Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 2 – Part 3 – Day 1

@Druwcapa – 2020 – Chapter 2 – Part 3 –

*ding dong, dong ding…?*

H-Hello, hello everyone! It is now 7am, and thus, nighttime is officially over, y-yay! Time to try your hardest to survive, and plot some really nasty c-crimes! R-Rise and shine, everybody… heh.



…What a weird announcement. It was lower than usual. I still woke up by it, though.

…Haha, I’m sad again..! Haha.

Uuuuughhhh. I’m tired of this.

Why do I start every single day feeling like a horrible mess? Why can’t I stop for one day? I wish I was like Teru, or Maki, or… Shiroga. Maybe even Kiyohara.

Still, someone died yesterday, someone that we cared about.

Our teacher, Mrs. Watanabe, exploded in front of us. It was a… freaking mess, if you understand what I mean.

I never expected this to happen, and to this that this was my fault..

No, I should stop thinking like that. I-If Monobot’s motive is true, someone’s bound to die tonight. Either one of us, or anyone that one of us cares about.

I… I want to see my motive. 

…I want to know… if my mom’s safe… if Yoi’s safe… if…

…I don’t want them to die… but… I don’t want to kill anyone either…

D-Dammit..! This isn’t like me..! W-Why am I so desperate?!

O-Oh, that’s right. I saw three people dying already. I know that this situation is bad.

…The world outside. It’s still not fully recovered from The Tragedy. God, there’s still tons of people that survived the tragedy and are still out there. 25 years wasn’t enough. 

…But I never expected… this to continue. This is the second killing game… or maybe the third, if Nia’s theory is right. W-Why, of all things, a killing game..? Is it being shown to someone? Is it for pleasure..? Lust..? 

The one who trapped us all in here… was a Remnant of Despair..? or even another Ultimate Despair..? Or was Zeto telling the truth, when we first woke up in this place…

…Is it really one of us, Zeto?

…It can’t be Junko Enoshima, that’s for sure. She’s dead.

Oh, right. I never talked about the outside world, did I? Though… I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it yet. But basically… the world is still rebuilding itself. Hope’s Peak used this as an opportunity to increase hope around the countries, scouting new Ultimates, having more field classes around Japan, gosh, that’s how we got into this mess.

I just can’t believe that we’re inside a killing game… it’s so cruel..! With murders, executions, motives…

I think I want to see my motive. S-So I can prevent a killing from happening. I-I don’t wanna kill anyone, but… I don’t want anyone to die either… why am I being so protective? We’re all teenagers right? So we know how to defend ourselves…

Simple, I’m being protective because they’re my friends. We knew each other for quite a while. If you were in the same situation as me… with your friends… trapped inside a killing game… wouldn’t you want to protect them..? Wouldn’t you? If you’d say no, then you’re pretty lonely. Or you’re lying. Or you’re trying to mess me up even more.

Even Chokakku, I’m really disliking her right now, she’s rude, petty, and overall pretty egocentric! There’s also Nia, which I don’t need to say anything… but still, we can’t lose anyone else.

…Who am I even talking to? G-Gosh, I’m really going crazy with this thing. I really need a break, holy crap 

…And there’s also Miya’s Fashion Show. Is it still going to happen? After yesterday… 

…Haha, I’m kinda scared of going to the Food Court now. 

…Let’s stay calm, you’re supposed to be a happy person. Happy magician hours, yay!

…I’m so tired.

I slapped my face. As hard as I could.

…Ouch! I’m too strong for my own good! Gee!

I jumped out of my bed, and entered my bathroom. After a while, a GOOD while, I was finally ready.

…I can’t just say here, crying. Not anymore.

…We’re gonna escape, Mrs. Watanabe.

Not only for you, but for our two friends as well.

…At least I hope so.

…Time to seize the day, falling trees. And when I mean falling trees I mean us, the “so far, survivors of this killing game.”

…I wonder if the fridge needs cleaning..? I haven’t cleaned the fridge for a while.

…Bad joke, moving on. 

No one’s here… so either Makoto didn’t wake up yet, or he’s just waiting for me at the food court. Understandable.

It’s strange, though. There’s no one in here. I feel kinda alone, especially after the motive from… yesterday.

Moving on, I shouldn’t think too much about it.

Let’s see if I find someone, maybe Hajime?

Hmm… no one’s here as well. It has been a while since I looked around this place. It is kinda small. I wonder if that’s one of the reasons that pushed Kiyohara into starting the killing game..? I looked at the grates. There’s not a single scratch there. 

…Not even a single scratch. So all the punches that he did… was for nothing. 

…He started his daily life by punching, and ended by punching. I feel bad.

He’s not with us anymore, and it’s not my fault… I try to say that, but…

I never thought I’d feel bad by looking at some grates.

This garden…

…Nia waited for Kiyohara in here, and then suddenly..! Kiyohara appeared, bloody. Or at least talked to her, from the garden’s door… At least that’s what we understood. 

I can understand why Nia tried to get the key, but… did she plan the murder all along or not..? She’s not a bad person, right?

…Who am I kidding? There’s tons of bad people in this shopping mall.

I can say that Chokakku is a bad person, Zeto and Nia though… even if they did bad things, it’s not like they had a distorted mind all along, unlike Chokakku…

…But can I even say that she’s a bad person? Maybe she’s just scared of everything?

…I don’t even know at this point.

The one that trapped us all in here, though… that’s a bad person for sure.

I don’t know if it’s because they’re my classmates for a long time, or if it’s because I’m still kinda shocked about what happened, but… I just can’t say they’re bad people.

We’re still young adults, even Kiyohara and Shiroga… they had a future. 

…Heh, you’re slowly becoming crazy, Memopo Sakagara. Having these deep thoughts out of nowhere?

…Just keep going, you’re almost there.

I’m almost there.

…Huh? No one’s here..?

…I’m always late for the morning meetings, but… why am I so early today? I feel… kinda bad.

…Did the motive really hit everyone? THAT bad? Or… was I actually late enough for the meeting to end? N-No, that wouldn’t be it. Someone would’ve definitely searched for me, and I would’ve noticed someone knocking at my door.

…But still…

…I guess I’ll wait then? At least for a while.

This place has a nice touch to it. It’s big, it smells good, it’s white… it feels like a hospital, actually. At least this floor.

…Though, if I do remember correctly, some teenagers died in a hospital as well. 

Ok, but this WAS a weird story, why did the teenagers try to make a ritual in a hospital?!

…And why am I thinking about dying in a hospital, all of sudden?

…I really feel like I’m going crazy, haha…

And… it’s been a good while since I sit down, did I really miss that meeting? Or did I just… woke up early? I’m nervous.

…And, surprisingly enough…


Hello, hello everyone! It is now 7am, and thus, nighttime is officially over, yay! Time to try your hardest to survive, and plot some really nasty crimes! Rise and shine, everybody!

Ahem, sorry for the technical difficulties! It should be working now! This is the real deal, everyone! Wake up, it IS now 7am! And you all left a good, old magician waiting at the food court! Kehehehe!


What the-?! This didn’t happen before! Why is this suddenly happening?!

…I woke up early, too. I guess I just adapted to this place. 

Correction, I adapted to his morning announcement, which is even worse, considering we didn’t have an announcement for a few days after the trial. 

…I’m honestly so freaking confused right now. I don’t even know how much I can extend this paragraph by expressing my feelings.

Hmm… let’s see…

“The orange haired magician, with her brownish cape and striped shirt still trembling in fear, and a rather normal pink skirt and her long socks being comfortable with the chair that she was sitting on, was still astonished by the sudden announcement that just occurred, surprisingly enough, the event never occurred until the day we’re speaking right now, so it was an even bigger surprise for our protagonist, when she heard the elevator opening it’s own doors, showing a rather familiar face to the magician.” 

Yeah… this should do it, I did say at the beginning that I was kinda the protagonist of this place, even though I don’t like to call myself that.

…Wait, what..? T-The elevator did– huh?! HUH?!


Oh… it’s just Miya.

M-MIYA?! What is she doing here? And so early as well?!

-O-Oh, Memopo! You’re actually here!! So Monobot was telling the truth, huh? I’m soo excited!! – W-Wait, calm down, what happened?! – 

-H-Huh?! Hey, Miya, how are you awake? It’s… so early. I just got here…

-Oh! I woke up earlier today to check everything on the theater! This fashion show will be a blast! – !! –

-Eh?! The fashion show… will happen, after all?

-Yeah..! O-Oh, no! It was supposed to be a surprise! – Oh. – P-Please forget what I said! 

-A-Actually, I don’t mind you knowing that… at least not you!

-What do you mean by that? We should tell the others as well, you know?

-…I was going to. At this meeting. I- f-forget about it, alright? – Huh? She looked… kinda sad. – 

-Don’t worry, I’ll let you make the announcement! – I said, smiling at her. – 

-T-Thanks! I’m really excited to make this fashion show work! It’ll be our key to forget about this killing game!

-If you say so… I would do everything to forget about yesterday…

-Hehe, don’t worry! I am an Ultimate Planner for a reason! Ultimate Wedding Planner, but still. It’ll be my best perfection! – She’s so proud of her plan, then I’ll probably stay excited as well, huh? – 

-Heh, I wonder what’ll happen! It seems interesting! – I said, and we talked for a while, until everyone was there. It was a nice talk, she’s full of hope, huh? – 

-Oh, hey Memopo! I finally woke up without having to instantly knock at your door, huh? Hehe! 

-Oh, shush, you–! – I waved at Makoto, he’s alive, nice. – 

-Everyone is here, huh? That’s good, that’s good. – Maisake was the first to look at everyone. – Good morning.

-Good morning, my friends. – Haruka replied, right after Maisake. –

-Oh? It’s not a “my students” anymore, Ms. Nikada? – And then there’s Nia. She’s dea- just kidding, she’s just there. – 

-I’m trying to be a bit more sociable, Ms. Tsukiyama. If we get closer, then we don’t need to worry about the game…

-Oh, I see..! Then good morning, everyone! It is now 7am! Get ready for another beeeautiful day!

-…Not funny. At least when it’s coming from you. I just want a coffee, though. 

-Huh? You’re not participating at today’s meeting, Zeto? Also, good morning! 

-Nah, your cooking skills are great and all, but since there’s nothing new in here, I’ll just go back to my lab.

-The city-slicker can do whatever he wants, the boy’s not causin’ problems anymor’, so it should be fine.

-I honestly don’t care about this meeting. As long as I’m here to not become another victim, then I’m fine.

-I-I agree, but… it’s at least good to know… that everyone’s alright…

-Yep yep! And getting some delicious food as well, it’s just a good prize!

-Though we do have a pharmacy with poison, you know? Be careful for anything peculiar. Especially you, Miya.

-H-Huh? A-Aki?!

-Wow, Aki, threatening your friend?! That’s a no-no, even from you! 

-What? No. I’m being serious. She needs to take care of herself, especially after what happened yesterd–

-Alright, alright. Everyone, please sit down. – Maisake quickly interrupted him. – I’m sorry, Aki, but please, let’s just forget about what happened, so we can at least have a nice meeting. Everyone’s still in… shock.

-…Makes sense, alright. Who’s gonna make our breakfast, then?

-I-I actually made most of the breakfast, today..! Teru’s been giving me tons of classes.

-Wow, that’s so cool, Hajime, good for you! I wish I could cook!

-I-It’s not that hard, and when you have a sturdy body, it’s easier to concentrate…

-Yeah, and he’s learning really fast! Maki and Chokakku made the drinks and stuff, we’ll be back soon!

Then, these four left the food court, entering both of the kitchens. We talked for a while, just like always, and waited for them to come with the breakfast.

Hajime’s an amazing cook! Even though he’s just getting worse, he’s learning, I’m proud of him. The food was amazing, and the drinks as well! I’m glad we have all our separate groups, so we can always work on something in particular! 

…*munch* yes, it’s amazing.

Haruka: Mr. Pannacota and Ms. Dokuita really left after eating, huh..?

Hoshi: I don’t think we should worry about them! They have their reasons, and we’re just doing these for fun!

Joshua: Wouldn’t say “for fun”, tech pal, but still, it’s a method to assure that we’re all safe.

Makoto: Yeah, so don’t worry Ms. Nikada! It’s totally fine..!

Maisake: Alright, since we’re starting this, first topic I wanted to say is…

Nia: The motive. Puhuhu, it was such a shocker yesterday, why don’t discuss it now?

Hoshi: T-Tsu! Please stay calm! Y-You can’t start another fight!

Nia: Oh my, a fight? I’m just curious, that’s all. I understand that people might not wanna talk about it, but Ms. Nikada, for example, why shouldn’t we hear your opinion?

Haruka: H-huh..?! Mine..?

Haruka: Y-Yesterday… was a disaster… but… I just want to think that it was some kind of scene. It’s a motive coming from the kidnappers, we shouldn’t… surrender, not again.

Makoto: That’s… a great idea, especially after the video…

Maisake: Yes, like I was about to say, we should try to avoid the motive room at all costs. Since the motive’s being held there, then we need to make sure that no one enters that room.

Makoto: And how are we supposed to do that..?

Memopo: Hmm… m-maybe we should try and stay at the garden? If the locked rooms are still working, then if someone’s at the garden, then no one will enter the audio room..!

Aki: First of all, there’s the secret passageway. And also, we can’t do that. Forcing someone to stay at the garden through the entire day?

Hajime: The secret passageway is closed, though… And since we don’t have a key anymore…

Teru: Why did they make these two rooms so special if we’re not gonna use them anymore..? Unless there’s more locked rooms on the second floor?

Maki: I think there is! Maybe the labs are locked? Since only Aki’s lab was open 24/7 on this floor…

Miya: Well, there’s no way of knowing, right..? Unless someone stays overnight to check all the rooms…

Teru: N-No one would to that! I think..? No one did that, at least, right?

Memopo: Huh..? Actually..! No, that’s wrong!

-H-Huh?! Someone actually did stay overnight?!

-A-Actually, no, I don’t know exactly, but… hey, Miya, are you ready to tell them?

-H-Huh?! O-Oh, yeah! Yeah, the thing! – The thing, huh? – 

-What do you mean, the thing..? – 

-Oh, oh! W-Wait, I’m gonna wait until this discussion is over… It’s way more important, I think…

-Alright then..? But I don’t think there’s other options… we can’t keep someone at the garden and we don’t have other choices…

-And even if we did keep someone at the garden, they wouldn’t be able to sleep at nighttime, and they could easily trick us by entering the room at nighttime.

-Yeesh, hey, small fella, can ya just don’t? We’ve been trying to avoid this “betrayal” talk at all costs, ya hear?


-It’s true, though. It happened once, we can’t assure that it won’t happen again. – Hajime… – And we can’t even get anything to block the door because it’s in the middle of the corridor.

-…So we just need to live like this, now? Feeling like a betrayal might happen soon?

-Whoop, whoop… the depression train is coming through… Someone please get this train to another station, quick..!

-Eh… so we just need to believe, then? I…

-I believe in you guys, even though it’s hard! I believe we can do this..!

-Huh? What do you mean, Makoto? Are you trying to act like a hero, once again?

-N-No! It’s nothing like that! It’s just… we all saw that happened at the trial. It’s either… one person dying, or thirteen. In brutal ways… I don’t think any of us are prepared for that, not again.

-So… that’s why I want to believe, at least. If we keep working together, then we might find some actual proof soon enough!

-…That’s a great decision, I must say. – Maisake smiled, looking at his direction – He’s right, we… we just need to try, at least for now.

-Y-Yes… thank you, Mr. Hiroma! You’re doing an amazing job, now!

-Hmpf. I don’t expect that to happen, but… it’s a solution.

-Yes, at least he’s not wasting our time, like the first time.

-Hmm, hmm! Mission completed! Depression train is finally over!

-This is great! I’ll go wash the dishes now, but please, stay with your conversation! I’ll be right back soon! – Teru exclaimed, and left towards the kitchen.

-Hmm, hmm. This is what I call the finest arts of hope! This is fantastic, Meguru!

-M-Meguru?! The tetris man?!

-My name is Hoshi, though… wait, is there any other tetris guy that I don’t know about? 

-Hmm, Meguru sure is a fine person, puhu. – Nia started to joke around the situation. – 

-Hehe, please stop… – And Makoto… felt sad again. – 

-Alright, my friends, since our conversation is almost over, does anyone wanna add anything else?



-Hmm, I see, then… you may proceed, Ms. Dafinu.

-Oh! Oh!! Alright, I’ll be quick, I swear! – Then, everyone started looking at her – First of all, I just wanted to say… thank you! Thank you all so much!

-Huh? For what? – I asked – 

-Now, now! This is the second thing I wanna say! Please, take a look at… this..!

Miya quickly took out a paper out of her jacket, and it was…

Miya: Literally… everyone! Thank you all so much! I-I really don’t know what to say right now!

Memopo: H-Huh..?! HUH?!

Maki: Woah… Woah… WOAAHHH!! So the fashion show is still going?! Congrats, gal!

Hoshi: Yep yep! I really liked it! This game creator will judge everyone like a master!

Joshua: Oh, that? Yeah, it was a nice thing.

Hajime: I-I had nothing to do, anyway… perhaps I’ll even get to sleep…

Aki: Hey hey, no sleeping during the presentations! Also, oh my! Everyone must be really excited for your show, Miya!

Haruka: Y-Yes, Mr. Kinota! Her sudden act of hope was amazing!

Miya: I just… I really can’t express my feelings enough, thank you guys so much for this..! 

Memopo: H-Hey, are you– crying..?

Miya: W-What?! N-No! I’m just…! Waahh…

Joshua: The gal’s really crying, huh..?

Nia: Hehe, of course everyone would sign up. It was an efficient way to not be murdered, after all.

Maisake: I wrote my name before the motive announcement but, what do you mean, exactly?

Nia: Oh, it’s simple! If everyone’s together, then no one would be able to murder someone! It’s that simple.

Maisake: Hmm, I see. Makes sense, in the end. Thank you.

Memopo: W-Wow… that’s… that’s great, Miya! Congrats! But… I don’t remember signing up..? H-How did I–

Miya: O-Oh my, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry Memopo! I forgot to say that! When I went to look at the entries… everything was already occupied, so… I just had to enter you as a judge… I’m so sorry! 

Memopo: W-Woah, wait, it’s okay, really! I was going to enjoy the show either way! I’m just, surprised, that’s it.

Makoto: So… the performers will be… Miya, Aki, Maisake, Teru, Maki, Ms. Nikada and I… 

Joshua: Yeah, pal. And the judges or somethin’ are ya pal over here, the city-slicker, the orange gal, yellow gal–

Nia: I’m sorry, but can you use our actual names? This is getting confusing–

Aki: Joshua, Zeto, Memopo, You, Hajime, Hoshi and Chokakku will be the judges, are you happy, now?

Hajime: Wow… I’m… I’m kinda looking forward to this…

Maki: Me too! Me too! When will it happen?!

Miya: A-Ahhh…!! Thank you guys so much for the support! I’ll try my best to make everything perfect as soon as possible! But for now, Aki and I will be preparing everything at the theater! Thank you all so much, again!

-Alas, this time she asked for my permission, first. But yes, we’ll be testing everything at the theater. The performers should go as well, just so we can talk about everything.

-Oh, I see. I see. Meanwhile, I’ll probably stay at the library, reading that book. I got through the first death and… oh my. I am honestly shocked by the brutality.

-I said it! Yep yep! I’ll probably… look for someone to hang out with! Anyone, really! I’m Memopo 2.0!

-I’ll look around through this floor again, it has been a while since it was investigated.

-Hmm… maybe I’ll stay at my own lab… yeah! Come visit me soon, Memopo!

-I already planned with Teru and Choko to spend some time at the Mob Market, it seems small but it’s super big! We’ll probably buy some things for the presentation as well! 

-It’s okay!! As long as you check on us at least once!!

-C-Choko, huh..? She already got herself a nickname… I’ll… stay at the pharmacy… trying to work this out. – Poor Hajime… – 

-Welp, it’s learnin’ time, so giddy up, y’all! Our meetin’s over!

-Good luck on everyone’s investigation and free time, my friends! I wish you all a great day..! Hehe…

After that, everyone just went on their ways, I was about to over my room as well, but I decided to stay there. I always stood there, waiting for everyone to go do their things, so why change my routine, right?

After a while, everyone already left to do their own things, and I was still there, thinking…

Today seems like a fun day, at least to take out everything from my head…

And talking about my head, it hurts… a lot…

What should I do today?

I looked at my phonobot, right now, it’s probably showing everyone’s locations from this floor, so I shouldn’t worry too much, let’s see…

Yeah… Maisake is at the… storeroom… while the cooking trio is at the Mob Market. 

Fair, I can’t look at other floors unless I enter that floor, so while I don’t have anything else to do… I might as well check on them, right…?


At least Monobot isn’t forcing me to hang out with him this time! He’s probably doing his own thing, actually. It was strange, the double announcements…

Well, anyway, I decided to check on the cooking trio first. Maisake’s investigating right now, so I shouldn’t bother her for a while.

Let’s go, Mob Market!

For a split second, I thought “Hey, why aren’t they here?” But then I remembered that this is the entrance, and the Mob Market IS a market.

Well, time to enter it! 

Let’s go…!

I don’t wanna be attacked by Chokakku.

I entered the Mob Market, and just like before, the phonobot was right. They were here after all! But… I was expecting a mote friendly outcome, it was a pretty strange situation to begin with…

-H-Hey, gang! You both should stop that! Especially you, Chokakku! It wasn’t her fault!

-It was the last one, goddamnit! You should’ve at least warned us! Don’t you understand that?!

-Weep Weep, girl! I already said sorry, now you’re just giving me the spooks! Waaahhh!

-Oh, now I’M the one giving the spooks?! You–! Sorry won’t change anything!

-H-Huh..? Hey, what’s going–

-Oh, Memopo! Hey, hey hey! Hey hey hey! Please come help us..! Oh gee..!

-H-Huh? Teru, what’s going on? Why are they both fighting..? Actually why is she fighting, again..

-Oh, you wanna know?! It’s simple! She ate the last freaking dorayaki of the week! – Chokakku pointed at Maki, furious. – 

-I-It’s not like it was my fault or anything! I just wanted a snack, you’re going coo-coo crazy! – They’re fighting… because of a dorayaki..? – 

-There were dorayakis in here..? You never served us a dorayaki! Actually… every single breakfast so far, we just had normal food! 

-O-Oh, it’s because– I–

-Oh, and what’s the problem with that?! Are you afraid of normal food, magic girl?! She ate the last one! The last one! Do you understand?!

-W-We prepared some dorayakis a few days ago… just for fun, so we kept eating then, but there wasn’t a single one left today.

-Yep yip yop! I ate the last one because I wanted a single snack, but she’s just going crazy all of sudden! It was just one!

-W-Why don’t you guys just make new ones…? There must be some materials in here… I think?

-Ugh, you obviously wouldn’t know that.That..? – The black and white machine doesn’t restock everything immediately. Some things, like the red beans, are restocked once a week. – She must be talking about Monobot… – 

-Yeah… some products are just restocked after a week passes by, so we need to wait more 7 days for more red beans. Some fruits as well.

-O-Oh, I see… – Ouch… but still, why is she… so obsessed with these dorayakis? – But why are you so mad about it? It was just a dorayaki.

-JUST a dorayaki?! You really don’t know anything, huh?! Are you stupid or something?! Dorayakis are basically my favorites, you hear that?! – …Oh, I see! – It’s one of the only snacks that I can eat without a single drop of chocolate!

-B-But still! Getting so mad about it?! We have a whole market, you know? There’s tons of snacks in here!

-Y-Yeah! And it’s only seven days! You’ll be fine by then..! 

-Hmpf. When most of the things you eat have chocolate on it, you’ll understand my motives. Now, don’t talk to me like we’re fine after that! There’s not even a reason why I’m here!

-Huh? – I paused for a moment. – …Oh, that’s right! What are you three doing here? I searched for you guys but I was just curious.

-Oh! Oh! Well, since Maki and I are participating in Miya’s fashion show, we thought about searching this place for ideas and props!

-Yep yip yop! It’s a great break after… what happened a few days ago. And so we called Choko to help us!

-First of all, don’t call me that ever again. Also, why? I’m a judge, not a contestant. And I don’t even know the themes anyway, so why bother?

-W-Well… since you’re a cook, just like us… we just wanted to spend some time with you! Maki’s already a friend, but I still wanted to know you better!

-That woman STOLE my dorayaki, I will never call her a friend!

-Oh, c’mon Chokakku, stop that for a second! We’re all trapped in here, we should at least consider us as friends! Classmates, at least..!

-I do not want to enter this conversation once again. Just stop before you’re the next one getting choked.

-O-Ouch, that’s rude.

-…Anyway, since it’s painfully obvious you all don’t need me, I think I’ll be going now. – Then, Chokakku started to leave the room. – 

-Wait, please don’t leave! We’re gonna search every part of this Market for stuff, so please! Help us!


-Y-Yeah! Even if we don’t find anything, there’s always a chance to find spare red beans, right?

-… – She seems intrigued. – Hmm…

-I just entered this conversation, so I’m still pretty confused, but… at least we’ll spend some time investigating, right? There’ always a chance that we can find something new..!


-…Alright, just so I can stop myself from being alone after a motive like yesterday. You still have to give me another dorayaki, though. – Wow! – 

-H-Hehe, of course, or course! – Maki smiled, happily. – I’m glad you’re joining us after all!

-Ok, but stop. Just let’s do this as quick as possible so I can get back to my dorm room without being an easy victim.

-W-Wow, gee. Understandable, but scary… 

-So, what are we searching for..? – I asked. – 

Should I spend some time with the cooking trio? I’m already pretty deep into their conversation, so I think I’m already involved in the dorayaki drama. Heh, why not?

-Just look for things that would look good in a costume! We need to be creative! Go through every section!

-Huh? Then why didn’t you both use Aki’s lab? It’s literally a clothing store.

-Miya said it was prohibited! We should create our own costumes, just like professionals! Doing tons of ninja moves just to find the perfect item! – I don’t think it’s as complex as that, but alright? – 

-Oh. Then… what if someone doesn’t know what to do? She’s the main leader of that event.

-W-Well… don’t worry! I’m sure she’ll think about something! – So… she didn’t think about a situation like this. – Just… let’s do it! I’m sure we’ll be fine!!

-Hmpf, sure, if you say so. Since we’ll go over different sections… hey, magicpoo, you’ll help me.

-H-Huh, me?! – Magicpoo?! – 

-We’re both judges, so let the contestants do their job while we just find something good. Let’s go. – How’s that– – 

-O-Oh, makes sense! Then let’s go as well, Maki!

-Yeah, yeah! Let’s do this!! – Hey, guys, don’t leave me– – 

After that, they immediately separated themselves from us, they’ll probably start searching right now. But yeah… at least for a few minutes… I’m stuck with her.

Chokakku just didn’t care, though, she just started to search for red beans. 

-…Hey, what are you doing? Shouldn’t we be helping them?

-That’s why I asked you to do my part. Go on, I’m busy right now. – What the-?! – 

-…Hey! I’m not a toy or anything, get ahold of yourself! We can find these beans later! Stop being rude to me out of nowhere!

-…huh..? – Oh, oh crap. – YOU get ahold of yourself! Like I said before, I’m a judge, I don’t need to know everything until the show starts. Why don’t you just do what I asked you for?

-Because it wasn’t asking?! I’m not scared of you anymore, you know? You accepted their invitation, now do your part as well!

-Hmpf, who do you think you are? Bossing me around and stuff? If I find something, I’ll obviously say it, I’m not a freaking dumbass. But I’d rather look for my things first.

-…Ugh, why do I even bother? L-Look, these days were just too stressful for me to fight with you right now, can you just do your thing?

-I’m already doing it, though. You’re the one trying to yell at me for no reason. – Now that I noticed… she was talking to me while searching for the beans. – 

-… – I decided to just stop this conversation right there. I won’t try to discuss with someone that tried to murder two people within 3 days. It’s just… ugh… – 

I started to search as well, since I wouldn’t get anything by just talking to her. After a while, though. I tried to start another conversation.

-Oh! Hey, Chokakku, uh, you mentioned earlier that the dorayakis were “one of the only snacks that you could eat without having chocolate on it”, what did you mean by that?

-Do you really wanna know? Oh my god, I already explained this during class. Anyway- I just have to eat tons of chocolate everyday, it’s a tradition for technically being the main boss of the Dokuita family.

-H-Huh?! You’re the main boss? But what about your family?!

-I AM the Ultimate Chocolatier for a goddamn reason, are you stupid or something? God! 

-Ok, gee! Don’t need to be rude about it! I’m just curious, if your entire family is based on chocolates, how do you work with it? Like, don’t you need to control the sugar on your body or something?

-Actually, no. I’m the one who should be the Lucky Student, because this is just lucky. – !!! –

-…Huh?! What do you mean you don’t?! Isn’t that like, a normal thing?!

-I shouldn’t be telling you this, but who cares? A twig like you wouldn’t do jack shit anyway. – Rude, again… –

-Well, I have some sort of… genetic mutation that runs through the Dokuita family, it’s a rare one, but that’s what makes us special. It’s the ability to neutralize the bad effects of sugar. – …What?! – 

-H-How does that even work…? Wouldn’t that be bad for your body?

-No shit, sherlock. It’s bad as fuck, but because of that we don’t need to care about things like diabetes or anything. Of course, our pressure is really crazy, not even the doctors can explain that, but it exists.

-O-Oh, so that’s how you can eat so many sugars. Must be pretty fun!

-Basically, that’s why I’m the top tier of the family, an Ultimate, famous, rich, gorgeous, girl, that also don’t need to care about diabetes and shit? I’m literally a god! 

-Still, it pains my fucking mouth! Having to eat chocolates 24/7, that is. Sometimes I had a small break, so I always ate some dorayakis. That’s why they’re my favorites.

-And that’s why I HATE that FUCKING CLOWN. She knew about this beforehand! It’s just so fucking stupid!

-…Ugh… – Gee… – See, we were having such a normal conversation. It doesn’t hurt to be a bit more friendly sometimes, you know? 

-And what do you know? You’re a petty ass magician for god’s sake. When you get to the highest hierarchy in the planet, you can say something, alright? 

-I’m talking about that! We’re all equal now, so you should stop being rude! We’re all inside a killing game, and I’m 100% sure no one wants to end like… him, or her.

-First of all, do not. compare. myself. to others. ever again.Ugh. – And, just so you know, I am doing my best over here already. If you all want to brutalize each other, then do it. Just don’t count me in while I’m trying to survive this hellhole.

-…You know what? Nevermind! I’ll just– I’ll go talk to someone else. Good luck with your beans. 

-Finally. – She rolled her eyes and got back to searching for the red beans. I can’t believe she had the audacity to– Ugh, who cares. I’m tired. Let’s just find someone else. –

I started to look around the Mob Market. It’s not that big, so where are they? I continued searching for a while, until…

-Oh, Oh! Memopo! Memopo! – Oh! Maki! – Hey hey, what are you doing?

-I’m just– I’m taking a break from Chokakku. Gosh, she’s just so hard to talk to.

-Ohh, yikes. Makes sense. She’s kinda dramatic sometimes but… it’s what happens when you’re too spoiled.

-Oh! Haha, yeah… I never knew she was spoiled but–

-Oh, Oh! Do you wanna help me? I’m trying to search for some stuff!

-Huh? What kinds of stuff?

-Anything! Fruits, plushies, masks, anything at all! I just need to make it funky!~

-Ooh, funky! Alright then! – Wheew… finally, a normal conversation… – Let’s search for these things!

I started to search things with Maki, I just dropped tons of things on her cart. Also, wow, there’s carts in here! We talked about the dorayaki drama for a while, and geez, Chokakku was just too obsessed. Why am I not surprised, though? 

After a small talk, I heard something unusual.

-Hey, Memopo… it has been a wild trip so far, huh? – …? – 

-H-huh? What do you mean? – I… I know what she’s talking about, but… – 

-Y’know, being trapped in this huge place, going from 16 to 14… man, the fun of this place is long gone by now. 

-Oh, yeah… – I never had “fun” in this place, but I can see her point – We still don’t need to give up, though.

-Oh? Oh, no! I’m not giving up! I’m the Ultimate Clown! I’m gonna escape this place, gal! It’s just… it makes me feel kinda bad.

-Ah, I see… I’m a magician, so I understand. We’re both just trying to give smiles to people, and being trapped in a situation like this…

-Hehe, I knew you would understand! Imagine if we could, just… have a normal field trip, it would be so much funnier! 

-Uhuh! Joking around, roaming through the forest…

-Yep yip yop! I’m a clown, and a class clown as well, so it would be paradise! Gosh darn it, Monobot!

-My buddy isn’t here anymore… I mean, Teru and Choko are nice pals, I love hanging out with them, but… 

-Yeah, after what happened earlier… it’s harsh. Can’t blame them, though.

-I just hope nothin’ bad happens, I sure wanna escape soon.

-Yeah, yeah… – We stayed quiet for a while. She was sitting on the floor, while I looked at her cart. Tons of objects, it was full. I could still see her, though. –

-…Hmm, let’s change the mood a little! Even if being trapped kinda sucks, at least Miya is doing such a good job! Don’t you think?

-Yeah! She’s working so hard, I’m glad to be friends with her!

-..Huh? Friends? You’re what now?

-W-What do you mean? Of course we’re friends! She’s a nice girl!

-…Woooh, I see, I see! I just… thought you two were something more, for a sec.

-Huh? Like best friends or something? Makoto’s my pal, y’know?

-…Nop, nevermind, don’cha worry! – Huh… strange. – We’ll just… finish this, oh! Can you see Teru for me?

-Oh, alright then! Will you be alright?

-Hey hey! I’m an Ultimate! Don’t worry bout me! Also, I’m the tallest of the girls, so…

-Oh, yeah, right– Alright then! Thanks for the conversation!

-No probs! – She waved, so I continued to walk. Just Teru left, huh? Let’s see where I can find him. – 

Again, I continued to search for him. Gosh, he’s like, the hardest to find! Where is he?

I searched almost everywhere, and he’s just gone!

…Actually, I didn’t search one place.

…I went back to the entrance. And surprisingly… Yep! I was right on the money!

-Hmm… hmm… – Then… I touched his back. – 

-WAAHH!! – Ppfft..! – H-Hey, you scared me! I was just trying to fix my own cart here!

-HHH!! S-Sorry, sorry! Haha! Maki asked me to check on you. What are you doing?

-Oh!! Really? That’s nice! I’m just… grabbing some plushies! I-I know they’re all monobots but it’s the best way to get a good fabric! 

-Ohh! I see! I’ll admit, if it wasn’t for this killing stuff, I would probably get one as well.

-Hehe! So… you’re not going to participate, right? Then… do you mind if you could help me a little? 

-Oh? Of course not! What should I do?

-I just need some… hmm… there’s tons of stuff in here, so I just need some things to combine with this black and white aesthetic! 

-Hmm, black and white aesthetic, you say..? – I replied, with a very noticeable smirk. – 

-I-I’m not the mastermind or anything, you know?! I-I just said, it’s the fabric!

-Hahah! Alright, alright! Don’t worry, you helped us a lot with the breakfast so of course I’d help you! – I started to look around with him, I even found more fabric! It was hard, but I found it. And of course, he was happy about it.

Hmmm… I think Teru is the nicest of the trio.  And that’s saying a lot, compared to the Ultimate Clown. He’s been trying to help us ever since this killing game started, it’s nice to see him working so hard to keep us safe.

After a bit more of hunt, I decided to start a small talk, just so we can know each other a little more.

I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, right?

-Hey, Teru, what do you think of this new floor? – Yeah… I don’t know how to start conversations. help. – 

-Huh? Oh! It’s really good! If this shopping mall has more floors, I honestly don’t think it would top this one! Especially for one place in particular…! Hehe! 

-Ooh, your lab, right? It was so fun! What do you think about having a little tournament in there after the fashion show?

-Yeah, yeah!! I just love the aesthetic and the place in general! It makes me so excited for this tournament!! And… actually, thinking about it, maybe the pharmacy as well?

-Huh? The pharmacy? Why’s that? – Ok, now I’m curious. – 

-Oh, just in case of emergencies! You know, for my…? – He waited for a while. – …f-for my…?

-H-Huh? For yours… what? I don’t understand.

-…I-I was expecting you to finish it. You really don’t know?

-I-Is it something bad? Like… a heart dysfunction or something..? – What’s going on..? – 

-…O-Oh, not really! Just… just don’t worry about it, alright? I-It’s okay! – O-Oh, he seems sad now. Did I say something wrong..? – 

-A-Ah, alright. But you can tell me if you want to. I promise not to tell anyone! If you don’t, it’s totally fine, though.

-…I-I, uh… It’s kinda embarrassing, I think the only person that knows that is Maki? N-No, Ms. Nikada and Miya also knows that. I-It’s just–

-I-I just need to take t-testosterone shots. It’s very important to me…

-…There, I said it. – … – 


-…What’s… that? Is it because you’re too small? Or something?

-…O-Oh, you’re really a dumb dumb! Just like Makoto said… Heh!

-H-Hey?! What was that for?! – W-Whaaat?! – 

-Sorry, I-I just didn’t know how to react! Hehe… But really, you don’t know what it is? 

-Y-Yeah? Was I supposed to? It’s like, it’s medicine, right?

-…I guess you can say that? Monobot did say to me on the first day that he was gonna give me some of it until “the next surprise opens”… I guess he was talking about the pharmacy?

-Oh! Makes sense! But why so frequently? Do you need to take it, like, everyday?

-Actually, yes! It’s not a problem, though. I kinda got used to it after a while.

-Oh, I see! Well, thank god he’s not a complete masochist, at least he gave you your shots.

-Yeah! But… it’s not a big deal, so don’t worry about it! What about you? What did you think of the new floor?

-Oh, I really liked it! Like, okay, it was mostly because of my new lab as well… but! It’s way more fancier than this one!

-Heh, yeah! This one was kinda rusty and simple, the new one is way more complex! And there’s way more stuff as well! Did you know that there was a sauna in there?!

-Oh, oh, yeah!! Hajime told me! I didn’t visit it yet, though. And I’ll probably won’t… But it’s good to relax!

-Some of the boys are planning to go today, I think I’m gonna join them as well? It’s gonna be relaxing, so I should try it!

-Ohhh, good luck, then! Now it made me kinda jealous, hehe… 

We talked about the sauna event for a while, until…

-O-Oh, wait! Gosh, I forgot about our mission! – Mission..? – You know, our itens gathering and stuff!

-A-Ah, you’re right! But, I think we made a pretty decent job so far. Since we don’t need to pay, I think that’s good enough? We can always search in here again, anyway.

-…Hmm… yeah, you’re right! And I think they’re both back at the entrance anyway. It was a great hunt, though!

-Heh, yeah, I agree with that! – After I said that, we both walked back to the entrance, talking a bit more about random things. – 

Maki: Oh, oh!! You’re both back! Nice!!

Chokakku: God, finally. I was dying over here! Just let me out already.

Teru: H-Hey! At least we did a good hunt!

Chokakku: At least I could find one can of red beans, so congratulations, Maki. I won’t be coming for your neck anymore.

Memopo: H-Heh… so, are you guys excited for the fashion show?!

Teru: Yeah! Yeah! After everything that we got, this will be perfect!

Maki: Yep yip yop! This clown will become the next Ultimate Fashionista! Prepare yourself, world! To the next clown fashion!

Chokakku: If clown fashion existed, I would immediately kill myself.

Teru: Don’t say that! Clown fashion is funky! I would like to be a clown someday!

Chokakku: Oh, please, you’re always being a clown.

Maki: !! WOAHHH, roasted! Burned! Executed!

Memopo: A-Are you sure it’s a good idea to say that last word?

Teru: C-Chokakku? Being funny for once? So sweet! Finally doing something similar to your talent!

Chokakku: E-Excuse me?!

Maki: That’s a DOUBLE KILL! Choko just got completely DESTROYED! 

Memopo: Y-You guys really think it’s a good idea to say those words..?

Chokakku: At least I’m not a basic ant! Thank god you still have some worth or else you’d just be smashed by these feet!

Teru: The audacity! Holy heck! U-Ugh, you won this time.


Memopo: O-Ok, I’m gonna head out now. T-This is a strange relationship.

Maki: Woah, wait, now?

Memopo: Y-Yeah…? I kinda want to talk to as many people as I can! This was a good time, though!

Teru: Ohh, I see, I see! Thank you for spending some time with us!

Chokakku: Yeah, whatever. You were just annoying at my part anyway.

Memopo: Rude. B-But yeah, thanks to you guys! I’m gonna go now!

Maki: Bye bye!!

Teru: Bye!!

After that conversation ended, I left the Mob Market. After a few minutes passed, they left the market as well. But walked away, leaving me… at the entrance, alone.

Honestly, I was surprised by this sudden relationship. When I entered the market, they were fighting, but at the end… I kinda like their friendship. Even with their differences, they’re still good for each other.

…Though, Chokakku’s still being a bad person. Why can’t she open up a little? It’s just– Ugh! It makes me so frustrated.

…But, it already happened, and at least I forgot about the motive and everything.

…The motive…

Yep, I can’t stay alone for more than 2 minutes without thinking about it. Good lord, Memopo.

…Let’s see, let’s see… Maisake’s on this floor, right? She said she was gonna investigate again, so I don’t think she got up to the second floor. 

…At least I don’t need to expect a dorayaki fight coming from her.

Let’s see… let’s just walk, maybe I’ll find her soon enough.

Hmm… no one, so far. Is she still in that storeroom? Well, one way to find out.

…Also, I sure hope to find some clues about her talent soon enough, because holy gee.

I continued rambling about her supposed talent, maybe she’s just a bookworm? Or a librarian? A romance writer, for example?

I think she said before that she’s not a writer, though.

…Hmm, hmm… thoughts, thoughts…

And after a few minutes that seemed like hours…

I’m here. Once again.

It scares me, since it was when Monobot threatened me and everything, but like I said before… it already happened. The only thing I hope for is that no one falls for his motive tricks. 

…Maki, Teru and Chokakku seemed normal, so maybe they’re fine. But what about the others..?

I just hope nothing bad happens again.

…Hope. What a fun word.

And… what a surprise, she’s here again!

I’m honestly surprised, wasn’t expecting her to stay in here for so long.

She seems preoccupied, though. Please don’t tell me that you saw the motive, Maisake…

…No, she’s too cool for that, I’m sure of it.

…I think so..?

Anyway, let’s just say hi and get this over with–

-Oh, hi, you’re here. Hey there, Memopo. – W-Woah! – 

-H-Hey! What a surprise, wasn’t expecting you here…!

-Even though I said I was going to be investigating this place?

-…Y-Yeah, you got me. I was just looking for someone on this floor to talk to.

-Heh, don’t worry about it. I’m just finishing my investigation for now, anyway, so if you want to talk about anything, I’m free.

-O-Oh, sure! Alright then!

Yep, I said it. She’s too calm to be preoccupied about this motive or killing game. And she’s free as well! Meaning…

Should I spend some time with Maisake? I literally searched for her, of course I’ll do it!

Let’s just think about a topic first, don’t wanna seem boring, right?

But even before I could finish my thoughts, she already started a conversation on her own.

-Hmm, this is strange, don’t you think? – Huh?

-What do you mean? – I asked, looking at her. She’s looking at the mysterious door. Well, not so mysterious anymore. – 

-After that trial, it was just locked. And there’s no key anymore, so why bother creating an entire room just for the first motive?

-…Oh, now that you say that, it doesn’t make sense at all. Maybe it has something of importance?

-I don’t think so. And even if it did, it would be better to just… not have a secret door at all, you understand that, right?

-Yeah, you have a point. But what if it was added after the trial..?

-Hmm… – She started to think again. – that’s possible, yes… this shopping mall still has tons of secrets for us to look after.

-I agree. And talking about secrets…!

-Not telling my talent for you, yet, Memopo. – Hmm, she smiled! – You forgot about it, then you need to remember it.

-Wahhh, that’s not fair! Why does tons of people know about it but I don’t?

-Well, some of our classmates don’t know it either. And it makes sense, after all. I don’t show a lot about my talent, anyway.

-…Huh, why not? Isn’t that the best thing you’re good at?

-..Yes, there’s that, but… I always wanted another talent, just like Nia. It actually made me kinda jealous, haha.

-Wow, the calm and mysterious girl, jealous? I’m surprised!

-Hehe..! But really, It’s a thing that I do, and I was shocked when I discovered that I got accepted at Hope’s Peak for that talent. I wasn’t expecting to be as good as they claim me to be, but it happened.

-Wait, I already told you about this before, didn’t I…? On our second day here. At Hoshi’s lab.

-…Oh. But what talent you would rather have? Since you wanna trade it so much?

-…I… I always wanted to be an Ultimate Hacker, actually. Programming is one of my passions and I know a lot about computers, so I was working to get this talent instead.

-Though… if I could also choose another one… I was kinda jealous about the Ultimate Influencer title.

-…Hmm? Influencer? Like, social media and stuff?

-…Wow, you’re the one staying quiet while I’m the one talking, kinda ironic. – Y-Yeah! I chuckled. – But yes, these influencers.

-I don’t know why, but… I was always jealous about their fashion, their lifestyles, and sometimes… forgive me for being innapropriate, but even their bust sizes.

-W-Woah, really?! I-I wasn’t expecting that at all! Why, would you rather be like these people?

-I-I don’t know, exactly? I– *ahem*, I don’t know if I like my style or not. I like using jeans and boots, and I wouldn’t trade for a skirt, but I kinda also wanted to be a normal, daily girl? Using comfy clothes and having a messy, long hair… a bigger bust size, even… though it’s completely sexualized on today’s media, so I shouldn’t care about it too much.

-I feel that. I use shorts and pants during some of my shows so I can agree that it’s way more comfortable, but skirts are… really cute! Especially this one! It’s not too small, and not too big either! And… I think we should stop talking about bust sizes. I don’t wanna make us look like two perverts…

-…Wow, you know a lot about these things. I’m glad I could talk with you about this. Also, agreed. – I’m glad as well. I wasn’t expecting this conversation but… better this one than Chokakku. – 

-Say, Memopo… sorry for changing topics so fast but, have you seen your motive yet? – Wow, ouch much..? – You don’t need to tell me, it’s reasonable to feel afraid after a motive like that.

-…Afraid… I didn’t but, you saw yours..?

-Yes, I must say so. It was definitely sad but… I think I have enough determination to keep focused on escaping. That’s one of the reasons why I decided to investigate again.

-O-Oh… then… I’m unsure if I’ll see mine… I want to, but…

-If you think you’re not prepared, then by all means, don’t watch it. It’s well detailed and his voice is very… perturbing.

-We, as human beings, need to understand our desires and potential breakdowns before making a choice. Choices are by far the best and the worst thing we could have along our freedom. – Huh… this talk… – 

-If we can endure our newfound knowledge or not, it varies depending on each person, but you should keep in mind that we can’t let this robot get what he wants, you understand..? – … – 


-…! Oh, I’m so sorry. I did it again. Please forgive me.

-N-No, that was… that was cool. Thanks for helping me out. I really mean it.

-…Well, if you say so… at least you got a new clue on my talent, you know..?


-Please don’t yell. But yes, I’m afraid I’m not that good at keeping secrets… haha.

-Hehe, don’t worry, I still got no clue, so you’re doing a pretty good job with that.

We talked a bit more, looking around this place. Even though I woke up in here, and Shiroga was found here… talking to her just made me feel better.

I don’t know if it’s her calm personality and voice, or if it was that emotional speech of hers, but it was… good.

…After a while, we both sat on the same box, and started discussing about random things.

Maisake: Hey, Memopo, do you feel like something bad is going to happen?

Memopo: Huh? What do you mean by that..?

Maisake: I don’t know, exactly, but… 

Maisake: If something bad happens, it’s gonna happen soon enough.

Maisake: I don’t know why I feel this way, but…

Memopo: Actually, you’re right. I also feel like that. Sometimes, but…

Memopo: It’s just a weird sensation, you know? We’re just trapped in here, with no way out… and suddenly… Shiroga’s gone.

Maisake: And after the first trial, Kiyohara got his punishment in front of us.

Memopo: Yes… it’s like, a feeling that everything can and will probably go wrong.

Maisake: Hmm… just like Murphy’s Law. I see..

Memopo: Oh- Yeah, that’s the name. I was so excited to be a good support when the killing game was announced…

Memopo: And when the killing actually happened, I just… lost my spark. I’ve been feeling so bad lately, I just want a break.

Maisake: Yes, this situation is getting the worst of us. At least you know why you’re feeling that way.

Memopo: Huh? Doesn’t everyone knows that, though?

Maisake: Perhaps..? Chokakku for example, she acts by her emotions more than by logic… while Nia is the complete opposite.

Maisake: Chokakku thinks that what she’s doing is right, and Nia thinks the same thing. It’s not bad, but when her thoughts become actions…

Memopo: Yeah, it becomes a pretty wild ride.

Maisake: Haha, exactly. My point is, you’re kind, and you try to act with your emotions before going towards the logic, but you don’t block the other option completely.

Memopo: Oh… I just… I know this is a harsh reality and everything, and that we should get cautious and everything, but…

Memopo: Being serious and mean won’t get you anything inside a game of trust and betrayal. I don’t think being kind is a bad thing nor a weakness.

Maisake: Hmm… you may be right. As long as you’re still following the truth, you don’t need to hold a knife with you everywhere you go.

Memopo: Yeah! Yeah that’s right! Even if some people might be thinking about murder, it’s natural in a killing game! But it doesn’t mean that they’ll actually do it.

Memopo: It’s… paranoic… hmm…

Maisake: …I can see that we can get a good conversation going, without interruptions or anything, that’s really good.

Memopo: …Yeah.

I never thought I’d get this deep after watching a discussion over dorayakis. I feel way calmer now that our conversation came to an end. It was way more therapeutic than Nia.

…Perhaps she’s the actual Ultimate Psychologist..?

…I don’t think I should focus too much on that. At least not now. We had a good conversation for once.

-Hey, Memopo. – Huh? – It’s getting pretty late, so I’m going to get some lunch for myself, do you want to go with me?

-Hmm… I’ll probably just get some fruit, but I don’t mind talking to you some more..!

-Hehe, thanks. Let’s go then. – She said, and we left the storeroom, going back to the food court. – 

-Also, thanks for the calm conversation, Maisake! It really helped a lot!

-Don’t worry. I wish we talked more during our Hope’s Peak times. It would be better than this situation.

-Yeah, but honestly? You’re pretty cool! I don’t mind hanging out with you some more!

-O-Oh, really..? Thanks. You’re good to talk to as well, even though… you don’t remember my talent.

-H-Hey! – She chuckled, and we entered the food court, finally. – 

After that, we both just got something for lunch. She said goodbye, and continued to investigate. I didn’t want to distract her with my useless emotions again, so I just kept eating my lunch.

But after a while…

I got really bored of staying there, just looking at the walls and everything.

…Maybe it would be a great time to check on my–

N-No, don’t worry about it. Remember what Maisake said.

I passed through the audio room two times already, and I didn’t care, so why should I care now..?

…Hmmm… maybe I should talk to someone else, just to keep myself distracted?

I kinda want to see who’s on the second floor right now, so I might just do that..!

After I finished my fruit, I entered the elevator, and got to the second floor. It was slow, like usual, but I got there soon enough.

Yep, just like Teru said, way fancier than the first floor.

Gosh, even the statue is fancy. And that’s saying a lot, considering how much I despise that robot.

Thank god he just… can’t hear my thoughts.

I would scream immediately if he just appeared saying something in the lines of

“Kehehehehe! What are you doing here, Memepo?! You should hang out with me, Kehehehehehehehheheheh!”

…Oh god, the chills.

…Alright, he’s definitely not coming, thank lord.

Now let’s see the map, let’s see who’s here this time around.

Just like before, everyone’s on the same place as they said they would be. Honestly, I kinda miss Shiroga’s and Kiyohara’s little sprites. Ugh…

And would you look at that? Hoshi and Zeto are talking to each other! I didn’t expect that, but alright then.

Well, I could look at Makoto, or Nia… hell, even Monobot is here for some reason. At least he didn’t notice me yet.

Though… I’m more worried about a particular person. And that person being…

…Yeah, I’ll visit him at the Pharmacy.

Something that got me curious was… the sauna event. How did they decide an event that without talking to the girls? What if the girls also wanted to enter the sauna today or anything?

W-Well, I’m not gonna peek or anything, I’m not a lewd person..! Though… 

Wait, no “though’s”! This is a bad thought!

…I should stop thinking about it. It’s a great idea, though. T-The sauna event, I mean. Maybe I should talk to the girls about it?

Not right now, though. It’s my first opportunity to know more about our Ultimate Zombie!

I stopped rambling about stuff, and finally entered the pharmacy.

Hoo, gee… He’s here.

He seems calm, maybe because he’s alone? He seems like the introvert type. Such an innocent boy… being slowly corrupted by this killing game.

Just two deaths and he’s already broken…

…W-Why did I say “just” though..? O-Of course he’ll be broken after a main death like that! A-And we’ll obviously stop with two deaths!

…Anyway, I can’t keep thinking about this, because he already noticed me.

-…..Hey, hey… – He said, with a sleepy but broken voice. Kinda like a zombie. Like, a horror movie zombie. – 

-Hey, Hajime. How are you doing? Are you alright?

-N-not really, but… the pharmacy is helping. – ..Oh? Really?! – 

-Wait, did you find a good medicine for your insomnia..?!

-No. But I got a good medicine for my headaches… and it’s actually helping a lot..! I slept… thirty minutes last night.

-…Half an hour, huh? T-That’s… intense. – Gee… I feel bad for him. – 

-Hehe, yeah…! O-Oh, sorry, do you need anything, I’ll help you if you want..?

-Actually, I just wanted to talk to you! Are you okay with that?

-U-Uh, yeah… I wasn’t expecting that but… I’m free if you want. I’m just… investigating this machine and all. – Oh, I see. – 

Ah, that’s actually a good idea, investigating this machine and everything. It seems like there’s tons of options in here.

But the main question is…

Should I spend some time with Hajime?

I already had my lunch, so I don’t mind spending the afternoon with him! He really needs some company.

I understand if he’s introvert and all, but…

In a situation like this…

It would be totally understandable if he wanted to be alone, though.

-…. – Hmm…



-…N-Nothing, I–

-O-Oh, alright… – It’s… it’s awkward. I don’t know how to start a conversation with him. Let’s see… Oh! – 

-Hey, uh, Hajime..! It says here in your phonobot profile that you dislike… “Nikki Nikidoki”…

Memopo: Who’s… exactly “Nikki”? And why do you hate cubes..?

-K-Kgh..! – H-huh?! A strong reaction already?! – I-I’m glad you don’t know who’s Nikki…! Grr… t-this man is nuts..!

Did he just growled… out loud?

-H-Huh?! What’s the problem? Is he an Ultimate or something?

-Y-Yeah…  Ultimate Cubemaster. Y-You know, from the Cubicmaster game. – …there’s a talent for the Ultimate Cubemaster…?! – 

-W-Woah..?! Seriously..?! Is he a famous guy or something?! I wasn’t expecting an Ultimate talent for that!

Though, that explains why he never played with us on our class server. But to dislike him that much…

-W-Well, there is..! And the person behind it is not a good person either… – either… I like the game, though. – 

-H-He’s such a bad guy..! I dislike his guts! H-He also made me dislike the entire game in general…. Ugh…

-But what happened..? He’s not even from our class or anything.

-…I-I don’t wanna talk about it. – O-Oh…? – Can we talk about something else..? I wasn’t expecting that…

-O-Oh, really?

-Yes. Please don’t talk about that guy ever again. Hoshi could tell you more about… his disgusting behavior. – Gee… – 

-W-Woah… alright…but what do you want to talk about? I’m all ears.

-Hmmm… – He started to think… and think… he was taking a while – Maybe… I could tell you about this place..?

-U-Uh, I don’t think there’s too much in here that I didn’t investigate, but–

-Did you know that… there’s separate bottles for boys and girls..? – H-Huh? – 

-I-I… what do you mean by that? – I.. didn’t know that! – 

-When… I went to get some painkillers… I got a blue bottle, and Monobot immediately told me about this… it seems like you’ll get a pink bottle if you’re a girl.

-…Oh..? Well, thanks, I guess..? It’s interesting, I should keep that in mind for later. – Hmm… –



…Yikes. We really don’t know what to talk about, huh? Fair, he’s been through a lot, but… I wanted to talk to him.

-Hey, Hajime, you know that like… you can talk to me, right?


-Remember our first days in here? You were always waiting for me and everything. Now you’re just… gone. 

-…Oh, you’re talking about that. I see…

-I-I just wanted to say that, I know it’s hard, and gosh, it’s probably even harder for you, with your insomnia and everything, but…

-You don’t need to finish that sentence. I understood already.

-…Hey, please, what’s going on? What happened? You were such a sunshine, and now–

– Please, just– stop. – Huh..? – I know that you’re trying but… it’s enough. After that first trial, I-I….

-I-I don’t want this to continue anymore… this is breaking me inside…

-… – Hajime… – I’m sorry. I really wish I could help you with anything.

-Thinking about Nikki makes me sad, thinking about the first trial makes me sad, not being able to sleep right makes me sad…

-C-Can we just… stop everything..? I-I just… I just want to leave…

-…H-Hey, we can try to talk about something else, if you want..? I-I know talking about these things upset you, so why don’t we talk about other things..?

-…L-Like what..? W-We don’t know what happened outside… and… and after that motive… a-after…

-A-After M-Mrs. Watanabe… I-I… I-I…!!

-A-Alright, don’t panic! P-Please! – I held his arms. – What about… your past..?

-M-My… my past..? I don’t remember anything… I don’t have a 100% functional brain.

-…Huh? How’s that possible? – …Gee, at least we’re changing topics really fast. – 

-Y-You know Maru, right..? The Ultimate Scientist and everything..? She’s the one that made me. N-Not “made” like– She’s not my mom, but–

-Hehe, I understood, don’t worry. She’s the one that made you that body, right? 

-…Uhuh. Since this is just a 96% replica, my body functions way different than a normal body. I still have bones and I can grow up, but… lots of problems are different.

-My brain, for example. It’s completely artificial.  – Artificial Brain..? –

-H-Huh?! Artificial..?! Then… you’re more like an Ultimate Robot or something, right?!

-No, stop. Since my original body was… destroyed during the tragedy, she tried to re-do every memory of mine. I was lucky that the original Hajime Nohara was one of the best students of Hope’s Peak, so they had tons of data from me. My parents, grades, intelligence…

-Original Hajime Nohara… that sounds so strange, so you’re an entirely new person..?

-No, if I was a new person then I’d be an Ultimate Artificial Human. It turns out that some of my memories are in fact true..? Like, I do remember some old friends… my parents…

-How does that even work? They didn’t inject a chip into your original mind, did they?

-I don’t know…? It’s just… science, I guess? B-But I could remember tons of things. They had to be extremely careful though, because if I remembered anything from The Tragedy, then I would probably become… – An Ultimate Despair..? – 

-A-Anyway, because of that, I don’t remember exactly everything, but I do remember some important facts. Since I was basically a zombie, and a student from Hope’s Peak, they got me the Ultimate Zombie title.

-…Oh, I see. Woah, that’s… a lot. But… wait, you were a Hope’s Peak student before, then… did you have a talent, or anything?

-…I don’t know… – Hmm… – I think it was lost in my memories… so I don’t remember if I had a talent or if I was from the reserve course.

-Gee, that’s bad… Imagine if you had a cool talent, though..! Like, an Ultimate Paranormal Investigator or something!

-H-Hehe, yeah..! It would be cool. The actual Ultimate Paranormal Investigator is pretty funny, though. I like his pinkish hair. And he’s kinda like you..?

-O-Oh, yeah! His class is also pretty awesome! There’s this Pageant Queen, two Twin Sistersand even a cheerleader! 

-Hehe, yeah…! – And… he’s smiling again. It’s so heartwarming to see him smiling after what happened. – The cheerleader group from Hope’s Peak is pretty big though..! 

-Hmm? Hmm! Tell me about it! Tons of cheerleaders! Haha! 

We started to talk about other classes from Hope’s Peak. Even some people that I didn’t know about! I mean, being the Ultimate Zombie, I guess he was popular around the school, but there’s a lot of people that I didn’t know about!

There’s a new corporation of Hope’s Peak being placed in Russia, we don’t know a lot about it but it seems promising..!

There’s a cheerleader that says that everything’s “cliché”, the actual Ultimate Hacker is a pretty shy boy… a small Ultimate Mathematician that loves bunnies… An animal behaviorist that lost his arm…

Gosh, even a small Ninja Girl! She’s pretty interested in the Ultimate Patient, it seems!

…We talked a lot. I missed his innocent side.

Hajime: H-Hey, Memopo… thanks for talking to me..

Memopo: It was nothing, really..! I’m just glad to see you smiling again. 

Hajime: ..H-Huh…? H-Hey, stop..! Y-You’re gonna make me blush..!

Memopo: O-Oh, I didn’t mean to! Haha..! It’s been a while since I saw you not worrying about everything.

Hajime: …Yeah… it has been. At least the cooking lessons with Teru are helping… a lot…

Memopo: Oh, right! Also, thanks a lot, your food is fantastic..!

Hajime: Hehe… no problem… I’m just glad to be around my friends during this tough time…

Hajime: H-Hey, if we ever escape this place… can you promise me something..?

Memopo: W-What do you mean “if we ever?!” Of course we’ll escape!

Memopo: …Though, what is it?

Hajime: You’re gonna help me beat Nikki. 

Memopo: H-Huh?!

Hajime: I-I’m just kidding, I swear! S-sorry..!

Memopo: N-No, it’s okay! I was just surprised, it’s all… I still wanna know about your problem with him.

Hajime: …Maybe next time? If you still want to–

Memopo: …Deal! But next time, I’ll be waiting for a better reaction! You don’t deserve to be in this situation.

Hajime: Can’t promise you anything, but… I’ll try. At least I slept yesterday…!

Oh, Hajime…

Our conversation was difficult, and I felt like it was kinda quick, but… At least I got to understand more of you.

I’m still confused about tons of things, your anger issues, your backstory, if you had a talent or not, the Nikki situation…

But at least, I got something! And that’s what matters. I won’t force you to say anything else, so let’s just wait. Wait for the best.

…We’ll escape this place, together.

After a while, he decided to stay on the pharmacy. I don’t know why, but I respected his decision.

-Hey, I’m gonna leave now. We’ve been here for quite a while, huh?

-Y-Yes, you’re right… I’ll probably look out for you tomorrow, then..!

-Nice! Have a nice day, alright?

-T-Thanks, you too..! – He smiled and waved, so I finally decided to leave this place. –

I was about to leave the pharmacy, when a sudden shock ran through my body.

I was nervous… but why? For what reason..?

Is it something… outside..?

…We’ve been here for a few hours, just talking… did something happen..?

I finally opened the door, and…

Right in front of me…

There was…!


What is–

Hoshi, Makoto, Joshua, Teru and Aki..?

What are they doing.. together..?

Hoshi: Uwah…! This was refreshing..! I feel so much better now..!

Makoto: Yeah..! After planning a whole set of clothing for an entire day, this was worth all the pain.

Joshua: Can’t say that I feel the same, pal. Relaxin’? Yep, plannin’ tons of clothin’? Sure didn’t!

Teru: T-Thanks for the idea, Aki! This was so good..! I honestly want to spent my whole life in that sauna!

Aki: Oh, don’t worry about it. Miya suggested that we should use the sauna as a method to prevent the… things from happening. Today was obviously the boys night, so you had all the rights to savor it..!

Makoto: Hehe..! I’m glad we all had some fun! Even though it was a… steamy sauna event.

Joshua: That’s right, pal! As steamy as it could be! YEEHAW! 

Aki: Should you really yell “Yeehaw”? It ruined the whole mood.

Hoshi: Awnn, I liked it! Yeehaw! It’s like, a super cowboy thing to do!

Teru: Hehe! Yeehaw! What are we gonna do now, partners?!

Makoto: Yeehaw, bro! I’d say we should all change to our normal clothes now!

Aki: They don’t even say bro– Ah, whatever. Yeehaw… I guess..? I like the whole cowboy aesthetic but..

Joshua: Heh, I’m pumped for another round of that sauna thing! Gotta flex these muscles, ya y’know?!

Hoshi: Awn, I don’t have muscles… But I still liked it! I hope we can do it again before the show!

Teru: Yeah! But really though, I think we should go now, before someone sees us..!

Aki: Oh, my, I can’t believe how lewd it would be to find five boys using spa clothing! The audacity! 

Makoto: …Yeah, Teru’s right, though… It was good but we’re in the middle of a corridor…

Joshua: Then that’s the next plan, giddy up y’all! Let’s get our clothes!

Aki: Finally…

After that, they left the room, going towards the theater, I guess..?

…What did I just see right now with my own eye..?

…At least it wasn’t anything pervy, but…

I felt dirty. 

…I’m gonna get some fruit after that.


I got back to the food court, and once again, no one was here. Though I don’t feel like hanging out anymore. I guess I’ll just wait for a while… until the nighttime reunion starts. I think I could get another fruit in the meantime?

…Though… since no one’s here… I think I have enough time to… look at the motive, right..?

…N-No, stop thinking about that… Remember what Maisake said. If you’re not strong enough… then… 

…I don’t know… I’m just… too scared..? To not look at it.

I just got back from two calm conversations, why am I feeling so nervous right now..?

Is it because… of Mrs. Watanabe..?

N-No, I– I don’t need to worry about that. 

God… why can’t I be alone for one minute without thinking about this..? 

…N-No, control yourself! This isn’t some kind of messy plot hole for you to suddenly feel nervous after being so happy..!

This is a happy day… this is a happy day… this is a happy day..! 

You’re okay, Memopo, you’re okay, Memopo…

…Why are you getting so nervous..? It’s just a motive, right? The first motive wasn’t that bad.

…Get out of that chair right now, Memopo.

If you’re not going to distract yourself with other people, helping them and everything, then you have to accept your reality. 

People obviously dislike you because you’re so happy, damn, Chokakku herself choked the two happiest boys on the third day here. 

Why can’t you just be like Nia? You’re also jealous of her, now? Even after she betrayed your entire class..?

O-Okay, okay, calm down, calm down, holy gee. What WAS that.

…It was so weird, so… horrible. Why did I feel like I wasn’t being myself again..?

I already understood that it’s not my fault… and that Hope’s Peak already searching for me.

Why did I suddenly got some sort of… anxiety..?

I can’t even control it. I’m just… feeling it.

I’m sorry, Maisake. But I think I’m strong enough to endure a motive.

…I got myself a snack, and walked away from that empty room.

The first thing you noticed after entering that odd room was:

-No blood, thank god. The knife is gone, at least.

-The obvious red screen shining in the middle of the room. What is going on..?

-And… yeah, the black and white box. The content inside that box is painfully obvious, but you already knew about that, so stop trying to feel edgy or scared.

…You are allowed to feel edgy or scared, but you need to be strong. Maisake said it was pretty explicit, so if you feel scared or anything, you’re gonna feel even more afraid later.

…But, suddenly… something happened.

..Huh? The red screen just… disappeared. What just happened..?

…Ok, you’re a bit more afraid now, but what’s the point of being afraid?

You can always go back and not see this motive, you know?

But… you obviously want to know the content on your motive.

Is your mom safe..? Is Yoi safe? Who knows..? Monobot.

After trembling for what felt an eternity, you grabbed a saturated orange plastic folder. Inside of it, there was a disk, an obvious disk, since it had the name “MEMOPO” written on it.

You’re gonna regret this, Memopo.

You’re gonna feel even more anxious after that, Memopo.

…Memopo, what are you–

You put the disk inside of a disk reader. Since you already investigated this place before, you already knew most of the functions of this place. Thanks Maki and Kiyohara.

…After a few seconds, you heard a click on the door.


Yeah, just like that.

And the screen…

It got red again. You heard a sound. It’s probably reading the disk right now. So, what are you going to do now? 

It seems like you can’t leave the room, and it’s your fault, huh?

…Just like before.

You’re gonna regret this.

After a few more seconds… the screen got black, and right after that…

You were definitely not prepared for what you were about to see.




What… was that?

…Yoi… Mom… the Sakagara family…

What the… hell..?

What the hell did you just see?

…This can’t be happening, this…

This must be a bad joke, how did he–

How did he do this… in such a small amount of time..?!

H-He… Monobot…!

It’s your fault, now.

NOW it’s your fault. You know that, right?

You know that, don’t you, Memopo Sakagara?!

If it wasn’t for your decisions… then…

This wasn’t avoidable at all. It’s obvious that he would do that one day anyway.

But one day is pretty vague, we’re talking about now.

Your sister is in danger. Your mother is in danger. 

All you have to do is… kill.

You just gotta kill someone.

Kill… someone..?

One of the 13 remaining friends of yours..?

Just kill one of them… and your mom will be safe…

Why, are you afraid now? You caused this, didn’t you?

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

C’mon, Memopo! It’s so simple! Just do it!

You just need to kill someone, and your family will be safe again. Hell, you might even be able to escape this place as well!

Isn’t that just wonderful?! Isn’t it? Isn’t it? Isn’t it? Isn’t it?

Your head is so full of thoughts… right now…

This is… this is…

too much.. for you to handle…

You’re… full of…

anxious thoughts… you’re too afraid… you’re…

You’re despairing, right now.

Hey, the screen got red again.


I can’t help it. There’s just darkness.

This time, I at least remember how I was brought into this mess… though… everything still happened before I even noticed.

“Hello hello everyone! It is now 10pm, and thus, nighttime is officially starting, whew! So go to your dorm room, and sleep! Or stay awake, but be prepared for someone attacking you from behind! Good night, sleep tight, and killing? You might!”

“Also… the first victim finally happened! Or should I say, victims..? Kehehehe! I did mean when I said that there would be daily executions..!”

“I won’t show live footage, at least… not now! Kehehehehe!”

“One person down! 13 left! Good night, everyone!”

???: Hey, Memopo..? What are you–

???: T-There you are…! C’mon, wake up..!


Ugh… my head is so… 

What a pain… did Kiyohara smack my head with the thermostat again..?

…Who’s… talking to me..?

???: Memopo… c’mon..! Really..!

???: Ugh. Everyone, I found her! She’s breathing!

After a few minutes… I finally opened my eyes… and I saw…

Zeto: ..Ugh, finally. You finally woke up 

Memopo: Zeto… what are you… what are you doing here?

Zeto: We were searching all night for you. Why weren’t you punished for sleeping outside our dorm or lab?

Memopo: A-All night… wait… what time is it…?

Zeto: 11pm. You just vanished for the rest of the day. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.

Memopo: U-Ugh… H-Huh..?!

-T-The entire… day–?! Ouch– my head…

-I mean, I didn’t talk to you today, so I don’t know how much time you disappeared, but everyone started to search for you.

-H-Huh… W-Where is everyone, now..?

-After I saw you, I just yelled that you were safe, so I think most of them just returned to their rooms.


Hmm… everyone was searching for me…

…I’m so tired… I’m so exhausted…

Mom… Yoi…

-Hey, let’s go to your dorm before you faint down here again. 

-H-Huh..? O-Oh, right, I… I fainted here…

-Yeah, it’s the only possible explanation, anyway. What were you doing here? Watching your motive or something?

-… – I’m… too tired to reply. – 

-…Eh, it’s not my problem anyway. Let’s see if I can find your boy toy. Just– just hold me, alright?

I started to hold him, and then we walked away from that audio room.

…I’m kinda better, now. Not better, but…

Ugh… what did I do…

…I-I’m obviously not going to kill someone, am I…?

…I really need to rest.

I… C’mon, stay strong, don’t faint again, you’re almost there…

…Zeto… thanks. You’re really lucky to found me in a situation like this.

-Hey, we’re here. It seems like your boy toy was investigating the second floor. Maisake went to talk to him right now.

-O-Oh..? Makoto…? thanks… Zeto…

-Hmm. Since we’re finally over with this, go get some rest, really. This motive seems to get really hard on people. I wonder why.

-…Y-Yeah… – I’m just rambling out at this point. – 

-Well, I’m gonna theorize. Go to your bed, now. 

-H-Hey, thank– 

After that, he used my Phonobot to open my door, and threw me inside. Wow, rude..!

Though, can’t blame him. 


I’m…. too scared.

I’m… actually scared now.

I mean, I was scared before, with the body and all…

but… this… this is just another level.

…So many bodies… in just one chapter of my life…

Mom, Yoi, please, both of you… please stay safe…

…I don’t wanna lose anyone else…

I don’t wanna kill anyone…

but… will I be able to protect everyone..?

After what I saw… I don’t think so.

Why can’t I have a normal school life for once..?

…The risks of being an Ultimate student, huh..?

I hope no one thought I died. It would be… too early… for… that…

I just dropped in my bed. And immediately fell asleep.

I think… this is enough for me… at least for today.






























[DEAD BabyCosplayer [DBC] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board Monobot Theater 101]

>•< – H11111!! My name 1s Sh1r0ga Nesum1! 1’m the Ult1mate Unlucky Student!

>•< – Huh, what’s the pr0blem?

>•< – N0w, n0w, y0u m1ght be ask1ng y0urself: “Huuuuuh?! What the hell 1s g01ng 0n?! 1s th1s just an0ther crazy tr1p?” >•< – Teehee! 1 w1sh 1 was 1n an actual tr1p, s1lly! D0n’t y0u remember? 1 was the f1rst v1ct1m! Teehee!

>•< – D0n’t w0rry, d0n’t w0rry, 1’m f1ne n0w! K1y0hara and 1 are super bffs n0w! Th1s 1s an actual heaven f0r all the deceased students!

>•< – Why d1d 1 say “deceased students” and n0t “f0r just us”? Well, 1t’s s0 0bv10us!

There’s def1n1tely g01ng t0 have an0ther b0dy dr0p s00n. Th1s 1s n0t even news for us..!

>•< – Actually, let me tell y0u a secret! We b0th kn0w wh0’s g0nna surv1ve th1s k1ll1ng game 0r n0t! 0r… 1f there’s even a s1ngle surv1v0r! Kehehehehehe! 1-1 mean, Teehee! 1’m 0bv10usly N0T the M0n0th1ng c0splay1ng a dead student!

>•< – 1 m1ss Zet0, he was a unwh0les0me scum, but at least he’s the perfect an1me em0 but c0l0rful b0yfr1end material. G0sh, I wanna g0 back t0 l1fe! Th1s 1s unfa1r >:[

>•< – The w0rst part 1s that 1 can’t even sp01l 1f he surv1ves 0r n0t! Waaaah, 1 m1ss h1m a l0t, even th0ugh 1t was h1s plan that g0t me k1lled.

>•< – Alr1ght, t0 be fa1r, 1 planned my dem1se as well, so there’s that. Ugh, 1 can’t wa1t f0r the next death already! C’m0n! Dr0p dead y0u guys..!

>•< – G0nna get a dr1nk. Teehee..!~

[DBC closed memo.]

@Druwcapa – 2020 – Chapter 2 – Part 3 –


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