Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 1 – First Class Trial – Part 1

@Druwcapa – 2019 – Chapter 1 – First Class Trial –

-Now then, let’s begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! During the class trial, you’ll present your arguments for who the killer is, and vote for who killed Shiroga! If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment! But if you pick the wrong one… then I’ll punish everyone BESIDES the blackened, and the one who betrayed everyone else will escape this shopping mall!

-Also, because of this motive, the blackened can bring someone else alongside them if they escape, so yeah… a big betrayal! But they can also… not bring someone else. Which is also a betrayal! Let’s start already, I’m getting exciteeeed!!

So… it finally started. The trial to determine the one who killed… Shiroga. The Ultimate Unlucky Student’s Trial.

Of course, I’m scared… a lot. But I need to stay focused, it’s a serious thing, so I need to remember every kind of information that I’ve found with Makoto. 

-…First of all, Monobot. – Zeto already started the trial by pointing his finger to something. – What is this…? Is this some kind of sick joke of yours?!

-Mr. Pannacota sure has a point, poor Ms. Nesumi, being treated like that…!

-Oh, do not worry, really! It’s just a memento for the deceased student! A lucky charm, you see! It would be very bad if I just erased her from existence just because she’s gone, y’know?

-T-That’s horrible… horrible…! – Maki started to worry, a lot. – Ok, so, I’m actually not ready for this class trial at all! Not around this sick robot thing!

-Wow, that’s… that’s rude, Maki. I guess you really are a clown. – Monobot quickly responded. He seems pretty excited… what a creep. – 

-Y-Yeah, me neither, man! I never went into a trial before! T-This is so overwhelming..!

-Hey hey, everyone, let’s stay calm, we already investigated before, or at least, most of us, so there’s no need to fear.

-Uh, Maisake, we already know that you’re the edgy badass one in here but, uh, most of us are still shocked about the body discovery.

-I’m not… I’m not trying to be an “edgy badass” person. I’m just trying to remember you guys that we did have an investigation, and most of us got some clues to discuss about this crime.

-A-Alright… now… – Teru tried to start a conversation, but… –







No one knows what to say, or where should we start from. 

I-It’s… depressing, most of us didn’t even investigate, like Kiyohara or Miya…  We were determined inside that elevator, but now…

…Are we really able to survive this class trial..? 

Then, out of nowhere… Monobot started to get angry.

-Hey! Why are you guys so quiet?! You need to discuss about Shiroga’s corpse already! 

-S-Shiroga’s… d-dead… corpse…?! Y-You’re… so cruel..! So… cruel..! – Miya… started to cry. – 

-Oh, my GOD! I know you guys are depressed about her death but c’mon, are you guys trying to die?! Because it definitely seems like it!

-N-No…! I-I don’t wanna… I don’t wanna die… not again!

-Well then, zombie boy, you need to work out on those brain muscles of yours! I really thought that those class trials were all about shooting truths and lies… GUESS I WAS WRONG! Kgh… – W-Why… why is he so mad?! We’re still in shock, you know?! One of our friends died! – 

-Y-You FUCKING Robot, just SHUT UP already..! You won’t gain anything by just yelling stupid things at us! What a noise…

-I agree with you, Aki. This unpleasant robot is disgusting, but unfortunately, he does have a point. – HUH?! –

-N-Nia?! What the heck?! How can you agree with that thing?!

-You see, we really… really need to start this class trial. If we don’t do anything, well, he already told us what he can do.

-…H-How can you say that… in such a normal way… 

-Mr. Nakanaka…

But then, out of nowhere, as always, someone spoke. 

-O-Ok, if no one’s gonna talk… I-I… I might as well say something. – Zeto…? – I don’t know about you guys, but…

-My best friend, S-Shiroga… she’s… she was everything to me, understand..? S-She… was everything.

-Zeto…? What are you… What are you trying to say? – I asked, confused. – 

-I’m saying… I’m not gonna give up so easily. If you guys are just going to cry through this entire trial and stuff, I don’t care, but I’m not.

-Hey, city-slicker, ya hear me? You’re pretty determined right now, pal. I’m impressed with ya.

-Don’t interrupt me. I’m not finished. – Huh? – I don’t know who you are, killer. But when I find you, I’m gonna strangle you. And hurt you for all the pain that you caused her.

-Z-Zeto, that’s kinda brutal, buddy… – Makoto replied, he was surprised, just like me. – 

-Oh, so that’s brutal? My little speech was brutal for you, Makoto? Well, guess what?! My best friend was murdered, Makoto! Do you understand?! Murdered! 

-I-I know, I know, I’m… I’m so sorry for that, but I’m just trying to say that you don’t need to risk your own life, since the murderer will get… you know… the punishment… thing.

-Oh, I will, Makoto. I will. I just wanted to say that if none of you guys want to start this class trial, I’ll do it for ya. 

-So, you’re gonna help us?! – I am surprised that his rage turned into sense of justice! – 

Not “help” you guys. I just wanna give a starting topic since no one’s able to do it.

-Y-Yes, please, Mr. Pannacota..! I know you are upset with us, but we’re also going to help you uncover the truth!

-Shiroga… I will… I will destroy the one who murdered you, I swear..! The only one… who’s been able to stay with me in this place…

-Alright, enough of that. – Chokakku just interrupted him, like she didn’t care at all. – I know you’re depressed and stuff, but just saying that you’re going to kill the “blackened” isn’t gonna solve anything.

-Uhuh, Zeto. – Aki was the next one. – Look, Miya and I weren’t investigating, but we still got some clues to discuss, but you were just crying the entire investigation! If you’re gonna be helpful then start something already! 

-I know, I’m not stupid, Aki. If Miya died, wouldn’t you cry, too? Or you wouldn’t? Isn’t she your closest friend in here? 

-Are you saying that you wouldn’t be depressed if your literal best friend was murdered by one of your classmates, Aki Kinota? Ultimate Matchmaker?

-U-Khgh, God, that was creepy! I-I understand your point now. But still, just saying that you’re gonna start the discussion isn’t a lot.

-Well, I WAS going to, but alright, then, special snowflake. Does anyone here have something to discus? At all?!

-Just like I said at the beginning, I’m not prepared at all! All this shouting at each other is not what I was expecting!

-C-Can I say something..? I… I was thinking about something. – Hm? Hoshi? –  T-The… Shiroga’s state… it was strange.

-S-Strange..? What about it? – Miya asked, looking at Shiroga’s portrait. – 

-You know… when I came back to the storeroom to investigate with Ms. Nikada… the Monobot File said that she was… k-killed… with a sharp object… wasn’t it?

-Yes, Mr. Nakanaka! You told me that while we were there! It’s strange, because…

-B-Because… Ms. Nikada told me that… it never specified the weapon. And… there wasn’t a lot of sharp things in that room… – Huh?! You’re right! – 

-H-Hey, Hoshi, that’s… a big thing! C-Congrats! – Hajime said, trying to give him a smile. – 

-S-So, uh… are we finally starting..? – I think so, Kiyohara. – 

-Y-Yeah! It’s the first thing to discuss..! The weapon…!

-Hey, Memopo. – H-Huh?! Maisake?! – Are you prepared for the beginning of the class trial?

-H-Huh? Me?! I… I think so.

-Hey, Maisake, why are you asking that specifically to Memopo? – Nia has a point, it was so unexpected. –

-It’s something that we discussed some days ago. I think you remember what I’m talking about, right?

Something… that we discussed? Oh… Oh! She’s talking about that conversation that we had after I visited Hoshi’s Lab! I see!

-Y-Yeah, Yeah I do, thanks for the reminder, Maisake.

-So, can we all agree to start this discussion with the murder weapon..? We already wasted some of our time. 

-Makoto is right… Let’s start this discussion, for Shiroga! 

-Yeah, Makoto, Teru, let’s do this. – Wow… They are excited now..! I think we’re finally going to have a good trial! –

-We just needed a good place to start from, so yeah, finally. Let’s get this killer to confess, shall we? 

Alright, it’s time for the Class Trial to really start! Now, you might be wondering: “Will I just see it happen? Everyone just shouting at each other?” Well, my friend, I do have some news for ya.

This Class Trial is gonna be kinda different from what you expected, because I wanted to make a fun experience for y’all, so you’ll be able to actually shoot the arguments yourself! 

Actually, not the ARGUMENT itself, but the picture! You’ll click on the picture that has the  weakest spot, to proceed to another page and continue the class trial! 

Note: Since this is still a fanfiction, I don’t wanna make it so hard for you to click on the right one, so only the picture with the weak spot will be “clickable”. 

Well, for now, I hope you enjoy it!

-Ok, let’s… L-Let’s start this thing! I’m counting on you too, Memopo! I believe in you! 

Ok, Memopo, listen to yourself. Maisake and Makoto… and Miya, too? Are counting on you. Let’s not disappoint them! For Shiroga… we’ll end this class trial..!


“So… first things first… we need to determine some things.”
“The victim… is Shiroga.”
“Y-Yeah… and she was found inside the storeroom.”
“There was a lot of cuts around her body. Made by a sharp object.”
“And bruises! A lot of bruises! P-Poor Shiroga…”
“Anyway, let’s stay focused… Now, we need to find the murder weapon.”
“Murder… weapon..? Oh, right. You guys were talking about it a few minutes ago.”
“But how are we gonna find the murder weapon…?”
“It’s not going to be that simple, since we don’t have any clues about a sharp object around the shopping.”
“A-Any clues?! That’s horrible!”

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