Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 1 – ENDING

@Druwcapa – 2020 – Chapter 1 – Ending –

-Kehehehehe…. KEHEHEHEHEHEHE…!!!

-Kehe… hah… heh… O-Oh, t-that was funny! This was my first class trial and I’m just– I-Incredible! Thank you so much, everybody! You all did an incredible job!

-K-Keheheheh…! Kehehehah! A-Alright, alright… let’s proceed! Most of you guys voted for Kiyohara Inuma, the Ultimate Lumberjack over there~

-….I-I’m….  I-I’m so sorry, everyone…M-Monobot, you d-don’t need to say anything–

-AND, I don’t think I need to say anything, do I? Well… Let’s end this with a BANG! The one who killed Shiroga Nesumi was actuallly… Kiyohara Inuma himself! Keheheheheheheheheh!! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ALL VOTED CORRECTLY!

O-Our first trial… finally ended. F-For a second, I thought our despair would disappear once the culprit was discovered. B-But… Oh, oh god, I was wrong.

To think that Kiyohara did something s-so horrible… because of his anxiety and Nia’s manipulation… it’s just so wrong. It’s just so wrong, it’s just so wrong, i-it’s just… so… wrong.

…I-I’m feeling bad again. This isn’t good for anyone in this class trial room. This horrible feeling inside of me… To think that I’m the one who made most of the job while we were discussing… I-It’s making me feel so guilty… and so… so…

I-I don’t know how to express this feeling of dread and sorrow inside of me. This feeling of discovering something awful… I’m shaking inside. I… K-Kiyohara… S-Shiroga…

-N-No, please! No, this must be some kind of mistake! Please, tell me! M-Mr. Inuma, no! Mr. Inuma! Y-You didn’t! You didn’t murder! Y-You didn’t do something so horrible like that! – Haruka… was still in denial. I saw for myself on the screen that she probably voted for herself. She… – 

-H-Haruka… I… I’m… – He doesn’t know what to say. – I did it. I… I did it, Haruka. T-This trial is over a-and Monobot already told you guys the truth.


-Ms. Nikada, p-please l-let’s stay together..!  – Huh?! Hoshi’s already woken up? Anyway, Hoshi tried to comfort her, but… –


-…I-I’m sorry. 

-F-Frickish… hell… this case was everything but easy. What is this ending after all..?

-N-No… no… I’m…

-M-My friend… Hara… you should’ve talked to me..! I-If we talked… then… we wouldn’t be in this situation…

-G-Gosh darn it, pal?! Why did ya fall for that– Ambush, from that crazy woman over there?!

-Why… Memopo said everything so clear, and still… this is so horrible… – Miya was crying around Aki’s shoulders. – A-Aki… I’m so… 

-I-It’s okay… I-It’s okay dear… O-Oh… god… This is such… I-I can’t even say anything. – I don’t think anyone’s happy with that situation. –

-A-Ahaha… bravo, bravo. This was truly an incredible performance, I’m glad we worked together, Memopo. Here, let me help you with your dizziness. – H-Huh..?! T-The guts of that woman… Nia… why are you being so…?! She tried to grab me, but I just walked away and stood close to Makoto. – 

-M-Memopo, are you alright? You seem tense… A-Are you feeling okay?

-Of course she’s not feeling okay, dumbhead! She just sentenced him to death! – I… she’s right. B-But I tried to ignore her words. Focus on “tried.” –

-I… I think I might faint, soon… We… just finished the trial, and I’m… so… K-Kiyohara, p-please… forgive me…

-Memopo, i-it’s okay. You only did this so you all could survive…. I-It’s only fair after eveything I’ve done.

-H-He’s right, Memopo! I didn’t do anything in this class trial… so you really helped us..! I-It’s not anyone’s fault that we’re in a situation lik–

-Oh, my god. Can you just shut up? – Zeto forcefully blocked Teru’s next words. – Kiyohara, now that this is over, I can say this. You are a monster. I will never, NEVER forgive you, do you hear me?! I will… I-I.. I will..!

-Zeto, calm down. – Maisake interrupted Zeto’s ramblings, with a calm look on her face. – You are suffering because of her, and you have all the rights to do so.

-But let’s at least have some compassion, alright? Nia made a horrible decision by choosing the one with the most anxiety to play a role as the culprit. Kiyohara shouldn’t have all the blame on his shoulders.

-I. don’t. care. Nia clearly said that she didn’t want to hurt her, so he’s the only one who deserves the freaking punishment, and I’ll… be the one who punishes him!


-Z-Zeto, I… I know you won’t forgive me, I really don’t deserve forgiveness from you guys, I… I just…

-G-God.. why did this happen to me..?! W-Why…?! I just needed to grab the damn key, man! I-I didn’t need to… I… w-why…. – Kiyohara.. sat on the floor, and started crying.

-M-Mr. Inuma…! P-Please… y-you..

-Kiyohara, my man… how could you… this is so horrible…

-Hehehe… – Nia started to laugh, again. – I guess you’re really struggling to accept this reality, huh?

-Shiroga is gone, Mr. Nikada. And Mr. Inuma right here alongside us is the filthy murderer. He deserves all the punishment necessary.

-N-No! Mr. Inuma! H-He doesn’t… he… he doesn’t….

…Makoto helped me calm down a little, and helped me sit on the grounds of the trial podiums.

-H-Here… stay relaxed… this… is so wrong, Memopo… but please, don’t blame yourself right now. Y-You literally saved my life. N-No, not only mine, you saved our lives..! Y-You’re a hero..!

-M-Makoto…. I… I really wanted to feel like a hero right now. B-But why… am I feeling so bad..?! I… We just wanted to escape… together.

-K-Kiyohara… S-Shiroga… they’re… they’re our friends… I-It’s alright to be sad in a situation like this. 

-I-I’m actually shaking right now, haha. I’m also scared, Memopo… but you stayed strong for the entire trial, don’t lose hope now… At least we’re gonna live for another day.

Y-Yeah.. we’re gonna live for another day.

We are. Not Shiroga… neither Kiyohara are gonna live. I…

-M-Mr. Monobot… what… what is going to happen to Mr. Inuma..? P-Please, tell me! D-Don’t punish him! Please!

-Kehehe… Oh, I specified everything in the rules, didn’t I? “Rule #8! If the blackened is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed with an exclusive punishment!” And… I’ll show his death to all of you! As a thanks for bringing justice to this cruel world! Kehehe!


…Executed?! …I-I know the rules already said that but… hearing those words from Monobot himself shocked us all.

-No… Mr. Inuma… he can’t be, HE CAN’T BE EXECUTED! P-Please! There MUST be another way!

-Kehehe, sorry, sorry! But nope! If you kill someone or break one of the rules from this killing game, you will be EXECUTED. Y’know? Chop chop!


-WHAT THE HELL?! T-This is..! This is..! I-I might just vomit right now..! 

-This is so wrong, what the crap?! H-Hara..!

-I… I’m gonna… I’m gonna die… – Kiyohara… – 

-…N-No… No…

-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! – Haruka’s scream was terrifying. Everyone felt her pain by her voice alone. I know that everyone’s feeling horrible inside, but… why is she so determined to save him right now..? – 

-H-Haruka… – Even Kiyohara himself seemed to not compreehend her reaction. – Why are you… so… so sad..? I commited a crime… you don’t need to defend my actions.

-I’m not–! Mr. Inuma! We already lost Ms. Nesumi, I can’t– WE can’t lose you now as well..! I-I…

-Ms. Nikada, please… let’s calm down. I-It’s a horrible situation but we need to stay together. – Maisake said, while getting closer to her. –

-I-I… N-No… – Then, Maisake finally got her away from Kiyohara. – M-Mr. Inuma… please…

-H-Hey, Monobot, c-can we… finish this already? – H-huh? K-Kiyohara?! Don’t ask him that! – I don’t wanna see her suffer anymore. Please, I… I know that I’m going to die in this place anyway.

-Huh? And you won’t even say goodbye to your friends? Geez, I never expected you to be so selfish!

-I-I’m not selfish! I-I just don’t wanna feel even worse about myself–

-See? That’s your selfishness! Kehehe, anxiety and selfishness? That’s a big combo for a killer! – Ok, that’s enough. –

-Stop that already, Monobot! – I yelled at him. – Even if Kiyohara did kill Shiroga, you can’t use harsh words like that! Murder is unforgivable, sure… but you’re just making him feel even worse about himself! At least… let him calm down for a while. 

-Memopo..? Please, you don’t understand, I… I don’t wanna feel anything anymore. If it wasn’t for Nia and my stupid problems, maybe Shiroga would still be alive. And you already did such an amazing job at the class trial, you don’t need to protect me anymore.

-N-No..! Memopo’s right! W-We can’t let him do such awful things with us anymore! If it wasn’t for this stupid killing game–

-Wait, hold the phone. Are you still persisting that I’m the one that made Kiyohara kill poor Shiroga?! Please. You’re all such a joke.

-Ms. Tsukiyama! You literally used him for your crime! Mr. Inuma is a strong man, while Ms. Nesumi was just a normal high school girl! Even if Ms. Nesumi was kinda strong, there’s still a large difference of strength between them! Don’t you dare say that you didn’t think about this beforehand! 

-I didn’t think about this beforehand. So what? I still just wanted the motive key, and manipulating a strong person like him would definitely increase my chances. It was his OWN fault that he murdered her. Don’t try to blame this crime on my hands.

-Yes, I didn’t know that his anxiety would turn him into a monster, if I did, I would definitely ask someone else, but alas, the deed is done. Kiyohara murdered Shiroga, and that’s the final truth.

-M-Ms. Tsukiyama… M-Ms Tsukiyama..!

-O-Oh no… Ms. Nikada is getting mad..! Why can’t this just be a bad dream..?!

-I support Ms. Nikada. I already hated Nia even before Shiroga’s death. She already seemed fishy to me.

-I… I agree with Chokakku, she was always so calm about everything, so poetic and stuff, like, uh, Maisake. But at least Maisake didn’t manipulate anyone, at least for now. 

-Even if Kiyohara did commit a crime, you can’t refute the fact that you still helped his anxiety to grow, Nia. That’s really odd, considering that you’re an Psychologist. Or, just like you said, a Hypnotherapist.

-A-And you also helped him with the crime as well, giving him new clothes and lying about the garden…

-T-Tsu… why did you do this..? I thought we were friends…

-…Hmpf, fine. Let’s say that I helped this crime, shall we? Then still, I might be an accomplice, but JUST an accomplice. I didn’t help with the murder, he was the one who orchestrated the entire murder just by himself.

-…Y-You’re really evil, girl… I thought all the girls in our class were friends, but you really are twisted, huh?

-And I really thought that all the girls in our class were intelligent. – N-Nia! – Oh, please, Maki. Twisted? I just wanted to get out of here, that’s all. If he did something stupid, I might as well say it. Don’t you say that all the time? I just “spilled that tea” for the class.



-That gal’s really out of her mind, huh? Y’all should just ignore her. Kiyohara’s the one y’all should worry about.

-Why should we worry about someone as despicable as him? I’ll say it again if you didn’t understand, cowboy. He MURDERED my friend..! Shiroga is DEAD because of him! Don’t you remember all those times that she helped us in our class?! O-Or when she tried to bake a cake with Chokakku for YOUR birthday?!

-Yeesh, city-slicker. We know that already–

-Well?! It doesn’t seem like it. He doesn’t deserve our forgiveness, he doesn’t deserve Ms. Nikada’s cry for help. He deserved to be PUNISHED for his MURDER CRIME! S-Shiroga SHOULD BE HERE RIGHT NOW! Not him! NOT. HIM!


-K-KIYOHARA…. K-Kiyohara… H-he… deserved so much… s-so much better… than this…

-D-Did she just say his first name?! S-She really is heartbroken! O-Oh my god!

-M-Ms. Nikada, let’s calm down, everything is going to be okay… – Hoshi got closer to her, and hugged her, trying to calm her down. – D-Don’t listen to Panna’s words, the rest of your friends are here for you…

-K-Kiyo… Kiyohara I… I don’t want him to go…

-…I will stay quiet, then. But this asshole… I won’t forgive you. I hope I never see you again.. Oh wait, I won’t, because you’re gonna be execu–

-I understood already, Zeto. – Kiyohara… – L-Look, I’m sorry, I’m really, really sorry. I never… wanted her to die. I know sorry isn’t enough but, at least understand. I never wanted this to happen.

-Gee… this took a really big downfall… 

-Attention, everyone! Just two more minutes before Kiyohara’s Execution! I’m just finishing the last details! Say your goodbyes, or anything, really! – Monobot…. –

-W-Wait, Kiyohara! F-First, Memopo told us all the details from your story, do you wanna say anything about it..?

-I… Yes, thank you. After I did that horrible thing, she couldn’t even say anything, Shiroga, I mean. It was so quick, but it felt like ages. Seeing her dying was the worst thing that ever happened in my life. I just wanted to say that…

-I’m so sorry, Memopo. For trying to pin the crime on you. A-And I’m sorry as well for knocking you out… I-I’m sorry, Haruka… I never wanted to break your heart like that. And… Zeto, please understand. Shiroga tried everything to kill me. She… was really devoted to your plan. She really was a great person. I’m so, so sorry for doing this to her… a-and… and–

Kiyohara: H-Haruka?! P-Please, what are you–

Haruka: Kiyohara… I don’t want to see you.. go away..! Remember all our moments in our class..?! We were all friends, and… and… I DON’T WANNA LOSE YOU, not again!

Kiyohara: Haruka… I’m so sorry for everything. Please… you must live this killing game… everyone, after everything ends.. just find an exit, any exit! And escape! You guys need to live..! 

Hajime: K-Kiyohara…! I don’t wanna see another death..! Not today! Please don’t die..!

Teru: I-I don’t think he has an option on that matter, Hajime…

Nia: Close your eyes, then. If I learned anything while staying here, is that Monobot is not joking about anything. It’s probably gonna be really hard to see.

Haruka: Kiyohara, Kiyohara… I… I don’t want to see you go… I don’t wanna lose you anymore..!

Kiyohara: M-Me neither… Haruka… Me neither…

I don’t understand, did they have any kind of relationship before? I never saw them together, or am I missing something..? Why is she getting so emotional? Even more than the rest of our class? It’s so strange, but I just… I just can’t say anything.

…I’m crying. I-I don’t wanna see him die. He killed Shiroga but… we’ve been friends for so long. So, so long. I wanted to spend more time with him, I should’ve said something while I could, hugged him or anything. He was a friend to all of us.

But now.. it’s too late. It’s too late for anything. Because now… at any moment…

-Well, well well well..! It’s finally ready! The execution for Kiyohara Inuma, the Ultimate Lumberjack!

-S-So… I guess it’s time, right..? It’s time for me to go… I-I don’t wanna die, but… I don’t wanna see anyone suffer anymore.

-Kiyohara, don’t go… please don’t leave us yet..! You’re still so young..! Please take him to jail, Monobot, anything, just please… D-Don’t kill him…

-Kehehehe, sorry, sorry. I don’t make the rules. I mean, I do! But I don’t wanna change them. He’s gonna die, for sure! Right here, and right now!

-N-No… No…!

-Everyone… I just wanna say it again. Please, survive this killing game. Escape this place, together. If heaven exists, I’ll be looking down for you guys. Just please, escape this shopping mall..! If not for me, for Shiroga… she deserved a happy ending.

-…I-I will..! For you, Kiyohara, we’re all gonna escape this place together!

-Y-Yes… M-Memopo’s right..! A-A murder happened but we can’t give up! W-We’re gonna escape!


-Fuhu, are you done now? This is gonna be interesting, after this “execution”, we’ll finally see how Monobot is playing that game.

-J-Just one more thing. M-My sister… – Huh? What about his sister? – Some of you remember her, right? Naomi… – He has a sister.. huh? Naomi Inuma… – Please, anyone who escapes that game… please tell her… tell her everything that happened. That her brother is a disgusting, criminal… who can’t get his anxiety to work with him.

-I-I will… Kiyohara, I will protect her! I-I will escape, A-And… I will tell her! Not that last part, though..! Y-You deserve to live..!

-..Yeah, me too. I don’t know who she is, or at least I don’t remember her, but I’ll tell her..! For you..!

-…Haha… T-Thank you, so much. Haruka, Memopo… Everyone, if this is a goodbye, please, don’t suffer for my mistake. It’s my own fault… 

-But don’t trust Nia, you guys. She’s a manipulative person and… man, If it wasn’t for her, maybe… N-No, I’m talking too much. I’m sorry.

-Thank you. You were an interesting person, for sure. I will kinda miss you, Kiyohara. Even though you’re being a hateful brat right now.

-Now then… let’s begin the punishment for Kiyohara Inuma, the Ultimate Lumberjack..! Are you ready?

-And for everyone else… man, I want to say sorry as well. I just wanted us all to be classmates one last time. N-Normal classmates.

-I will miss you all so much. You’re all such great b-buds… A-And… And…

Let’s begin our first execution! IIIIIIIT’S PUNISHMENT TIME!

-Haruka, girl. I will never forget you.

-Kiyohara… KIYOHARA…!!

Right after that, Monobot pressed some sort of button inside his cabin, and everything turned black. Suddenly, those giant screens around us turned on, showing some kind of animation, a Kiyohara pixel being carried away by a Monobot pixel, while the words “Kiyohara Inuma has been found guilty, Time for the punishment..!” were being shown. This is so sick… I hate this robot so much.



Kiyohara: H-Huh..?! W-Wait, what’s going– W-Wait, kgh..! D-Don’t… please..! 


Our nightmare finally began. The screens turned off. But just for a moment, because right after that… hell started to climb inside our souls.



…T-That’s it. It happened. The worst thing that I ever experienced in my entire life so far.

Kiyohara… h-he’s… dead. That was his execution.

O-Oh my god, this is so… so… Monobot literally gave a name for his execution. This is just so sadistic and brutal…

I… I can’t believe what just happened. His blood… his suffering… everything was so real, and so horrible.

He was just there, talking to us, hugging Haruka, and crying. Just a few minutes ago. Just a few minutes ago, he was a living person, with dreams, and family, a sister, and fears. But now… 

He’s dead. I can’t tell him how much I’ll miss him. I can’t hug him anymore, I can’t listen to his voice. He won’t be with our class anymore. 

…Just like Shiroga. Shiroga and Kiyohara… Unlucky Student and Lumberjack… they’re both gone. Gone for real.

…I think I might faint soon. T-This is too much. My head is spinning and I wasn’t expecting this to happen.






-Monobot, you really are a devil, huh..? Using his anxiety and fears agaisnt him. This is so wrong in so many levels… And he was a classmate, as well…




-Stop laughing… you maniac! What the FUCK is wrong with you?! You shouldn’t have shown us this shit! God, are you out of your mind?!

-U-Ugh… N-No… No… K-Kiyo… Kiyohara… N-No…

-M-Memopo… oh god, I-I don’t think I can handle this… this is too much..!

-M-Ma… Makoto… I… I can’t handle that either. H-he’s… he’s gone… K-Kiyohara… he’s really gone…

-W-What are we going to do now? T-This… this… I wasn’t expecting that…

-I… I might faint soon, Makoto… I don’t think I can handle anything after that e-execution…

-N-No! D-Don’t faint- O-Oh god… I will help you, just wait a seco–

-O-Oh. I… I really wasn’t expecting an execution like that. I was expecting just a quick, “chop chop”. Not a despair experience for him. – Even Nia is horrified by that execution. Kiyohara didn’t deserve to die like this. He… he didn’t deserve to die in the first place. – 

-A-Are you happy now… Ms. Tsukiyama..? Kiyohara… he’s dead now… O-Oh my… K-Kiyohara…

-I’m certainly anything but happy right now, Ms. Nikada. Now I understand how Monobot works around here. He sure isn’t joking. Hmm…

-Y-You… you… Kiyohara is dead because of you! Why aren’t you sorry for your actions?!

-Because, again. I didn’t do anything. I do not blame myself for trying to escape, it’s his own fault for murdering someone.

-H-How…?! Don’t you have common sense..?! He literally just died! Stop being a soulless maniac as well!

-Nah, she’s right. – Z-Zeto..?! What the… – She doesn’t have anything to do with Kiyohara. She only helped him, that’s all.

-Oh my god, the no-eyes is supporting the maniac. See what you’ve done, Monobot?!

-Kehe, I really don’t care! This is perfect! Everyone’s getting suspicious of each other, right after an execution… Kehehehe… Kehehehehe!

-J-Just ignore him. H-He’s useless anyway.

-Kugh! U-Useless?! This makes me sad, you know?!

-…Anyway. You understood what I wanted to say, and that’s my final decision. Nia has all the rights to be mad about him. She just wanted the key, not a body

-Isn’t that a little ironic, though? Your girlfriend’s the one who had that key, right?

-M-My– what?! how dare you?! B-But, yes. Shiroga had the key. But she’s already gone, so it’s Kiyohara. He got the punishment that he deserved.

-Mr. Pannacota… and Ms. Tsukiyama… why do you hate him so much… K-Kiyohara had a strong body, but you already knew that his mind wasn’t that strong. I wanted to at least support him while he was inside that horrible place…

-Honestly? I don’t even know who am I supporting anymore. He did murder Shiroga, but after that trial…

-It’s like, so difficult to take a side, right? He might’ve been an asshole but at least he wasn’t a manipulator.

-Hehe, so my nickname is “manipulator” now? I quite like it, really. Even though it reminds me of that case. Please, let’s forget what happened today, and stay together for the time being. 

-How can you say that?! You literally orchestrated at least 50% of that crime!

-Yes, I did, if you say so. But still, is there anything more that we can do? Kiyohara’s dead. We just need to stay together and hope that no one kills each other again.

-…I-Is it really so easy though..? – H-Hajime acting strange as well?! – This killing finally started, after all.

After these words, everyone went silent for a second. Hajime, the purest one, just said these words without caring about anything. He just stopped crying automatically. W-What happened… to him? N-Not just him, but to all of us?!

-H-Hajime?! What happened?! W-Weren’t you crying a few minutes ago?!

-H-Huh?! Haji?! What’s wrong..?

-I-I really don’t know, b-but.. ugh… My insomnia… Shiroga… and now K-Kiyohara… can this really… really stop..?

-…Hajime, we need to stay hopeful, this is a fragile situation but if we stay together, then maybe–

-B-But how?! Two people already died! I-I don’t wanna die! I’m already dead outside, I don’t wanna die inside as well..!

-H-Hey everyone… please, let’s not kill each other again… We already know what’s gonna happen anyway…

-H-He’s right. T-This… today was so stressful already.. we need to take some time to rest.

-I-I was thinking about baking something for us all, but… after that execution, I– Ugh… I just wanna stay alone for a while.

-Oh, yeah, right! – Monobot suddenly yelled across the room – That’s right you dummies! It’s already past midnight! You all need to go back to your dorms and sleep! The elevator is now open for you all to go back to the shopping mall!

-We need to take some time… after that execution… and class trial, and b-body… and…

-…Kiyohara… and Ms. Nesumi…

-H-Hey, Memopo, come here, I’ll take you to your dorm. – Makoto said, while grabbing me by my arm. – let’s go. – And then… he carried me, actually, kinda helping me move from that obscure place, not 100% carrying me. – 

-Let’s go then, everyone. We shall now stay in this forsaken place any longer. – Nia said, and everyone started to enter the elevator again. – 

Miya and Aki are trembling together, it seems like Miya is still crying. 

Hajime and Haruka are still together in the corner of the elevator, crying alone. Haruka… what happened right there? Hajime… I hope you get better from that insomnia… 

Joshua and Maisake are depressed about this entire situation that occurred. They’re not even talking anymore. 

Zeto and Nia were the last ones to enter the elevator. This was so… strange. I understand Zeto wanting to avenge Shiroga, but Nia… I don’t know if I understand her point or not. It’s so confusing… everything is just spinning.

The rest of us, including Makoto, are still shocked.

First, Shiroga died, and we suddenly needed to investigate a crime scene. Then, we started a class trial by ourselves, Nia revealed that she was helping the culprit, and then we discovered that Kiyohara was that culprit. He was executed right in front of us. We couldn’t save her, we couldn’t save him. We lost two of our classmates in one night. 

…I feel so bad for him. I feel so bad for everyone else. This was… so horrible. What the hell just happened?

…We finally reached the shopping mall. Again.

Everyone was there, walking towards the dorms. Some, like Nia and Zeto, went straight to the Food Court. But… I didn’t want to think about anything else. It felt like I was alone inside that shopping mall. After everything that happened, I…

-Memopo, you can enter now. – M-Makoto…? O-Oh, that’s right. He was helping me. – 

-O-Oh, Makoto… I-I don’t feel great about anything. This was such a nightmare…

-I… I know. This place is so horrible in so many ways. I’m trying to stay calm but after that execution, I…

-Do you want any help? Maybe I can help you get into your bed.

-N-No. I’m fine. Thank you so much, though.

-Alright, I… I’ll go back to my– Huh? – I grabbed his arm. – 

-M-Makoto… please…. don’t die. 

-M-Memopo..?! What are you–

-I… I don’t want you to die, Makoto. You’re my best friend. If I’m feeling this way, just by watching Shiroga and Kiyohara die… I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue with you–


Memopo: M-Makoto?!

Makoto: Memopo, please… everything will be okay. I-I don’t know about the others, but… I don’t plan on killing anyone, they’re all my friends… and I don’t plan on dying either!

Memopo: I… I’m just scared. I sentenced Kiyohara to death… and… I don’t this to be some kind of karma to me…! I don’t want you to die… Please…

Makoto: Everything’s gonna be okay, alright?! J-Just… let’s rest. We need to rest. YOU need to rest. You made an absolute great job today. Things happened, but you saved us, don’t forget about that.

Memopo: I-I…

Makoto: I’ll be safe, I swear. Just please, listen to me, alright? Take a shower, cry if you want. Crying is okay and it won’t make you weaker. And then sleep. Kiyohara isn’t mad at you, and neither is Shiroga.

Memopo: Makoto… thank you.

Makoto: Heh. I’m your best friend, alright? You can count on me. Now, please, rest. Good night.

Memopo: …Good night. Stay safe, Makoto. I don’t wanna lose someone like you.

Makoto: I will. T-Thank you for saving us all, Memopo. Stay safe, too.

And then, right after that, Makoto kissed me on my forehead, and walked into his own dorm. At least his dorm is next to mine, so I know that he closed the door perfectly. 

I entered my dorm, and closed the door. I don’t want anyone entering my dorm again. Not in the middle of the night.

I… just need to take a shower, right? And everything will be okay… right?

But… I’m still feeling horrible inside. Shiroga is gone, and now… Kiyohara is also gone. Two of our classmates… dead. 

This was the best possible outcome, but why? Why am I feeling so sad? Why am I feeling so guilty..? I wanna believe Makoto but… Am I really a hero? Kiyohara… if you’re there, please tell me…

Am I really a good person..?

I… I need to forget about what happened. Kiyohara, Shiroga… I will never forget you guys, but this situation, is too much for me to handle.

I don’t wanna believe that we’ll kill each other again, but just like Hajime said… it’s scary. I just need to stay determined, but even I stay determined…

Will everyone work together..? Our bonds are breaking, Haruka is angry at Zeto and Nia, most of us don’t know how to react, and I just want to escape this place with my friends.

My… remaining, friends.

We’ll escape this place, soon. I don’t want anyone else to die, please…

…I’ll go take a shower now. I need a break from what happened.

Why… why did this happen? Why did someone die? Why is this happening to me..?!

…We need to find a new place to begin. A place where it’s safe to begin. Safe to begin without despair. Safe to begin without bloodshed. Safe to begin… without…

Monobot, and his horrific killing game.

@Druwcapa – 2020 – Chapter 1 – Ending –


3 thoughts on “Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 1 – ENDING

  1. I really liked this 1st chapter ^^ My favorite was Nia from the start ! I love how, since they actually remember knewing each others before, this whole killing game is even worse ! However, i would appreciate if during the nonstop debates of future trials, text could be easier to read ; maybe using white color instead of black ? Since the background of the courtroom is already dark. Hope you understand ! Looking forward to chapter 2 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much!! I really like Nia as well, and yes, since they knew each other before, it hurts even more… 😔
      And yes, of course! A lot of people had the same issue, so I tried to change it on Trial – Part 2, but I understand your point and I will try to improve it on Chapter Two! Thank you so much again!!

      Liked by 1 person

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