something like that in a joyful way…? Someone is dead! –

-Thank you, thank you! You guys finally started the Killing Game! I mean, one you guys at least!

-Y-You’re cruel… So cruel… H-How can you do this to us…? To her…?! She’s DEAD! A girl is dead because of you! – Miya finally stopped crying… now she’s just sobbing in depression. –

-What do you mean, Miss Miya? I didn’t kill her! In fact, it was one of you guys, just like I said! Kehehehe! I have video proof!

-O-One of us…?! One of us did that… horrible thing?! I-It can’t be!

-T-Then show us! Show us the video and tell us who killed her already! 

-Nope! I’m not sorry, but I can’t, Makoto! Since she’s the first victim, you guys probably forgot about the Class Trials, but I’ll explain again! – Class Trials… that thing that was written on the rules, right…? I can’t do this… not right now. I’m not prepared, I can’t even look at her body… –

Well, the class trial is a moment where you guys discuss about the killer, and at the end, you all need to make a choice, for who the killer is! If you all vote correctly, then only they will receive punishment! But if you pick the wrong one… then I’ll punish everyone besides the killer, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

-A-And by… “graduate” you mean, will escape from this mall…?

-Exactly, Memopo!

-Y-You… twisted monster…! We can’t do anything! W-We’re not detectives! We don’t know where to start!

-Y-Yeah! A-And I don’t wanna look at her… b-body! I just wanna go home!

-Oh, hoho! But don’t worry! I know you guys aren’t professionals in investigating corpses and stuff, so I’ll help you out as much as I can! 

-Oh, but then… Y-You’re motivating us not to kill, now? Because what would be the point about trying to escape if you’re going to spoil us everything?

-Nia, Nia, Nia… I won’t help you guys in every single problem! I’ll help you as much as I can! So, if there’s something that I do know, but the killer obviously wanted you to not know of, I won’t tell!

-Pathetic. J-Just go away. I will investigate this alone.

-Wait, wait, wait! I need to give you guys… this!

After that, we all heard a sound on our Phonobots. When we turned them on, we saw…

Memopo: W-What… what is that?! What is this information?!

Monobot: The Monobot File! It has everything that you need to know about the corpse! Except some spoilers, of course! It’s to help you guys with the investigation! So, please check that out!

Teru: H-How do we know that you’re not lying just to get us killed?!

Monobot: Because I won’t lie, silly! I just said that I’m going to help you guys, please believe in me!

Maki: I… won’t believe in someone who made us kill each other!

Monobot: Hey… c’mon! I’m just programmed to be like this! But seriously, you guys need to start the investigation already, It’s nighttime and I don’t want you all to stay awake until 5am. Oh, and just for this investigation, every door in this shopping mall is unlocked! Now…

Maisake: W-why are you being so caring about us, all of sudden? Just go away, we’ll do this on our own.

Monobot: It’s my job as the headmaster of this field trip to help you guys in every way that I can! So I want you guys to stay healthy! But enough talking! Someone is getting executed tonight, so I need to make my preparations! Good luck!

Kiyohara: W-Wait! What about the–… He left…

Zeto: I’m getting the hell out of here. I won’t stay in a room alongside a… a murderer. I’m getting back here when everyone’s out.

I… I can’t do this. I-I just can’t…

I-I’m sorry, S-Shiroga… I’m so sorry… But I can’t…

I wanted us all to escape this place… together… but now…

I’m just a Magician… N-Not a Criminal Investigator… or something…

I-I can’t…-

-H-Hey… M-Memopo… – M-Makoto…? – P-Please… don’t scare me like that again… alright?

-H-Huh? What are you talking abo–

Makoto: I… I don’t wanna lose you. S-So please… L-Let’s investigate… already…

Memopo: M-Makoto… I… I can’t.. I can’t even look at her body…

Makoto: I…. I know. I-It’s horrible to think that o-one of us…. did that…. B-But… it’s just like… M-Monobot said… if we don’t do anything, we’ll get killed…

Memopo: I…. I…. – ….I started to cry. I… I needed to be brave. B-Brave enough to… investigate…. but I… –

Makoto: I-It’s okay… It’s okay… Let it out….

Chokakku: Hey! Enough already with the chitty chat! Someone just died, asshole!

R-Right… I… I need to investigate.

After she said that… I looked around the storeroom.

Huh..? Most of them already left the room? I think… They’re investigating..? How..?

-H-How are you guys investigating?! I can’t even look at.. her… like that…

-Bitch, honestly? Me n-neither. But we need to do that shit, don’t we? So stop being an useless hoe and try to do some shit too.

-D-Don’t call her like that, you’re just a rude ass, mean bitch!! H-How can you be so insensitive?! Someone almost killed her too! 

-O-oh, what. I’m sorry, but can you say that again, Miya?! Memopo, what happened?!

-I… I… I was knocked out…. U-Ugh… my head…

-S-Someone… probably the killer… hit her head with something pretty hard, probably the murder weapon, I guess.

-Y-Yeah, sis, c’mon, we found her lying on the floor with a bunch of blood around the door, we thought she was dead. Damn, even she thought that she was dead.

-……Ugh, okay, I’m gonna say it. “S-Sorry”, satisfied? So, uh, try to do your best or something, we need to investigate and you need to work with someone. We’ve decided to split into groups… a minute ago.

-I-I think I’ll stay with Makoto… He’s been holding me up since Monobot appeared.

-A-Alright.. then… you guys should check the “Monobot File”… Aki and I are going to check the outside…

-T-Thank heavens. I’ll definitely vomit if I stay one more second at this place…

S-So… alright… it’s now… or never…

We need to… start the investigation…

or else… we’re going to die.

I’m not… prepared… but…

Makoto’s with me, so… let’s start this.

For you… Shiroga Nesumi. We’re going to…

….L-let’s go.

-So… Memopo, are you ready to check the Monobot File? I saw quickly before and… there was an image of her… body.

-…I… I think I’m going to be okay… I can just… not look at her photo, right?

-R-Right… so let’s do this.

The victim was Shiroga Nesumi, the Ultimate Unlucky Student. 

(Weight – 145 lbs) (Height – 5’6″)

Her body was found inside of the Storeroom, at nighttime.

The time of her death is exactly 10:20 PM.

She has some bruises around her body, along with some cuts made by a sharp object.

The deadly cut was made around her neck, by the same sharp object. She suffered from a terrible blood loss, but the deadly cut was the final strike.

She also has a big open scar on her head, made by also the same sharp object.

-So… this is everything… huh? A-At least we know about the deadly cut… and the t-time of death…

-God… she suffered…so much… Makoto…

-I… It looks like it… W-Who did that to her…? Why make it so brutal? 

-Y-Yes… she did… nothing wrong… but someone still murdered her…

-…W-We’re going to avenge her, alright? We need to avenge her.

-…Alright. Let’s keep that file in mind for now. We need to collect more clues.

☆Monobot File #1☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-Also… Memopo.


-T-Take a look at the crime scene… 

-W-What’s wrong with it?

-I can help you with that. – Oh, that’s right. Maisake is here… – You’re probably talking about the struggle, aren’t you?

-O-Oh, yeah. Thanks, Maisake…

-S-struggle? – I asked. So… there was a struggle here…? Between Shiroga… and whoever… d-did that, to her? – 

-Yeah… There’s some harsh marks on the wall… and from what it seems, there was a big fight between Shiroga and the killer… that’s what I think, at least.

-S-So… you’re both saying that… the killer attacked Shiroga… and she defended herself…? S-She was probably… so defenseless….

-Hey. Memopo. Look… I know this is a bad.. situation. But… remember what I said to you? Days ago?


-You… you need to be strong. You need to stay focused so we… so we can avenge her.

-…I need to. But I’m not… strong enough. I’ve been saying everyone since day one that we would… escape this place together.


-Memopo… Let’s go. We… we can do this, alright? Y-You helped me before.. So I… I will help you. I will support you now. We… need to find Shiroga’s killer… so let’s keep the struggle in mind… and… continue, alright? I’ll be here with you.

-….A-alright… T-Thank you guys. I… I’ll try to be strong. For her. Now…

☆Signs of Struggle☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-N-Now… let’s stay calm.. and investigate.

-Do you think that you can… look at her, now?

-…I think so. I think I’m ready.

-…Alright… let’s do this.

Ok… Shiroga… I won’t fail you. I won’t fail anyone else… let’s find your killer… together. Even if it means… k-killing another one of o-our classmates. W-We can get through this…! Let’s… start our ACTUAL investigation, now!

-U-Ugh… her body looks so… full of despair. I don’t know how much longer I can look at her like that… a-anyway… let’s be strong. Maisake, Chokakku, any news about the… her.. body investigation?

-Well, there’s a lot to unpack. First… her glasses. They’re gone, for some reason.

-Her glasses..? Oh, she’s not wearing her glasses! – Huh, why isn’t she wearing her glasses?! –  What if… she… she broke her glasses? O-On the struggle?

-Actually, I found them inside this bucket. – Chokakku said, and pointed at… huh? – But yeah, they’re broken for sure.

That’s a very… bloody bucket, with a bloody mop too. What was the killer planning to do with that? 

-And I also found those. – She said, handing me some…

-Glass shards inside that bucket? Could these shards be from… her glasses..? 

-No, dumbass. They’re bigger and thicker than her tiny glasses. I don’t see where it could be from, though. But still, it might be good to keep that in your pocket or something. – I won’t put a bloody glass shard on my pocket. –

-And… yeah, her glasses are broken, too. Which supports your theory about a struggle. – Yeah, Makoto is right. If Shiroga somehow were to fight the killer, her glasses would probably gonna get shattered anyway, and that’s what made her defenseless…

☆Broken Glasses and Bloody Water☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

☆Glass Shards☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-Did you understand me, Memopo? It’s better to get things slowly, so don’t hesitate to ask for help.

-…No, I-I think I get it. There’s a bloody bucket with her glasses inside of it…which were shattered from that supposed struggle… and there’s also some glass shards inside that bucket as well.

-Okay, I guess you guys are ready, then. – Huh? Ready for what? – Memopo, you’re the killer, aren’t you? – What?! – 

-H-Huh?! Maisake?! H-How can you.. say that?!

-…I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. I was trying to humor you to get you on shape but…

-Do not worry, I know that you’re not the killer. But… it seems like someone tried to frame this crime on you. – …..W-What?! –

-W-Wait, what?! F-Frame Memopo?! – Y-Yeah?! Why would someone frame me for murder? That’s terrible! –

-I know, it’s shocking, but look, it’s behind that box. 

-See? Here’s your name, written in blood. – T-That’s gross… and super disgusting… why would someone try to frame me… I c-can’t understand at all! –

-…Well, the killer made a really bad job, that’s for sure. Her hands aren’t even covered in blood! Just her left hand of course, but her right hand’s the one close to that message! 

-Yes, I think that’s what they call “The killer’s fatal mistake”… or something. The killer probably made an even more fatal mistake, but for now, this looks like their downfall.

Yeah… and the box position… that’s also something to think about..! Her hand is too far from that message! 

-….I will avenge you, Shiroga. And I won’t forget… whoever did that to you! Destroying your innocence and framing me? T-That’s a no-no!

-…You can do this, Memopo! We can do this! Now let’s keep investigating, we need to collect every kind of evidence that we can..!

-…Oh, yeah, alright. Sorry. S-So… her right hand isn’t bloody, unlike her left hand, and… there’s a fake message on the wall…

-Yeah, are sure you can handle this?

-…Sure, I can. Thanks, Makoto. This is kind of easy…. at least for now it’s being… easy.

☆”Dying Message”☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

☆Shiroga’s Hands☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-Oh, that’s right. Hey, dumbasses. Before we finish on this place, there’s also something that’s been bothering me. 

-…What is it, Chokakku?

-Well, the Monobot file stated that Shiroga died by a sharp object sliced through her neck, right?

-Oh, yeah… Oh, I see know! If she… died by that. Then why there is a rope around her… n-neck?

-…Y-Yeah, that’s actually a valid point! Why is there a rope around her neck? What was the killer planning to do?

-…I don’t know, I can’t think about anything. But I remember that this place had this rope before! Yeah… if I remember correctly…

-…Yep! This rope belongs to this room! I don’t see anything in particular that would be strange to be here though… well.. except… y-you know.

-…Y-Yeah, at least it’s a new discovery, am I right? We’re going to that class trial thing and find out the killer super fast!

-…Well, I’m suuper excited for that class trial then, or whatever. – She said, in an obvious sarcastic tune. – I’ll get some air, see you dumbasses later, I guess. – Then, she left the room. Chokakku looked really upset, though. She was scared before, but I don’t think that she would do something like this. Like, she was trying to kill Hoshi and Makoto for sure, but she wouldn’t do something… so brutal.  –

…It’s sad, but I understand her. She’s trying to forget about this situation by running away, but… she’s pretty shocked about the murder, probably just as me. 

…Anyway, I need to get back on track. We need to continue the investigation.

-…Well, she did say something valuable, so let’s continue… Ugh… 

Hmm… Yes, both of them are right. Why is there a rope around her neck if the deadly weapon was a sharp object? I’ll keep that in mind as well.

☆Shiroga’s Injury☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-I-I don’t understand how you guys are coming with such theories so quickly. It’s so strange… I can’t even think straight right now…

-It’s… I don’t know, I think it’s because this case is kinda obvious. Not the killer, at least for now, but their plan was probably one of the most predictable things ever.

-Yeah… We just need to think a little and everything comes clear. This class trial is probably going to be super fast if we continue like this.

-I.. see. – Hmm… I’m… no, stop thinking about yourself! You need to stay focused, for Shiroga! –

-Oh, and, Makoto? Memopo? Can you guys do me a favor?

-Oh, Maisake? What is it? 

-This purple door was unlocked by Monobot, wasn’t it? He said that every door was unlocked. Can you guys investigate inside of it for me? It would be way better than staying in a… pool of blood. At least for you, Memopo.

-…Are you sure you can handle this by yourself, Maisake?

-Yes, please don’t worry, but go fast, we don’t know how much time we have left for investigation.

-O-Oh, sure, alright. – She was right. We need to investigate as fast as possible, or else Monobot will call us for the class trial and we won’t have anything to talk about. – Well, we’ll surely come back if we find anything new! 

-Alright, good luck for both of you guys.

Then.. we opened the door. And it was pitch black. At first, I thought it was just a dark room, and it seemed like Makoto also thought about that as well, since he nodded at me. But when we both entered inside that door…

It was pitch black. Like, full emo black, the floors, walls, ceiling, everything was black. But somehow there was just enough light for us to see each other. That’s strange.

…What is this shopping mall, after all? I can’t understand this place at all! This was the key motive, right? What does that key has to do with anything?

-U-Ugh, finally, some fresh air without smelling blood. – Oh, that’s also right, it’s chilly inside, and there’s also some echo in here. How, if this is a closed room?! –

-Was this place always… inside of the shopping mall? T-This was the key motive, wasn’t it? 

-The key motive?! So, that entire chaos was for… a black room?!

I was confused, but then, I walked around this place for a while… and…

-…Wait, this is not a normal room. This is an entire hallway! Look, it’s kinda echoing!

-Whaat?!?! – Makoto then ran onto my direction – Is this place super long? If so, how can this place be a motive?

-I don’t know… we need to figure it out. Because if this was another motive, then… Shiroga died… because of it. 

-…So, how can the killer use this room for their murder? It’s just a black room.

-Maybe… they could hide somewhere? What if there’s a place for hiding?

-Hmm… – Then, Makoto started to touch… the wall? – It doesn’t seem like it. I can’t find a place to hide anywhere.

-So… let’s walk for a bit? Maybe we’ll find anything. – He agreed with me, and then, we started to walk deeper into this dark hallway. –











-So… did you find anything…? – We’re wasting so much time…! What should we do? It’s just a black hallway through the entire mall! –

-…Wait.. is that a… door?! – Uh, what? –

-O-Oh! Thank god, it is! It’s a… It’s that door from the Audio Room! 

-Wait, but how?! We’re inside of this hallway! We wouldn’t be able to go through that door!

-…Wait, Makoto, let me… – I said, walking towards that door. I opened it, and then I saw… – 

…Huh?! I-It’s… a secret passageway! It’s a secret passageway after all! Wait… Oh, wait! If that’s a secret passageway… Could that be…?

-H-Hey, that’s the actual audio room?! H-How did we end up here?! – Makoto exclaimed, astonished. – 

-…Makoto, I understand now! We entered that door, walked inside that dark hallway, and ended up here..! So it’s probably a secret passageway! Maybe that’s why it’s so long, it’s through the entire mall!

-T-Through the entire mall?! So maybe… If we continued walking… we would be able to go through all the rooms?!

-That’s my theory! Yeah! Should I… save this, just in case?

-I mean, yeah! It’s a theory but… that door was open after all… So… what if the killer used that door to escape, instead of hiding?!

-Yeah, YEAH! Hmm… Alright, let’s keep that in mind! – Now… uh…  let’s… O-Oh. –

-…H-Huh?! I didn’t notice that! W-What is this?!

-It’s a… It’s a B-Bloody Knife?! H-How on earth?! 

-I-I’m getting… afraid… a-again… N-No. Alright. L-Let’s stay calm, alright? Anyway…

-So… If we continue with that theory… then, the killer probably used… that hallway to enter this room?

-W-Wait, how can we be so sure? Is that the “sharp murder weapon” that the Monobot File mentioned..?

-…I think so..? It’s pretty bloody. Maybe we should keep that in mind, too. Just in case, again…

-Alright… Is there anything here that seems suspicious… like that knife?

-…I…I can’t see anything suspicious. Except that knife, of course. Strange… why the killer chose this room to throw that knife, and nothing else…?

-…That is strange…

Do you… Do you wanna continue through the black hallway, or you want to go through the normal shopping mall…?

-…I think it’s best for us to go through the normal shopping mall. We wasted enough time by walking in that strange place.

-Okay… then, let’s go out… I guess?

-Alright, sure! But, uh… first…

☆Bloody Knife☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-Alright… let’s keep going… this is kinda easy so far… it’s strange. I’m worried about the class trial.

-I mean… I’m also worried. But we’re doing our best, aren’t we..? So, uh, we shouldn’t worry about those little things! Let’s keep going, alright?

-O-Of course..! Let’s go, then. – I smiled at him, and then, both of us walked away from that bloody audio room. – 

-A-Are you alright… Mr. Nakanaka? D-Do you need any help investigating?

-I-I… I d-don’t want to…. I don’t wanna investigate… 

-B-But we need to! We need to stay focused, so we can find… M-Ms. Nesumi’s… villain. – So, they’re here… Hoshi is really scared, and Haruka seems to be the one that was paired up with him. –

-O-Oh, hey, guys… Are you all right? Ms. Nikada..? Hoshi?

-A-ARGHHHH!!!! – Hoshi, just like always, was afraid. He probably didn’t notice us until now. – H-How did you guys show up?! 

-O-Oh… We entered the audio room through a… secret passageway. There was one in the storeroom.

-Oh! A secret passageway…? T-That purple door, I suppose? M-My… I never expected… one of us…

-I-I was locked in the Game Station, t-then… there was the announcement… and then the door unlocked… and then… and then…

-S-Shiroga…. S-Shi… Shiroga…!! – Hoshi started to cry. – H-How are going to survive…?! We.. We promised that we wouldn’t…

-H-Hoshi, please! We need to stay determined! Please, for Shiroga… you need to investigate further! For the truth!

-B-But I’m… I-I did create some mystery games… b-but!! I-It’s real!! It’s… h-her! I shouldn’t be a detective..! I’m not the Ultimate Detective!

-I know, Hoshi. But if we’re going to be “detectives” now… we shouldn’t give up so easily. I-It’s okay to cry, but, just try to do a bit of investigation, okay?

-…A-Alright…. – Said Hoshi, trying to stay calm. –

-So… Ms. Sakagara? Mr. Hiroma? What were you both doing inside that Audio Room, again?

-As I said, there was a secret passageway inside the storeroom. Uh, it looks like it goes 

around the entire shopping mall. 

-Oh, yeah! And inside the audio room, there was a bloody knife. A really, really bloody knife.

-B-Bloody… Knife?!

-Mr. Nakanaka and I didn’t enter the audio room, so this is a surprise! Thank you for that information… Ms. Sakagara…

-So… what are you guys going to do now…?

-W-We… we’re gonna continue exploring the outside… for my sanity. 

-Y-Yes. But we’re getting some clues, so I think we’re going to be fine at the… class trial.

-Huh? Some clues? What about it? 

-Oh, uh, let me see.. Oh! I can tell you about the order of appearances!

-Order of… what? Are you talking about who appeared at the storeroom?

-Exactly! I have a pretty good memory, that’s actually one of the reasons I got my talent as the Ultimate Teacher! 

-O-Oh, so, can you tell us? That can be pretty useful later!

-Alright then! Let’s see… Hmm…

-Okay! First, it was you, Ms. Dafinu and Mr. Hiroma! – Makoto, Miya and I, alright, we’re the ones who found… her body. –

-Then… after that, it was… Mr. Kinota, myself, Ms. Kin, Mr. Jazra and Mr. Tozumi! – Ok, so, Aki, Haruka, Maki, Joshua and… Teru? Alright… – 

-After that, Ms. Tsukiyama, Mr. Inuma, Ms. Saihara, Ms. Dokuita… Mr. Nakanaka here with me… along with Mr. Nohara. – So… Nia, Kiyohara… Maisake, Chokakku… Hoshi and Hajime? –

-Hmm… I see! But what about Zeto… Mr. Pannacota?

-Oh, Mr. Pannacota was the last one. He appeared after the rest of us arrived at the storeroom. He wasn’t with us when Mr. Kinota called at the dorms section.

-Oh, strange. But thanks a lot! This is really important, Ms. Nikada! 

-I-It’s nothing… I just wished that we could escape this place… with everyone else…

-Me too… but right now… we should prepare ourselves. For the class trial.

-Y-Yes… I… I’m scared… but since you guys are h-here with me… I think we’re gonna do great! T-Then, escape this… m-mall!

-Yes, be hopeful and determined, Hoshi! – Yes! And… I should also keep that in mind. The order. – 

☆Order of Appearance☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-Now… we should go, we need to investigate in other places as well, I’m so sorry Ms.Sakagara and Mr. Hiroma.

-It’s alright, really! Don’t worry about us! And thanks for the help!

-Alright then. Good luck! And stay safe, Hoshi and Ms. Nikada!

-T-Thank you! Good luck for you, too! 

Then, Haruka and Hoshi walked away. And we stayed there. Makoto and I.

-…Hey, we should also continue our investigation, shouldn’t we? 

-Y-Yeah… but where should we look now?

-What if… we go to the entrance? Maybe theres also some clues around there? Since we found out that there’s a dark hallway around this shopping mall…

-…Good idea, good idea. You’re a real thinker, and a lifesaver, Makoto. T-Thank you so much!

-O-Oh! It’s nothing… I’m glad you’re safe… B-But anyway, we should go now, we don’t know how much time we have left for us to investigate.

-Y-Yeah, you’re right, sorry. This investigation stuff is kinda easy, thank you again for helping me calm down… – Alright… and then… we walked towards the Food Court. – 

-O-Oh, Makoto and Memopo are… here! They’re here! – Oh, Teru… is here? –

-T-Thank Godly God! At least w-we’re safe! Together, am I right buddies?? – And Maki is… being Maki. – 

-Heya, buds. Found anythin’? – Joshua is… kinda chill? – We’ve been tryin’ to “investigate” or somethin’, but my partner is really distressed about this… thing.

-S-Shiroga….. I-I can’t b-believe… I can’t believe someone actually did that… I-It’s so brutal…

-Y-You’re right, Kiyohara… but we need to focus on the investigation… we need to find the killer. – I said, trying to calm him down. – 

-B-But! I didn’t sign up for this..! I-I’m scared, man! We were going to a field trip… and now… one of our classmates i-is…!

-Please, please don’t say it. – Teru begged, still astonished from before. – I… I don’t want to hear it. 

-B-But… what are you guys going to do, then..? We need to… do something, to avenge her..!

-W-We’re going to… stay here. – Huh?! – I… I don’t wanna investigate a dead… body… I-I know it’s selfish but… I’m just a cook. And a bowler… I don’t have any skills…

-S-Shiroga… O-Oh my, Oh my… S-Such a good girl… S-She came to some of my shows from my family circus, too… To see her… at that room… It’s too much..!

-I-I don’t wanna investigate anymore, what the fuck?! I wanna go home! – Kiyohara, no! – I-It’s obviously Monobot w-who did this! W-We shouldn’t suspect each other!

-But… he said at the storeroom. It… It really was one of us. One of our classmates… killed Shiroga. – Makoto…. – And it’s our job to figure it out… for her sake.

-…I see ya, bud. Y’kno, somethin’s bothering me, ya know? While we were investigatin’ the kitchens… we found out that one of the knives went missin’. 

-Hmm… one of the knives? How do you know that? – I asked him, because I never saw him at the kitchen. – 

-Like I said, gal. “We” were investigatin’. My partner Teru was there. It seems like…. How can I say this… 

-Huh? What happened? 

-N-No, it’s like… Gah, I forgot the word. Can ya help me there, pal? – Oh, I see. It’s okay then. –

-O-Oh… are you talking about the drawers..? T-Three drawers… Inside each drawer, there was 5 knives… E-Except one of course, that had 6 knives.

-Oh, thank ya! Yup, it’s the drawer! It had… 16 knives in total! Sixteen, I think it’s for each one of our mates. 

-A-Anyway… one of the knives went missing… I was going to prepare a dish before the trial… for us… and I noticed it.

-Oh, hey, Memopo! What if it’s the same knife that we found at the audio room? – Oh, that’s right! – 

-You’re right, Makoto! Guys, there was a… bloody. Knife at the audio room! Maybe it’s the knife you guys are talking about..?

-A-A bloody… knife?! M-Man, then… Shiroga… w-went… gone… by that?! A knife?! 

-K-Kiyohara, I didn’t want to hear it! N-Noo….

-G-Guys… I think we should let them rest for a while, Memopo.

-Yeah… I also think so. Guys, just… stay calm, okay..? It’s a bad situation, but… we have to do this. It’s… our only choice now. 

-W-We’ll try… G-Good luck at the trial… Memopo, Makoto.

-Thanks, Teru..! Stay safe, okay? You too, Kiyohara, Maki.

-T-Thanks… Makoto…

-Yep, and I’ll… seek for anythin’ else. I’ll try to find some bullets for now. Good luck, pal, and gal! – B-Bullets?! – 

-Thanks, Joshua! – I exclaimed. Then, Makoto and I walked away. –

☆Teru’s Account☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

I… I still can’t believe that Shiroga is… gone. It’s so sudden… she was talking and laughing… today. And now she’s just… gone.

Makoto is really helping me out. I know I shouldn’t make decisions by my own feelings but… I’m feeling it. I know Makoto is clearly not the culprit. Makoto, Miya… and Aki. They’re definitely… not the culprit.

…We walked towards the entrance. But suddenly… We found someone else. Along with a person that I was surprised to see socializing.

-…Zeto..? Nia? What are you guys… doing here? – It seems like Makoto was also surprised to see them. – 

-…U-Ugh… – Zeto… was crying..? Oh my god. I was expecting him to be extremely mad but… not crying. – M-Memopo… And Makoto… 

-Hello, Makoto. Memopo. I’ve been trying to help him since he’s… kinda broken. From what happened. But it’s no use, and I don’t want to struggle around anymore. – Huh, what do you mean? Aren’t you a psychologist?! – 

-W-Wait, Nia, you should help him, you’re a psychologist, aren’t you?

-…… – She looked at us, and then looked at him. – I do have some experience with psychology, it’s true. Hope’s Peak called me because of it. But I can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. 

-He… doesn’t want to be helped? Zeto…? Why are you…

-…I just want to investigate, Memopo. L-Leave… leave me alone. I… S-Shiroga… I… 

-I didn’t want her to go! S-She was… she was everything… everything… to me. We were together since we entered Hope’s Peak..! I… I don’t want any help, I just wanna… I…

-….Wow, you’re finally opening yourself, aren’t you? It’s been a while since I heard such honest words coming from you.

-…Please. – Huh? D-Did I hear that correctly?! Did he say “please”?! – Please, just leave me alone. I… I think I’m going back to the storeroom. I need to investigate… her.

-Do you want some company, maybe? I can help you relax while going to the storeroom. You have a big scar that needs to be fixed, you know?

-I-I’m… ugh, I’m fine. Just… let me go. – Then… he walked away. – 

…That was heartbreaking, a lot. Shiroga really meant a lot for him. Just like Makoto means so much for me. I need to help him, but… the only thing that I can do know is focus on the investigation.

-So… Memopo and Makoto, huh? What are you doing here? Investigating, perhaps?

-Yeah… We’re trying to find new clues… this case is kinda itchy. Do you have anything that could help us?

-Well… except the motive, that I’ve been thinking about how it connects to this case, I do have some questions.

-Wait… Oh, you’re right! The motive, Memopo! We forgot about it! – Y-You’re right, Makoto! – 

-Excuse me, but how? It’s just so simple. “Kill someone and don’t get discovered so you can leave with someone else.” and… made by our dear Makoto here, “If no one dies in five days, everyone gets executed.”

-I… I already said sorry okay? Anyway… There’s also that secret key, right..?

-Oh, yes, yes. The key. “A secret key was given to one of the killing game contestants. It opens a secret place inside this shopping mall.”

-So… do you still think that the secret key opened the…?

-The dark hallway? Yep, I still think so, Makoto. 

-What are you two talking about? Did you both discover the secret door?!

-Oh, we’re talking about that door from the storeroom. The purple and yellow one. It goes to a big, dark hallway all around the shopping mall. It also seems like it has some shortcuts? Because we ended up leaving at the audio room.

-Oh! I see, I see. Then my previous theory makes much more sense now. – Huh? Previous theory? – While I was investigating… The audio room was locked. The problem is… the garden was also locked. 

-Huh?! But that would be impossible! Both can’t be locked at the same time! Monobot said so! Actually, he opened all the doors, didn’t he?

-I know, I do know that. But from what I experienced alone, both were locked by the time that I tried to open the doors. First, it was the garden, then the audio room.

-…That’s strange. That’s definitely strange. Anything else that might be useful for us?

-No, I don’t think so. I need to go back to the storeroom now, though. Since you both gave me a very useful information, I might as well try it.

-Oh, but you also gave us some pretty good info, too! It makes this case even more easier!

-Haha, I’m flattered, really. Now, I must go, the clock is ticking! – She said, and then made some clock noises. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. – Goodbye for now. 

-Bye, good luck for you, Nia! – I said, and then she quickly left the room. She’s really great as a psychologist. I don’t know what happened but I’m feeling way better now..! – 

-Hehe… she’s funny. She gave me even more determination! – Yeah, yeah! She’s so cool! – Alright! Alright! Now… should we go straight to the entrance..? Or maybe visit the garden?

-Hmm… I think we should go to the garden first, since we got some information from Nia. What happened inside the garden..?

-Alright then. But let’s also keep in mind everything that she said, okay? It’s really useful stuff…

-Oh yeah! Keeping stuff in our minds… It’s pretty cool.

☆Nia’s Account☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

☆Places That Were Locked☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

☆Week’s Motives☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

We entered the garden, and the first thing I noticed inside that room was…

Hmm… What?! What happened to the water?!

-W-What the…?! H-Hey, Memopo, look at this! – Huh? I looked at what Makoto was trying to show me, and then I saw… –

-W-What?! Is it… clogged?! It seems like it’s clogged!

-How can the garden water get clogged, Memopo?! Did someone poop in the garden or something?!

-I-I don’t know! But… you’re right. How can the garden water get clogged? It’s strange.

-Maybe… it’s something important? Maybe someone threw something important in that water?! Maybe that’s why the garden was closed!

-Wow, what a great intuition, Makoto! Not! It still doesn’t answer anything, though!

-I know, I know, I’m just going through your logic, dumb-dumb! But, we need to get anything that could be useful for us.

-You’re right, you’re right. It’s most likely something pretty important for us. I might as well…

-Keep that in mind?

-Yup, keep that in mind. – I kinda liked this phrase. Keep that in mind, keep that in mind, keep that in mind. – Keep that in mind..! Clogged garden water, right?

-Yeah, I think so? Clogged garden water it is!

☆Clogged Garden Water☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-Heh… It’s strange… how we’ve been dealing with Shiroga’s… demise. I was so afraid but… now I’m kinda relaxed. You’re really helping me, Makoto.

-I… I’m also afraid, you know? Everyone was threatening me for three days, and then… S-Shiroga gets… k-killed. I wanted to escape with everyone else, just like you. I was just so afraid of getting killed that I’m still surprised… It’s strange how I wasn’t the first victim.

-N-No, don’t say that! Makoto, I… I want you to stay safe, okay? You… you don’t need to worry about something like that! It’s depressing that we had a first victim in the first place… I don’t want you to blame yourself for her demise! 

-…T-Thanks, Memopo, I’m also determined to find the killer with you. I wish I could’ve protected you from that person, too. But… now, Shiroga… she’s already… gone. We need to worry about the killer now, right?

-Right. Let’s stay together, okay? We’re gonna escape this shopping mall with everyone else!

-Haha, alright! Let’s… get out of this room, first. I think it doesn’t have clues anymore. – Oh, right. – 

-Alright. We need to hurry, though. We still didn’t investigate the entire shopping mall! – Then, we ran away from the garden. – 

-M-Memopo! Mototo! There you are! – Huh?! Miya?! Miya! –  Oh, gee… How did you guys end up here? 

-Yeah, we were “investigating”, aka talking. In that plaza place for like, the entire time? But we didn’t see you both walking away.

-Oh, it’s uh, a long story. There’s this big… black hallway around this shopping mall, and the entrance was that purple and yellow door from the storeroom. And, it’s Makoto.

-O-Oh, I see, I see! Wow… This investigation stuff is really long, isn’t it…?

-Yeah, but at least we can get ourselves some time to prepare for the trial. And you know, actually investigate?

-Wait, you guys aren’t investigating?! It has been quite some time since the investigation started!

-I-I know, but… Aki and I aren’t going to that storeroom! Nope! We don’t want to see… her.

-Such a… good, young and beautiful girl. That’s so wasted talent. I’m still… shocked that one of us killed her… 

-Yeah, I know. But we can’t give up, not now! We need to avenge her, and punish however did that thing to her! 

-Even… if it means killing one of our classmates?

-…I’m afraid so. I… I didn’t want to think about it. But it’s our only choice… or else we’re the ones dying.

-…Alright, let’s keep our hopes up! Memopo! I think I can help you with your investigation – Oh, Miya? – I… I think. I might be useful!

-What do you mean, Miya? 

-A-Ah.. Ahn…! W-Well! Remember when I was inside the clothes section with Aki?! Well, I… after the nighttime announcement… heard some footsteps! 

-Hmm, I’m listening. Can you explain a bit more?

-A-Alright! W-Well… there was one… which I think it’s yours… then another one, which I think it’s Mapito’s… – I quickly heard a “ugh” coming from Makoto. – and then another one! I don’t know about the order, though.

-Hey, uh, but when I came to investigate at clothes section, you guys were already outside.

-Oh, yeah, Memopo, uh. You don’t know about anything that was discussed at today’s meeting, do you?

-I… no, I actually don’t know. What happened? I… I was busy, eating, actually. – Why didn’t anyone call me? I would’ve answered! S-Stupid apples..! – 

-We discussed about investigating at nighttime, since the time limit was almost over. That’s why some of us were out in the middle of the night.

-Y-Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you before. I was more worried about… y-you know. Your head.

-I-It’s alright, I understand. It makes more sense now, anyway. The fact that you guys were out there in the middle of the night.

-O-Oh, well, anyway! Mapito!! T-Then you’re probably the third one! and Memopo’s the second one! or the first one..? I…

-I didn’t hear anything, Miya. Are you alright?

-T-That’s because I was closer to the door! You were just snatching more and more clothes and running around! 

-H-Hey, Miya, are you sure about that..? You don’t need to lie about anything just to impress Memopo.

-I-I’m not lying, I swear! I heard three different footsteps after the nighttime announcement! – Hmm…. It really seems like she’s not lying, but… should I keep that in mind? – 

-Hey, uh, Miya, dear… let’s go back and investigate a little more, shall we? – Aki said, grabbing Miya’s arm. – 

-I-I… M-Memopo, please believe me, okay?! I’m telling the truth! 

-A-Alright, but please investigate! You need to!

-A-A-Alright! T-Thank you so much! Let’s go investigate, Aki Kinota! – Then, she ran away, with Aki. She’s a sweet girl, I like her personality. Now… – 

☆Miya’s Account☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

-How… does she always forget about my name..?

-I don’t know, it’s kinda strange, but it’s Miya, you know?

-Y-Yeah, but… It’s definitely annoying sometimes. A-Anyway. Let’s go to the entrance, shall we?

-Yup, let’s go! – We smiled and nodded at each other, and then quickly walked towards the entrance.

-Oh, Hajime? What are you doing here?

-A-AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! P-Please don’t hurt me, I just wanna s-survive! – O-Oh, he’s still depressed. –

-H-Hey, H-Hajime, calm down… we’re not going to hurt you. We’re just investigating, to escape this place with everybody else.

-E-Escape this place… T-That’s what you said before… Memopo… and then… S-Shiro…


-H-Hajime, I know… I know I said that before but… I didn’t kill her, I was honestly expecting us all to survive. Please, just stay calm… we can get through this.

-I-I don’t… I don’t know… I don’t want you to b-betray me…  like one of us betrayed S-Shiroga…

-W-We’re just here to find the truth, Hajime. Just stay calm, okay..? Relax. Just… go to the kitchen, drink some water, you can cry there if you want. Teru and Maki are there to help you.

-…I… T-Teru…. M-Maki… A-Alright. I’m… I’m sorry.

-It’s okay, please, just go now. Stay safe, alright?

-…T-thanks, M-Makoto… and M-Memopo… too. – Then, he walked away. Poor Hajime, he’s one of the most fragile ones in our classroom. He didn’t deserve to be in a situation like that. None of us deserved. Shiroga didn’t deserve.

-P-Poor Hajime… I’m so sorry for him… what should we do, now..? We investigated everywhere. And I didn’t find anything useful in this place.

-We still didn’t… investigate the dorms section. It might have some useful information?

-O-Oh, right! You’re right! Let’s go. – Then, we walked towards the Dorms Section, but…  –

-O-Ok, we’re here… can you find anything useful? Some kind of clue or–


Oh, hoho… poor girl, poor Shiroga Nesumi, Ultimate Unlucky Student, such unluckiness for such a good child, am I right, everyone? Ahem, I hope you guys had your best time investigating! I’m sure it was enough time, riiight?! Now then, the class trial awaits everyone who survived the first shot! Your presence is obligatory! Kehehehehe!! Good luck, everyone! Please, meet at the big, red door at the entrance, open it, and enter the elevator! Kehehehehe!!

Oh no. 

O-Oh no, it’s over already?! We didn’t investigate here, though…!

-W-Wait… N-No, not yet! M-Memopo, quick! S-See if you can find anything! – Makoto said, and in a rush, started to look at everything. –

O-Ok, Memopo, focus, focus, you’re close to the entrance, so it’s fine! It’s fine..! L-Look at anything, anything!

..! A-Ah!

I… did I… did I…?

…U-Ugh… My head…

I… I did.

Y-Yes.. I’m sure of it…! 

I… I found something! At least something!

-M-Makoto, I found something! A-Actually, didn’t find something! A-And that’s how I found something!

-H-Huh?! W-What do you mean?!

-I… I found something, I’m sure of it! At least one thing!

-…A-Alright. I’ll believe in you… then! L-Let’s go, now! – Makoto ran towards the entrance, and I quickly followed him.

….It’s time. It’s time for the class trial… Should I…

Should I keep that in mind..? G-God, I’m so nervous right now.

I-I forgot… I forgot about…

I… I forgot about that… H-How did I…

G-God.. I’m in such a rush… I’m…

Am I walking? G-God I’m walking! I should be running! I’m… Ugh… my head hurts so much right now.

I’m anxious… I’m… afraid.

L-Let’s… Let’s keep that in mind. I-I…

☆Makoto’s Secret Meeting☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

☆Missing… Object☆ Added to the Truth Bullets!

Ok, I finally reached the entrance. God, this was so long. Am I… really afraid of that class trial…? Everything was going so smoothly…? Why am I afraid, then..? I’m.. I’m gonna be alright. I’m sure of it.

S-Shiroga… I’ll… I’ll avenge you.

…Everyone was here, reunited. But…





Everyone was silent. We didn’t know what to expect from Monobot.

One of our dear friends… That we knew for such a long time… was dead. And… one of us… one of the Ultimates from our class…

killed her.

I… I still can’t believe this. How… How? Just… how?! I just can’t understand this situation anymore. It’s just so unreal…

Everyone is here… except for her. Someone who was always trying to smile, she was precious, fragile, weak. How could someone do this to her…?

-…E-Everyone. It’s time, isn’t it..? – Maisake broke our silence. – I think… I think we should go. 

-…Me too. Maisake is right, but… – Teru was the next one to speak. – I don’t know if I can do this… S-Shiroga is…

-Dead. – Zeto surprised everyone, by suddenly going back to his cold self. – Shiroga… my best friend… She was… she was the only one that I was trying to protect… and now… She’s dead.

-That is kinda selfish from you, Zeto Pannacota. We should all work together, and not fight each other. 

-Just because you saw me cry a little doesn’t mean you can act friendly with me. I promise I’m going to find you, culprit… and when I find you… I’ll…

-H-Hey… let’s discuss everything at the trial, alright, assholes? Now, who should be the one to press that button again? Cuz I’m definitely not getting shocked today.

-I-I’ll do it… It’s just a small shock anyway… – Hoshi said, and walked towards the button.

Maki: C-Calm down… Hoshi! Don’t do anything that could harm you!

Hajime: H-Hoshi… be careful….

Haruka: Mr. Nakanaka… are you gonna be alright..?

Hoshi: Nyeh… I… I don’t think so… but I already got shocked once so…

Kiyohara: C’mon bud, don’t press it! It’s probably another trick!

Chokakku: Oh my god, can you all just shut up? Just let the fucking asshole press the button.

Aki: I… agree. I just want to end this as soon as possible.

Miya: G-Good luck, Hoshi..!

Hoshi: A-Alright… One… two…


The elevator door opened.

-O-Oh, so it opened! It opened! – Y-Yes, it opened! – 

-Y-Yay! Magoro is right, it’s open! N-Now…

-…Giddy up, y’all. To that… “Class Trial” or somethin’.

…Then, we all entered the elevator. Without even saying a word. We were just uncomfortable by this entire situation, and everything that could happen inside the trial room. We all entered together, and after that, the elevator closed, immediately. 

When we were waiting for that elevator to stop, the only thing that was in my mind was Shiroga’s body.

Shiroga… so defenseless. She’s all alone now. We’re finally getting out of this shopping mall, but then we’re gonna go back later, with another one of our friends, another one of our classmates, dead, executed. 

But still, there’s also a chance that we’re the ones getting executed, but… I want to believe. I want to believe that I’m going to survive this game. With the rest of us, finally escaping this shopping mall.

Shiroga, I’m so sorry. I should’ve been stronger, then I would’ve seen who knocked me out, and saved you. I’m… so sorry.

The elevator, after such a long, quiet and depressing time, finally stopped. And when it opened, we found ourselves in a exotic place. Full of despair.

-What the heckin’ jazzers ‘s that, pal?! That’ shit is creepy as hell!

-W-WowoWoWoWOOO!! T-This is definitely NOT what I was expecting!

-Gooooooooooood Night, everyone! I hope you guys are ready for this class trial, because I surely am!

-So… he’s here. He’s gonna watch us until the end?

-Of course, of course! I wouldn’t be a good headmaster if I didn’t watch you guys all the time!

-Y-You’re never going to be a good headmaster! Y-You killed a good person!

-Oh, oho, poor Teru, I already said I didn’t kill her! It was one of you guys!

-L-Lies… T-This is just lies! This is crazy, man!

-Oh my, oh my! Why don’t you all go to your assigned spots, and then discuss about me killing her later? It’s already nighttime, and I don’t want you guys to sleep late! I mean… if you guys even survive to sleep..!

-… – Maisake was silent, just like me. We need to start our discussion as soon as possible or else… we’re never going to find the killer.

-Noow, go to your assigned spots, go, go! I already told you guys to go at once!

-A-Alright, geez, you meanie! That’s why everyone hates you!

-Let’s… Let’s get this over with. I can’t believe I wasn’t the first killer.

-Oh, what, choking bitch? you can definitely be Shiroga’s killer! You literally almost choked to death two people!

-Hey, hey, everyone, let’s stay focused, alright? The trial didn’t even start, yet you’re already fighting each other.

-I… I agree with Ms. Tsukiyama. We should keep our thoughts and yells to the trial. 

-I-I….. I don’t wanna do this but… I need to… right?

-…I’m going to avenge you. Shiroga… I’m…

-Hey, Memopo, good luck, alright?

-O-Oh, hey Makoto. Good luck for you, too! We can do this!

-Yeah..! We can do this, Memopo! I believe in you!

-…And I believe in you, too. – I smiled at him, and then, everyone went straight to their spots. – 

Now… The first trial is finally going to start.

Shiroga’s Trial. The Ultimate Unlucky Student’s trial. She was killed by one of us.

And its now… Our job, to discover who killed her.

I… I don’t know if I can do this, but… I’m sure… even now… Shiroga is cheering for us. Shiroga… a sweet girl. Killed. It’s so horrible to imagine.

But we need to stay determined, if we’re gonna win this… we need to stay strong!

A trial of life and death.

A trial of hope and despair.

A trial of truth and lies.

A trial of plot twists… and a murder to discuss.

A trial… of a deceased friend.

And all of that happened…

In a place where I thought it was safe to begin.


@Druwcapa – 2019 – Chapter 1 – Investigation –

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