Danganronpa: SHIFTED – Chapter 2 – Part 3 – Day 2

@Druwcapa – 2020 – Chapter 2 – Part 3 –


Hello, hello everyone! It is now 7am, and thus, nighttime is officially over, yay! Time to try your hardest to survive, and plot some really nasty crimes! Rise and shine, everybody!




My head is… what happened yesterday…?

…I don’t remember anything… Did I drink or something..?

…I’m not good with alcohol anyway… but then… why did I drink?

…C’mon, think…

…O-Oh. I’m still trapped in here.

Then fortunately I’m pretty sure I didn’t drink.

So then… what was the cause of that..?


Let’s see… let’s see…

I woke up yesterday, talked to Miya… and I had some free time so– I talked to, in order… the cooking trio, then Maisake, then Hajime..?

…After that, I saw… the dudes…?

…I-I actually don’t remember anything after that.

Did I sleep? I don’t remember going straight to my room.

I’m feeling strange…


I got up, and did what I needed to do. 

…I honestly felt a bit dirty for some reason, so I took a bath as well. Did I fell on the floor or something?

Wahh, fresh and clean… it’s so good..! Even if I’m using the same clothes as usual.

…I’m still feeling that strange sensation, though….

A-Anyway, it’s probably nothing, so… 

I’m feeling extremely okay today, so I should probably take things slow.

I got out of my room, and the first thing I saw surprised me…

Actually, yeah! It surprised me..!

Not what happened, but… their reaction..!

Hajime and Makoto were there! Woah, he did try to wait for me today! But they’re both… huh..?

-Hey guys! What are you both doing here? – I asked, and they’re still…? – 

-O-Oh my god… Memopo, where were you yesterday?! H-Holy heck?! – Huh?! –

-M-Memopo… I-I thought you… I thought you were…!

-H-Huh– what’s going on– what happened?!

-…What do you mean “what happened”?! Y-You just disappeared! – …Huh?! –

-I-I what–?! What are you both talking about?! 

-I… I think she doesn’t know… or remember… what happened either…

-…Y-Yeah, it seems like it… – Makoto got closer, and put his hand on my shoulder – I-I’m glad you’re safe, you dumb butt.

-H-Huh..? Hey, thanks– but–

-A-After you disappeared… most of us started to search for you…

-Yeah– it was strange that you didn’t appear in the nighttime meeting, but you weren’t knocking on your door either.

-H-Huh..? I-I think I’m starting to remember something… – O-Ouch, my head started to hurt again… – 

-I’m glad you’re safe, really. B-But don’t do that again..! Gosh, you almost gave me an heart attack!


-H-Hey, Memopo, thanks for the talk yesterday… I really mean it…

-I-It’s nothing. P-Please don’t worry about me, guys..! I-It’s… fine…?

-…W-Well… before we go… I just wanted to say that… I got a bit more of sleep yesterday… I think you really helped me calm down..

-O-Oh… really? That’s so great!

-Yeah, congrats, Hajime! – They started a small talk with each other… I don’t remember the details, because… – 

…My head hurts… Ugh… what– What happened…? Something bad happened for sure, but… 

…What did happen..? 

-Hey, let’s go to the food court, now. – H-huh..? –

-Y-Yeah… everyone’s waiting for us…

-O-Oh..? Alright then… Thanks, both of you. For looking out for me.

-No problem! I said I’d be here for you, didn’t I?

Hehe, yeah… he did say that.

I chuckled, and after that, we both started to walk towards the food court. Thank god it’s not too far away from the dorms, because I’m starving.

N-Not starving, but hungry. I’m hungry.

…It has been a long time since I was actually starving.

I still didn’t hear their conversation, though. Something about the journal from before… and something about the sauna event…

Makoto came to check on me a few times, since I was in front of them, and lost in thought, but besides that, everything was okay. 

After a few minutes, we entered the food court.

And… surprise, surprise! Everyone was looking at us..! Looking at me, of course. 

Actually, after looking at someone… that helped me yesterday… I remembered.

-There, I said it. Can we start our daily meeting now? – Zeto..? –

-H-Huh…? – …Holy crap… – 

…I watched my motive, didn’t I..?

…Mom, Yoi… they’re gonna… die… if no one else in here dies.

…I don’t wanna kill someone… I’m not a monster… but…

…I-I don’t wanna be executed either…

…I started to tremble. H-Holy macarroni…

-H-Hey, calm down, calm down..! – Makoto grabbed my shoulders once again. – 

-Calm down… let’s have our daily meeting, alright..?

I nodded… and looked around… everyone… I’m so sorry for worrying you all.

L-Let’s calm down, deep breath… alright…

…It’s probably fake anyway, right?

..Haha… ha… ha…

-M-Memopo..!! I-I thought you were dead…! – Miya..? – 

-Girl, don’t scare us like that! – Maki… – 

-U-Ugh… I was so scared.. warn us before disappearing again..! – Even Teru… – 

Everyone started to calm down, after that… I’m still nervous, but…

Ugh… It’s a new day… everyone is here…

I’m glad we’re together.

-I’m gonna get our breakfast. – Chokakku quickly said. – I’m not in the mood to see you guys crying over each other. 

-Very well. – Nia replied, and Chokakku entered the kitchen. – I’m glad you’re here, Memopo, really. Though.. I did expect better from you.


-Tsu, what’s wrong..? Me-po’s finally here..!

-Obviously, but where did you find her again, Zeto?

-In the audio room. – … – 

-Then you all know what that means, right? We talked about this yesterday.

-…Ms. Sakagara… did you see your…?

-… – I didn’t know what to say. So I just stayed quiet. –

-M-Memopo… So you did..?!

-Blazes.. if the strongest gal saw her motive and went like that…

-…There was probably more than that.

-Y-Yeah, but– ya know, it’s still scary as blazes.

-J-Just, everyone, she went through a lot… we should just–

-Oh, shut up. Can we worry about something for once?

-..N-No, Naoto’s right. – Miya..?! – C-Can we just eat..? If we keep worrying about this motive, then..!

-Well, yes. – Hajime quickly interrupted her. – If we keep worrying about this…

-It is her fault, though.

-A-Alright, please..! – I yelled. – J-Just, let’s not worry about this right now, okay..?


-N-Naoto… really..?

-I-I’m okay. I’m okay! I was shocked at first but.. I’m alright now… okay?!

-Y-Yeah… let’s leave Me-Po alone..!

-Yep yip yop! Let’s– let’s eat, guys! We shouldn’t worry about this…!

-At least not in this heated moment…

-…If you say so. Let’s just wait for now.

-Well, if anyone else dies, we’ll have our main suspect anyways. So yeah, let’s just wait.

-…. – Suspect..? –

After that… we all sat on our usual seats. There wasn’t much talk this time… at least not to me. Some people talked to each other, but it wasn’t a noticeable conversation.

…Am I really going to be a main suspect..? 

And then, Chokakku finally got back, with our breakfast, and as always, we ate.

At least I’ll keep my mind occupied with some food…

Memopo: …So… what are we going to do today..?

Miya: I was thinking about… making the fashion show sooner than expected. We won’t be able to make everything as fancy as I thought but…

Aki: Yeah, if we take too much time… who knows what might happen.

Zeto: But what if happens during your show?

Miya: W-What?! Is that even possible?

Nia: Oh, don’t fret. I’m sure he’s just “joking around”. The idea is great, though.

Memopo: But for that to work… you’d need to talk to everyone else first, right?

Makoto: Oh, don’t worry, she talked to us earlier! Before Hajime and I came to talk to you.

Hajime: Y-Yeah… I’m not a participant but… sooner is better.

Joshua: Hmm, hmm. There’s that. Anythin’ else?

Maisake: Hmm… perhaps another round of investigation? I’ll probably stay in here again, at least checking to see if anyone else tries to see their motive.

Chokakku: Talking about that, why the fuck did you even try to watch it?

Memopo: I-I was scared..! My mom, my sister..!

Chokakku: Well, we’re all scared, dumbshit! Do you think you’re special just because you’re a–

Hoshi: Choka, please stop!

Chokakku: Oh, shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch! Why can’t YOU stop being a whiny ass for once?!

Hoshi: I-I…

Nia: Alright, that’s it. Shut up, now. 

Chokakku: What are you even–

Teru: That’s not a nice thing to do! Why are you so obsessed on attacking him?

Maki: Choko, we thought you were finally going to stop doing that!

Haruka: Ms. Dokuita, that’s too much, even for you! We do not want to see you choking one of our friends again, can you please stop?! 

Aki: What a twist. So soon, as well.

Hajime: H-Her personality totally shifted…!

Chokakku: You’re one to talk, 50% edgy 50% smooth! I don’t even know why we still make breakfast for everyone.

Joshua: …Anywho, befor’ y’all go into shifting each other again, can we finish that meetin’ first..?

Zeto: These meetings are getting shorter and shorter. With each new floor, there’s less stuff to talk about.

Teru: Actually… can I talk about something?

Makoto: Hm? Oh, go for it!

Memopo: Yeah, Teru, what is it?

-Actually, I was thinking about this, and… will the fashion show be at nighttime?

-Hmm? Oh, probably! It has it’s own aesthetic to it! Why?

-Because, then… since Maki and I are participants, how is the breakfast going to work? – Huh?

-What do you mean by that? – Nia asked – It’s breakfast, it’s nothing special.

-O-Ohh, makes sense! You see, Teru had this amazing idea of preparing special meals for us after the fashion show! For the participants and the judges to have a little treat!

-..Ohhh, ooh! That’s so good! 

-Thank you, Mr. Tozumi, this is a brilliant idea! But what seems to be the problem with that?

-You see, we normally prepare special meals during nighttime, so we can get everything done by the morning announcement…

-O-Oh, and with the fashion show… you’ll both be occupied… Gee, w-we can always make it earlier..!

-Actually, you don’t need to do that. – Aki..? – Since we’ll have small breaks after every stage, you can always use these breaks to work on it.

-U-Uh… no..? – Hajime? – I-It’s hard to prepare meals, you know..? It takes a long time… not just… 15 minutes or so.

Oh, of course, how could I be sooooooo stupid? I’m not an idiot. But you’re four. Four idiots and four cooks. It should be enough time.

-Though… Mr. Nohara has a point. Plus, him and Ms. Dokuita are judges… they have to stay on the theater to judge everything.

-Hmm… yes, that’s a problem. What to do…?

-So… should we change the time of the presentations..?

…Everyone seemed on edge… I don’t know how everything’s going to work, but…

-I can help. – H-Huh?! Zeto?! THE Zeto?! – I mean, this will be boring to watch anyway. So I can help.

-Huh? You? Really? Do you even know how to cook?

-I think I can do a better job at making food than a chocolatier. Someone who only works with chocolate.

-H-How dare you, you–?!

-Calm down, now. Mr. Pannacota… that’s great..! I’m part of the participants, but I’ll gladly help as well..! I am the Ultimate Teacher, so I can teach you the basics of cooking!

-W-Woah?! Seriously?! Ms. Nikada and Zeto are going to help us..?! Woah, thank you both..! Really!

-Hmpf. I was going to say the same thing. Skipping the show to stay on the kitchen, but knowing that lucky asshole is going to do a free job for me, then I’d rather stay quiet.

-…I-I wasn’t going to leave, anyway…

-Here, are you happy now, Teru? The ones that are going to make the meal are… Zeto, Maki, Ms. Nikada, Chokakku, Hajime and you.

-Well, Hajime and I can’t help during the presentations, but we can always work something out later.

-U-Uhuh! Thank you, really! Thank you Ms. Nikada, and Zeto as well! 

-Yep yip yop! We can talk to you guys about some stuff that we’re planning right now! 

-Nah. – Wow. – Probably later, though. I’m… busy. Doing something.

-Oh? Okay, then…? What are you doing?

-Something. at my lab. Hoshi and Nia can see it though. They… they already saw it yesterday.

-Oh, are you talking about that? Wow, you’re still working on that thing?

-Nice! Panna, Tsu and I together on the same room! That’s the perks of walking around, talking to everybody!

-Hehe, I feel that… – I said to myself. After what happened yesterday… I felt a little better during this conversation. – 

And then, just like always, everyone went on their own directions. The cooking trio and Maisake stayed at this floor, while everyone else went on the second floor. 

Again, I’m alone in here.

Let’s try not to think about anything.

I feel safer now. I’m still scared. two days… and then…

…But, this couldn’t be possible, could it? It’s… too fast. 

Well… I’m tired already, so I won’t even stay in here for much longer.

That’s right, I won’t look around this empty room today! Hehe.

…Why am I talking to myself like that?

Anyway, I entered the elevator, and after the usual while, I finally got on the second floor.

“Welcome To My Resort” it says. 

Not gonna lie, this place is pretty comfy. It’s warm, but not too warm.

Who should I spend time with, today?

Once again, everyone’s on the same place as before. They’re probably doing the same thing as always. Now…

I don’t wanna talk to Nia, at least not when I’m like that.

Zeto said that no one should look at his place, expect Hoshi and Nia, so I’ll respect his decision.

Haruka and Joshua are doing their classes, so I won’t distract them either.

Leaving… Miya and Aki… or Makoto.

And, you know me, brain. I’m feeling bad, I’m feeling sad, it’s obvious who I’m going to choose, isn’t it? At least at first.

If you weren’t expecting that, then I’m sorry. But It’s a must in my list. 

I stood in front of his door. I could either go inside the library and talk to Nia, go to my own lab and look at Monobot, or enter his lab and talk to him.

I just hope I feel better after talking to my best friend. We’ve been through a lot recently…

Alright, why am I sweating?

It’s simple, one, two… three!

I entered the room, and the one inside the room wasn’t a surprise at all.

Haha, tree man.

Makoto..! Makoto Hiroma! My friend, pal! I hate him.

Just joking, of course. Looking at this place… it already makes me calmer. He’s my best friend, the longest friendship I’ve had through my entire life! And he’s… important to me.

I don’t know if I could’ve done the first trial if it wasn’t for his help.

…Well, nothing to worry about, now. He’s here, I’m here, and he’s as dumb as always! He didn’t even notice that I’m here!

-Hey, Makoto! Watch out! – I threw my cape at his face, surprising him. – 

-H-Huh– WhaAAA!! – Success. He’s now fully caped. Mission complete. He threw the cape back at me. –  

-That’s what you get for being a stinky man. – I looked at him. Pathetic. – What are you doing?

-Hmpf. How did you even enter the room?! I was literally looking at the door!

-Ninja skills. Wait, no– Magic! It’s my new trick, you know?

-Haha, right… I’m just looking around, wanna help? I’m free for a fresh conversation! – Heck yeah! – 

Wow, wow indeed. I’m already feeling much better just by talking to him! Obviously, I won’t leave him right now. I have to show my incredible ninja skills.

Should I spend some time with Makoto? Of course!

-Yeah! Let’s demolish this place! We’ll show Monobot!

-W-Wait, no! You’re still thinking about our old plan of defeating him?!

-I mean, no, he’s such a creep. And I’m still kinda bad about the motive and all, but… let’s show him what we’re capable of!

-Hehe, I’m glad you’re slowly getting better, I was seriously worried about you. It isn’t the first time you disappear.

-H-Hey, I already said that you shouldn’t worry about me! Seriously, I’m fine! Though, thanks… I means a lot.

-Okay, okay, I’ll try not to enter that topic, but just saying, please don’t do that again. I don’t wanna see you in a bad situation. At least not again.

-…Thanks. At least I’m not bloody, now.

-Well, yeah. Hehe. – He smiled at me, and chuckled. Then, we started to look around his lab. –

-Hey, Memopo, remember your first world tour? – Oh… Oh! Yeah, I do! – When you had 3 special tickets to go on the same plane as you?

-Hehe, yeah! It was you, Yoi and… your cousin, right?

-Yeah! The Ultimate Ice Cream Guy! Oh yeah, his cousin got an Ultimate talent before him. I think it was him that suggested Makoto to the headmaster… – 

-Hey, wasn’t him the one that showed your work  to the headmaster?

-Right on the money! He said it was pretty difficult, but it was funny, you know? Two Makotos in the same room, talking to each other?

-Oh yeah, but hey, you got into Hope’s Peak, and got famous! That’s a good thing!

-Heh, I wouldn’t say “famous” since I’m not popular enough to have a WORLD TOUR yet, but my family and I got tons of money, so it’s great!

-Hey, I’m not that famous either! It was pure luck that I got a good fanbase! If you search my name online you’ll just find other better Ultimates and an old picture of me!

-Still, pretty neat! Better than searching “Makoto Hiroma” and getting tons of anime girls! – Haha, yeah, that’s true.

-Damn, why didn’t you told me that you’re an anime girl?! We could become magical girls together!

-Hey, I’m not! Pfft! At least you’re already a magical girl, just need a sparkly uniform and everything.

-Got a point. You should become one as well though.


-Ppffttt!! Imagine! Sailor Scissors! Defender of the… Hairdressing places! 

-It’s a hair salon, you dumb orange! You know that already! – He weakly punched my arm while laughing. –

-It’s always nice to see you angry, so- shrug emojiiii – Yep, I said it. – 

-Don’t shrug emoji me, you still need to pay for your crimes! I’m gonna stop your terror right now!

-I’m gonna commit arson and manslaughter even after I’m dead, coward.

-Ok, fair, just– don’t commit an arson again. You know what happened the last time.

-I-It wasn’t an actual arson, and you know that! It was an experiment… – I touched my bangs. Waaah, that’s why I hate science. Sorry Hajime. – 

-Well, at least we’re both here and safe! Not actually safe but– You get my point, right?

-Hehe, yeah. Dancing emoji. – We laughed, and continued to talk while looking around his lab. – 

Scissors, those little knife things that you use to cut your hair, there’s even shaving cream here! Watch out, Joshua!

…Hehe, It’s really great to spend time with him. I’m actually having a blast right now!

After a few more random topics, we finally did what we wanted to do.

Spinning chairs moment.

This. Is.






Makoto: Hehe, I know, I know. S-Sorry…

Makoto: Wheeww…. I’m dizzy.

Memopo: If you try to vomit just don’t vomit on me or else–

Makoto: Or else what? Gonna turn me into a frog or something?

Memopo: You know I can, do not test me Makoto Naegi!

Makoto: I hate you so much oh my freaking god I will personally go to your house and burn your bedroom with all your belonging inside

Memopo: We’re literally neighbors what the heck is your problem you can obviously go to my house without even trying gee!!

Makoto: Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Memopo: Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Memopo: Hehe…

Makoto: H-Heheh…

Makoto: Hey, Memopo, I… I actually really like this place, maybe it’s not a bad idea to live in here.. after all..?

Memopo: H-Huh?! Are you crazy? Did you got so dizzy that your brain stopped functioning!?

Makoto: I mean, I hate it, I hate the killing game and all, but you know, the rooms are fantastic, you do agree, don’tcha?

Memopo: Ok, to be honest, I do like the rooms. But the rest is a no-no! If Monobot wasn’t such a… Monobot, I would’ve destroyed it!

Makoto: Yeah! When we escape this nightmare, I’m gonna burn everything! Get some things first, of course, but the rest is going down..!

Memopo: …Yeah! We’re gonna escape, together! And I’ll beat the crap out of whoever brought us here..! 

Makoto: That’s right! That’s definitely right!

We talked for a bit more, it was amazing. Having a nice talk to him, without being serious or anything, just a fun ride… I missed these times… I hope we can continue with this until we escape.

Ah, how fun is to be a magician and a hairdresser? Not that much, but it’s a pretty gamer momento.

I never thought I’d say that.

-Memopo, really, thank you so much for checking on me today. I was really scared yesterday… sorry for talking about that again, but–

-O-Oh, it’s alright! I would only be confused if you weren’t worried. I’m so glad to have a friend like you.

-Me too. Best pals for life, ya kno? Can’t break that. Hey, can I just say one more thing before you go?

-Huh? Y-Yeah, what is it?

-I didn’t check my motive yet, and I wouldn’t kill to escape, much less alone this time around, but I just wanted to say that…

-It’s gonna be okay, okay? Hehe, I said “okay” two times. – I chuckled. – But really, I’m here if you wanna talk about anything, I just don’t wanna lose my best friend.

-Gee, you’re so hopeless. I don’t wanna lose you either, you know? We’ve been friends for so long, I don’t know if I could lead us all without you here… And I’m already doing a poor job with you here, imagine if you weren’t!

-Heh, don’t say that to yourself. No one’s strong as steel, no matter what they say or do. Even Nia or Zeto. You’re doing a great job so far, don’t let anyone else say otherwise.

-…Thanks. You too. You’re doing an amazing job as well, being a friend and a psychologist? Hello? Multi-talent?

-Pfft..! I wonder how they can survive without having you as their friend. Good luck out there, alright? I’m gonna stay here, probably checking everything for the fashion show.

-Ahh, alright! Thanks for today, really, you dumb tree man! – I punched him. Ha! Revenge. – Take care as well!

We waved at each other, and I left his lab. Going back to my boring, silent hall.

Hall, not hill. Don’t wanna get sued, you know?

I suppose I could call that, though. After all, we do have a zombie here.

Anyway, anyhow…!

Hmm… whatever shall I do, now?

Gosh, I’m starting to talk like Nia.

Hypnotherapy is doing wonders to me.

…I’m not even doing sessions, but I still feel pretty… shrug emoji.

Hmm… I looked at my Phonobot, and everyone’s at the same location as before, so…

No Nia, no Hajime, no Haruka and Joshua, and… no Zeto and Hoshi, it seems.

…I could get out of my comfort zone like before and talk to Monobot or someone else, but…

Ugh, I just wanna talk to someone nice for a change.

…Hmm… Miya and Aki are still in their same spot.

…Welp, let’s go..!

Gosh, I forgot how fancy this place is..! Would you look at that?!

Gold, gold is always fancy, but this gold with this red…! I feel like a queen, actually!

They’re inside the theater, so I’m gonna check on them, it’s not a huge deal, I’m way better now!

…One, two..!

Ah, I don’t care. Let’s go– huh?

Hmm… they’re not here… huh?

There’s a paper in the middle of the stage..? Could it be…?

…I got closer to check on it… and just as I suspected, it’s just… 

The same checklist that Miya showed us yesterday.

Meh, I’m still a judge, nothing changed. But it’s nice to be on a visible place.

Also… goly, this place is so freaking… gorgeous..! Big AND gorgeous..!

But let’s not get distracted. They’re not here, huh..? But the Phonobot said that they’re here… unless..?

Yeah, why didn’t I think about that before. It’s obvious.

Hehe, I hit the jackpot! Getting smarter, huh?

Well, well, well..! They didn’t notice me either, smarter and sneaky… just like a Ninja! I mean– Just like a Magician. 

But yeah, not so sneaky. After thinking for so long while being frozen at the start of the room, it was obvious that I would be noticed.

-Oh, hey, Memop– Aki couldn’t even finish his phrase, because right after that… –

-M-Memopo is here?! – Miya yelled, and dropped from her chair. – O-Oh my god, this is so embarrassing–! 

-H-Huh..?! Hey, what are you both doing right now..? Is everything okay..?

-Yes, of course. Miya is just, being the disaster that she normally is. Nothing new.

-Hey, t-that’s not fair! – Miya… hehe.. – W-We’re preparing everything for the fashion show..! It’s super serious..!

-Really..? It seemed like you both were just… having a makeup party with each other.

-Oh, so you saw that? Yeah, we’re taking a break right now.

-Alright, y-you got us… but don’t tell anyone else! It’s super serious! W-We’re just testing to see if it reacts any allergies or something..!

Don’t you need to test it with all the participants, then..? 

-Well, since most of the things are already planned, do you mind if you join us? We were just talking about you! Suspect. – Not funny, but yeah.

-H-Huh?! About me..? Seriously?

-D-Do-Don’t listen to him!! We were just– just… we were just gossiping..! About– Hope’s Peak! Yeah! In general!

-This just made it worse, Miya. You’re amazing but you’re digging your own grave right now.

-O-Oh, oh–!! Sorry, sorry..! sorry.

-Hahaha! I-It’s okay, really! I was just searching for you guys anyway! 

Hmm… looks like they’re free!

Not gonna lie, I already talked to them a few times in Hope’s Peak, so I already know a little about their personalities and such.

Though… it has been a while since I actually talked to them.

Should I spend some time with Miya and Aki?

Hmm… yeah, why not?

-So… can I ask you guys a question? – Let’s start with the fake-juiciness, then, right? That’s what they want after all..! – 

-Yep! I’m all ears! Tell us everything that you need to tell! – Wow, really? – 

-I-It’s nothing that juicy, actually. It’s just a question… How did you guys decide all of this..? Like, the fashion show and everything?

-Hmm? It’s quite self-explanatory, is it not?

-I mean– Yeah, but… Why exactly a fashion show? It’s quite… uh… unique, for a theater. I was expecting something like… a talent show, or a play.

-Oh, dear. Out of everything that happened so far, you’re curious about that? Just look at us. But… Miya has a better answer for this question, don’t you?

-O-Oh, yeah! Well, we were going to make a talent show at first, but… it would take too much time. It depends of everyone’s determination, and if they had what they needed… 

-Yeah, and most of the labs are still locked and everything, so it would be kinda impossible since we don’t have an exact way of supporting… talents like Luck, or… Cowboyrism..?

-Oh, I see. But what about the play? It’s a theater so it should support actual plays… right?

-T-That’s the problem..! We didn’t find any sort of plays in here! – H-Huh?! No plays?! At all?! – 

-Exactly. Not even the simplistic ones. Ironic, since they have a full catalog on “novels that were turned into movies and then adapted into animes” in the library, but not a single play.

-W-Wow, that’s..! So even if you wanted to make a play, you’d had to create an entire new one from zero..

-Y-Yeah, which sucks, by the way..! I’m not a good writer, and Aki isn’t one either… – Woah, just throwing it like that?! – 

-Yes, I’m way better at fashion, anyway. That’s one of the reasons why we chose it. This, and the fact that it’s way faster to make.

-W-Woah… but, really? You’re “better at fashion”?

-What? Surprised? Maybe it’s because of these clothes, Honestly, I won’t judge you. I did get these clothes just for the field trip, so…

-Knowing that this Monobot is making me use this same set of clothes everyday… Ugh, if it wasn’t prohibited… then he’d be dead by now.

-I wouldn’t use some lame clothing like that on a daily basis, dear god. I’d rather eat trash than use the same clothes every. single. day.

Woah… he seems pretty bad. I like this simplistic style, though. But it’s his style, his own choice.

-I took some classes on fashion design with him as well! That’s how I’m doing this! Of course, Aki’s helping me, but I’m trying to be independent! So I’m doing most of the job by myself..!

-Most of the job, but still… don’t get too worked up, we still have to work on it.

-H-Hehe, yeah… sorry about that. Still talking about the fashion design classes and our fashion show though, it’s way better since most of the necessary materials are already open, so we don’t need to worry about something being wasted or anything!

-Yeah, it’s a brilliant idea, props to her, being such a sunlight. I’m so glad to live with her. – …Huh?

-Wait, huh? What do you mean “live with her”..?

-Ah, you don’t know that? Dear lord, you’re so outdated. It has been ages, but… – Huh… – Let’s just say… father didn’t want a son of his using pink and talking about fashion in his house.

-O-Oh god… I’m… I’m so sorry, Aki. I didn’t know that..! This seems so harsh.

-Huh? Oh. Don’t worry, like I said before, it has been ages since that happened. I already knew Miya from old references, so… we just became friends, and I started to live with her. That’s when I started to develop more my talent.

-I see… alright then… though… old references..? Developing your talent..? – Oh yeah, he’s the Ultimate Matchmaker… and Miya’s the Ultimate Wedding Planner, sometimes I forget about that. – 

-I started to plan weddings ever since I was a child! – Oh! Really?! I gasped. – Hehe, surprised? I wouldn’t be an Ultimate if I didn’t start somewhere! 

-Yes, she arranged my uncle’s wedding. It was like, so freaking perfect, and when I discovered that a girl in my age did this, I HAD to contact her. Guess what? Instant friendship.

-H-Hehe! I come from a rich family as well, so I always had enough props and ideas for the best weddings ever. It’s a serious job, but you can have so much fun with it! 

-Working with love… it’s such a pure art on itself… it’s the true hope, you know? – True hope..? – Some people say that the world is still running by it’s economy, but isn’t love the thing that everyone’s passionate about?! Being able to have a passion about something, is so…!

-Disgusting. – H-Huh?! – 

-W-What?! You’re literally the Ultimate Matchmaker?! How can you say something like that?!

-What? My matchmaking is about knowing if two people are made for each other or not. At first, I was just as convenient as Miya, but… having a 87.583% of a true love chance, and the number always getting smaller, it’s such a freaking pain.

-87.583%?! That’s… that’s a lot! I-I understand your annoyance, it must involve a lot of things, but… you should be proud of yourself! The Former Ultimate Clairvoyant had just a 30% of getting things right..!

-Oh, yeah, yeah. I am proud, but doing maths everyday, sometimes taking weeks and having to do… stalking methods, just for a chance of getting your crush..? It’s wack.

-Miya has a way better job, just planning marriages, she might even become an Ultimate Planner in general, soon! Her planning skills are formidable! Even though you can crush her down in just a few seconds.

-Please crush me down in a few seconds.



-H-Hey, M-Memopo! C-Can you talk to me in private..?! A-Aki still needs to finish his own business, right..?!

-Huh? Oh, yeah, totally. Please just go away. – Huh..?! Out of nowhere like that?! –

-Huh… alright, then..? – She holded my arm, and walked a few steps away from Aki, just for this “particular conversation.”

What is… what is going on..?

-M-Memopo… I-I wanted to say this before, b-but… everyone was looking at you, so…

-What’s wrong? Is it something bad?

-N-No! Actually, it’s just…

-I’m just glad you’re s-safe. I’m… I’m so glad… – Huh..? What happened..?! – 

-H-Hey, it’s alright, but… why are you trembling so much..?!

-I-It’s just– D-Don’t think I’m weird or anything, alright?! B-But!! I-I kinda, kinda, kinda……………….started this fashion show to work with you…????????

-…Huh? – Huh… that’s nice, but…? – 

-L-Let me explain! I-I just think y-you’re so amazing and– you have some amazing skills– and I’m just– I really wanted to but– I wasn’t able to ask you personally so–

-I… I just felt bad after seeing that you would be a judge… and after your disappearance, I-I…

-…Hey, Miya…

-I-I’m sorry, maybe this was a bad idea after all… I-I also want everyone to stay together, don’t get me wrong, but–

-Hey, Miya, listen to me.


Miya: H-Huh…

Miya: H-HUUUHH?! M-Memopo–?! M-Memopo?! What are you even– W-Waahh!!

Memopo: Calm down, calm down, really. It’s nothing, really.

Miya: …Huh..?

Memopo: Hey, look. Things have been weird lately, but… we’re going to be okay, I promise, alright..?

Miya: H-Huh..?

Memopo: I’m fine, please, don’t worry about me. You should think about yourself right now. We’ve been through a lot lately, all of us, and you’re doing an amazing job at helping us all.

Miya: Y-You… you really think so..? I think it was kinda dumb…

Memopo: No, it wasn’t! It had a bad reaction at first but… you’re just trying to keep us together, and you’re succeeding it..! You’re being a true leader right now, you know that?

Miya: I-I…

Memopo: Hey, look at me. I swear to my soul that… we’ll both escape this place. You have a pure heart, and you’re basically doing all of this by yourself. You’re… a way better leader than I am.

Miya: M-Memopo… Sakagara…

Memopo: Huh? Why are you saying my entire name? It’s kinda funny, actually…!

Miya: I-I- nothing..! I’m just–!

Memopo: Hey, it’ll be fine, okay? This fashion show will be amazing, and you’ll be the main event of it. I’m sure of that.

Miya: I’ll be… the main event..?

Memopo: Sure! Of course! You’ll be the star of that night! The one that’ll leave us in shock! You’ll be amazing, alright? I promise.

Miya: Memopo… T-Thank you… thank you so much…

Miya: …I don’t know what I’d do if it wasn’t for you.

Memopo: Hehe, that’s what friends do for each other, right? You’re an amazing person and an incredible friend..!

Miya: Kgh–!

Memopo: W-What happened?!

Miya: …O-Oh, it’s nothing, really.

Miya: …friends… friends… friends…

Miya: That’s what friends are for.. huh? T-Thank– Thanks… Memopo.

She seemed like she didn’t want to continue that conversation, so I let her be, and she calmed down. She walked away to grab some *totally visible* water at the room, and took a few deep breaths. Gee, this was giving her so much pressure.

…At least she’s calmer now.

…Or that’s what I thought.

-G-Geez! M-Memopo! I forgot about something! Something definitely important..!

-Oh..? Oh, you’re talking about the sauna thing, right dear? – Sauna thin– Oh no. – 

-Y-Yeah-Yeah!! H-Hey, I know this is sudden and all, but– I invited some of the girls to get a sauna break… yesterday was the boy’s turn, so today’s–

-A-Anyway– D-Do you w-wanna… m-maybe– J-Just maybe– c-come with m-m-me..?! I-It’ll be fun, I-I promise!

-… – Oh gee… I still remember yesterday… it was kinda strange… but… It’ll be fun, right? It’s not like Chokakku’ll be there or anything. –

-I mean, yeah, sure. What could go wrong, am I right?

-…!!! T-Thank you– thank you– thank you–!! I’m sure you won’t be mad or anything! A-Aki, can you please–

-Take care of this? Don’t worry, you already made a good job covering for me yesterday. Good luck on your spa day..!

-T-Thanks! You’re the best! N-Now– Let’s go! They’re probably there already…!

-They– Woah!! –  I couldn’t even finish my sentence, Miya quickly grabbed me and ran away from that room. It was fast, god, she can be strong when she wants to. – 

Remember when I said that at least Chokakku wouldn’t be there..? Yeah… well…


I-I mean, ahem, I am terribly sorry, Chokakku Dokuita, the Ultimate Chocolatier, but… I need that peace. 

-Finally, oh my. I was expecting to wait much longer than that. 

-Woohoo! Memopo’s joining us as well?! The girlz squad! xD vibes! Yep yip yop!

-U-Uh… what does “Ex dee..” mean, Ms. Kin?

-I-I don’t think you should worry about that, Ms. Nikada. – I replied. – S-so… we’re all going to the sauna..?

-It’ll be a relaxing moment for us, the participants of the fashion show! Though, Maisake decided to not enter the sauna…

-Yes, and that’s why I decided to join in her place, probably the same as you, Memopo?

-A-Actually, Miya just invited me…

-…Of course, of course. why isn’t that a surprise.

-Well, at least it’ll be us five, so it’s meant to be a relaxing moment..!

-Yep yip yop! I’m so excited..!

-A-Are you ready, Memopo..? It’ll be a relaxing moment for all of us, and you really need it after yesterday, so don’t worry..!

-Thanks..! I think I’m ready, then. Let’s go..!

We all entered the sauna, that shan’t be shown for very obvious reasons, and left our clothes at the entrance. It was a very big sauna, though. Meant for way more people. Perhaps all 16 of us from before..? Nah, even more.

…It’s really relaxing, actually. The temperature is really nice, the door isn’t locked either so we can’t just all die at the same time.

…That was dark, nevermind.

…But having just one dark thought after so much agony… it’s refreshing… 


After a good old conversation about Hope’s Peak, motive, teachers… we all decided to leave the sauna. We stayed there for a good while, but gosh, it was worth every second. 

I feel way more refreshed now. Thanks, Miya.

Miya: O-Oh geez! Memopo, your hair–!

Memopo: I-It’s okay..! Gee, that was good.

Nia: Not gonna lie, this was an interesting moment. It was… a wish, being granted by the gods.

Haruka: Indeed, Ms. Tsukiyama..! Even for someone as small as I am, the temperature of the sauna was fantastic..! It was perfect and relaxing..!

Maki: Yep… yip… yop… it almost felt like a dream massage… Like the perfect moment when the lion is at the edge of eating your face…

Memopo: O-ho-ho… I needed that so much… it was like a complete success on the first try of a new magic trick.. It was so pleasuring…

Miya: Awnnn, I’m so glad you all liked it..! Aki and I intended to make a “boys-girls” routine, so after tomorrow we can always do that again..!

Nia: Awnn, that’s kinda sad. Just after tomorrow..? Well, we still have some time left, so I might enter it again later.

Haruka: As much as I want to do that, Mr. Jazra is kinda waiting for me, but… don’t we all deserve breaks… sometimes..?

Maki: A break is always necessary..! You need to take breaks every time you feel bad or discouraged..! Your health is a first priority!

Memopo: Yeah… sometimes we do need to remind ourselves that… thanks, Maki…

Miya: This is so– Thank you all, I really mean it..! Having you all feeling relaxed… it just gives me more energy to continue! 

Nia: For you, at least… I’m kinda sleepy right now… might get a book at the library and sleep in my room…

Maki: Sleepy as well… but I’m gonna stay focused..! Gonna continue helping Teru..!

Haruka: ..Thanks for reminding me, Ms. Kin! I might as well start teaching Mr. Pannacota some cooking lessons..!

Miya: Then… are we all finished..? Should we finally go back to our normal clothing..?

Memopo: Yep, I think so… this was amazing.

We all finally agreed to finish this event, and got back to our usual clothing. I’m so relaxed now… and sleepy… that I might just…

…I can’t sleep now… I’m in the middle of the corridor…

…My lab is nearby, though… might as well just take a nap there, since I can…

…Haha, thank you so much, Miya… and the others as well, I guess…

I walked back to my lab, since it was closer than my dorm.

Gee, it has been a while since I actually entered my dorm.

I really like it here, it’s like, even though there’s obvious deadly weapons around, I just… it’s fun! I don’t know where to rest right now, so… I’ll just… sit here… and take a small nap…

…Am I afraid that anyone could just enter the room and stab me..?

…Nah… after that sauna…

I’m fine…





What happened…?


I hear… noises…

I opened my eyes, kinda nervous..? To see…

What the–

What is he doing here…


-M-Monobot…? What are you even…? – I asked. Damn, I was almost sleeping… –

-Kehehehe, there you are! Gosh darn it, I wasted my entire day looking for you!

-…Looking for me? For what? 

-You know! Since it’s that time of the day where you just roam around, looking for people to hang out with–

-I am NOT spending my time with you, Monobot. I was just taking a nap.

-K-Kgh! Instant rejection?! Y-You can’t do that, sleep on your own dorm or be executed!

-Hmm… no…? It’s not like that, you literally made the rule yourself, see..?

-This is the magician lab, so I can sleep in here. This is my “respective shop”, now shut up.

-H-Huh– well– Even then, you can’t–

-Shut up, oh my god! I don’t wanna spend some time with you! You– I have so many questions and I don’t wanna waste my time trying to get some vague answers from you!!

-!! K-Keheh… he…?!?!

-I don’t even know at this point. Just… go. I don’t wanna look at your face after what happened.

-Oh. Is that what you’re so worried about? Keheh, that’s one of the reasons why I came here in the first place!

-…Huh..? Care to explain..?

-Kehehe, of course, of course, but obviously if you spend some time with me..! 


-W-Woah–!! I am being serious right now, Ultimate Magician! Don’t you dare to waste your time sleeping! 


He’s annoying, I hate him so much, but…

Ugh, I guess it won’t hurt, right? I could at least answer my questions.

Should I spend some time with Monobot..?

…I want to nap. But yeah, why not..?

-Alright, what do you wh–

-Kehehehehehehehehehe!! Incredible! Amazing! You won’t waste a thing, Memopo! – I’m wasting my time, so you’re already wrong. –

-Ugh, just explain now, why did you come here in the first place? It’s not like you’ll apologize or anythin–

-I am apologizing for my cruel behavior, Memopo Sakagara.


-…H-Huh?! What do you–?? Huh??!?!

-Alright, not apologizing, but– I may have done an oopsie, just for the sake of getting mad, Kehe…

-A murderous robot is apologizing for murdering… did you code change since the first trial…?

-Nope! I am still your friendly Monobot, and don’t call me a murderous robot! I am just doing orders! – Murderous orders. – But, yes, I may have made a mistake, and I apologize… Kehe…

-Ok, but, uh… which mistake, exactly? You’ve done tons of mistakes already, I’m surprised that you’re apologizing for at least one of them.

-Oh, you’re such a kidder, Kehehe! The motive, of course! – H-Huh..? The motive… was a mistake..? – It seems like… I couldn’t have changed the motive by myself, without asking for permission, first… Kehe…

-Changed… the motive..? But– wait, what do you mean?! You just gave me even more questions..! Asking for permission..?! You changed the motive..?!

-Of course I changed the motive! It was such a great idea! And it would get even more despair..! Of course, had to change some lines and all, but besides that, nothing! 

-Though, because of that, I got called out, because this was supposed to be the next motive, and then master got out of ideas… keh…

-M-Master…?! So there really is a mastermind in here…?!

-K-Kgh–! D-Don’t worry, Kehehe! It’s just a small mistake, of course it would be a mistake!

-Still, are you sure you could tell me these things? Don’t get me wrong, you’re just digging your own grave and I’m all for it, but… wouldn’t you just be punished?

-I-I mean, no! I am the goddamn headmaster of this shopping mall! I control every single place! Master may have some control here and there, but I’m the true master! 

-…Really? What about this… “master” of yours..? Gender, maybe..? Heights… Weights..?

-I’m not a stupid A.I, Sakagara Memopo. Obviously I won’t reveal the identity of my master! Even it I wanted to, I couldn’t, anyway.

-You… couldn’t..? What do you mean..?

-It’s in my code! I shan’t tell anything master-related to anyone, not even to master! The way we talk? It’s a surprise, Kehehe!


-So, the motive was a mistake, you do have a master that you “shan’t tell any clues” to anyone, and… you want to apologize..?


-Hey, Monobot…


Am I your master..?

-W-Whaaaa?! Are you crazy, or something?! Don’t you ever dare to say those words ever again, you filth..! 

-H-Huh..?! I was just trying to plug each point together…! Why are you telling me all of this if you can’t tell anyone about it?

-D-Do you think you have some sort of amnesia or something?! Come on! This is not a visual novel or fanfiction of something! Dare to say that again and you’ll be immediately executed!

-H-Hey, don’t try to change topics! I know something’s wrong! Why are you so friendly towards me and sometimes you’re just a complete meanie towards everyone else?!

-I will not hear the excuses of an… of an… Ultimate Magician..! Why would I?! You’re not even a perfect magician anyway!

-…! W-What..? What did you–

-Kehehe…. Keheheh…! Did you think I wouldn’t know about your eye, Sakagara? I may be friendly sometimes, don’t get me wrong, but this is a total different situation…

-I am the headmaster of this shopping mall for a reason, even if it’s a bad reason that I dislike and shan’t be named, I know everything about everyone trapped in here.

-…Why are you doing that again? Trying to make me feel nervous… that’s why you got called out in the first place.

-…K-Kehgh…! … Point taken, Memopo. Point taken.

This atmosphere… is way different than the first conversation I had with him. It was so strange… how did this happen..? Why did this happen..?

Is he still the same robot..? That would be crazy, there’s no way he’s a different robot. It’s just the stupid Monobot, after all.

After a while, we just stood there, sitting next to each other. I’m still a bit shaken, but…

Memopo: …I don’t wanna talk to you anymore.

Monobot: Well, that was rude..! I still have tons of things to tell you! Don’t you wanna learn my interesting backstory? My amazing turnabout?!

Memopo: No, actually. You hurted me so much already and we don’t even know each other a lot. 

Memopo: Though, talking directly with you won’t change a fact, will it? I needed to change your entire code, or something.

Memopo: Wait… if I need to code you once again… then your master probably knows about coding, correct?

Monobot: Kehehe, can’t say that! Can’t confirm nor disprove! 

Memopo: Obviously. There’s also the fact that we don’t know if it’s just one master or not… There could be tons of masters.

Monobot: Being pessimist, Memopo? Never thought I’d live to see this! Kehehe! Not live, but…

Memopo: Ugh, just shut up. If you wanna tell me your backstory, or something, just tell me right now so we don’t need to talk ever again.


Monobot: Well, I always wanted to be a comedian!

Memopo: Already said that.

Monobot: Woah! I can’t believe you were listening to that! 

Memopo: …Well, I can’t believe it either. Woah, I’m honestly surprised.

Monobot: Well, uh… I can’t tell much, there’s still four chapters to go, and when I say chapters I mean planned motives, but–

Monobot: Kehe, if you want a clue, here’s one! I hate bears. 

Memopo: Bear..s?

Monobot: Imagine being so bad at your one job that your master has to hack and re-do the code of another robot just to forcefully take your place..!

Monobot: I! Hate! Bears! I hate bears with all my might! Bears should be extinguished from existence..! Gaaah…! 

Monobot: O-Of course, I love master, but…

Monobot: Telling too much, might shut down soon.

Memopo: Shut down..?! You can shut down..?!

Monobot: Of course! Though it’s easy to recharge, so I’ll definitely be online as soon as the nighttime announcement starts..! Kehehe!

Memopo: Hmm… talking about that, which time is it? Or you can’t tell me?

Monobot: Oh! One of my main functions, Kehehehe! Obviously we should get some clocks, but…

Monobot: RIGHT NOW, IT IS 09:45 PM.

Memopo: Hmm… cool. Also, woah… might wanna get some dinner before I go to sleep.

…Hmmm.. after that, we just stayed silent for a while, and then he suddenly disappeared. 

…It was way calmer than I expected, planned, and hoped to be. That’s… nice.

New things to share as well… 

Hmm, time sure flies when you’re not having fun.

…I might actually get dinner, now. I had close-to no nighttime reunions for a while. Might wanna change that.

After I looked around a bit more, I left the room, and didn’t see anyone until I entered the food court. 

…I feel calm, for some reason. That’s… good. After three despair filling nights in a row.

Hmm… not everyone is here yet.

But some people noticed me as soon as I entered the room.

I mean, not a surprise, since the elevator makes a huge sound, but, yeah..!

-Memopo! You’re here!

-Memopo! What a pleasant surprise. I was wondering when you would show up.

-Yep yep! Thank god you’re not missing again..!

-H-Hehe, hey guys! Where is everyone else..?

-Hmm? Oh, yes, you weren’t here yesterday.

-Huh? Did something happen..?

-Not really! We just decided to make these nighttime meetings optional! – Hmm? – Since most of us are busy with the fashion show, and some of us are just taking time to rest, we decided to make these meeting optional! It’s way better than being forced to meet each other at nighttime!

-O-Oh, I see..! So this is everyone for today..? 8 people… counting myself?

-Y-Yeah, but still! Better than nothing! Especially since you’re here now!

-Hmm hmm. But we better make it quick. We were finally finishing the final details for the fashion show.

-Oh, really? That’s good. I’m curious on how that’ll work. 

-Yes, Miya talked to every participant of the show, and if everything goes fine, we might do it tomorrow, even.

-Woooo!! Tomorrow already?! In just two days you’ve made it all?!

-Well, we didn’t have that much to do, and correction, three days. This started before the motive.

-Woah, that’s so cool! Thank god we have an Ultimate Planner with us!

-Hehe, yeah! It was pretty fun to work with her! Even though she forgot my name multiple times…

-E-Everyone, it’s nothing..! Tomorrow will be an special day for sure..! Thank you all for tuning in!

-Tuning in..? We’re doing this live, though. And tomorrow. Ah, whatever. It’s a good night, so, let’s start our small dinner, shall we?

-Explendid..! Let’s begin our final feast for today! Teru, if you may?

-H-Huh..? O-Oh, of course..! The preparations shall… prepare..? I’m not good with fancy words, gonna get our dinner!

-Hehe. This is a good night, indeed.

Imagine being around three fancy people. Aki, Nia, Maisake… It’s kinda funny to talk like that, though… it’s complicated.

Well, we had our dinner, it was the same as always, we ate, had a small conversation, and then Teru got to clean our plates, once again, by himself.

Today was fast, honestly saying. It didn’t have anything important, and after so much happening, I think this is… wholesome. 

Nia and Hoshi were having their own conversation, Miya and Aki were excited for tomorrow, Maisake was talking to Makoto, and Teru and I talked about our favorite things, food, places, shows, just so the dinner could fly by.

I… I’m honestly feeling so happy. A normal day, after so many horrible days…

…I’m happy.

…I won’t forget Shiroga, nor Kiyohara… their deaths were devastating… and I’ll keep them within my memories forever.

…but right now, I’m happy. 

Honestly happy.


Hello, hello everyone! It is now 10pm, and thus, nighttime is officially starting, whew! So go to your dorm room, and sleep! Or stay awake, but be prepared for someone attacking you from behind! Good night, sleep tight, and killing? You might!

Also, 12 students remaining..! Keep on going, and every single one of your family members will be gone..! Kehehehe! Are you going to give in to despair..?

Because if no one dies… I might need to start giving explicit images and videos…!


-Hmm… – Oh no… will someone despair right now..? – 

-Oh no…. I’m…. – Hoshi, please… no…! – 

-…That was a good meeting. No one fighting each other… just small conversations… – Aha..! No one cared about his announcement..! –

-Yep yep! Such a good break from everything that happened… I might not even care for this stupid robot…

-I sure hope we get more meeting like these! And a good food as well! Gosh, this food was fantastic..!

-Hehe…! It was nothing! I tried some new ingredients here and there..! I’m glad you liked it!

-Well, that concludes our meeting for tonight, I shall go back to the library, perhaps read a new book?

-Hehe! Aki and I will finish the last touches..! Let’s hope everything stays in a good shape!

-By tomorrow night? It’ll obviously stay amazing. Good night for those who will sleep right now. These two stars over here will stay in shape!

-Hehe. I’ll go back to my dorms. Today went super fast! What about you, Memopo?

-..Haahh, will sleep as well. Thanks again for the amazing food, Teru..! I’m stuffed.

-No problem! Good night for both of you!

-Good night! Let’s go, then? – I chuckled, and we both walked away from that place. – 

We were chatting once again, about silly things, some random situations… 

I didn’t share a lot today, did I? But honestly, it was just a normal day. And I deserved that. After we both walked away, he wished me a good night, and I did as well. We both entered our dorms, and I felt… nothing bad at all!

This might be the first night ever since I woke up in this place… that I’m just exhausted. In a good way, as well.

I had so much fun, talked to my friends, had a relaxing moment with the girls… and got an amazing meal by the best chef of the gang..! I would honestly starve if it wasn’t for him.

…I feel so much better now. I… I don’t wanna kill anyone because of that motive.

Monobot made a mistake? What a joke. I’m sure he’s not doing anything bad to them, either.

I hope this “master” is punishing him right now.

…But now, it’s bedtime.

Tomorrow will be another day, another day inside this shopping mall.

But this time… we’re together.

We’re not going to give up..! Not anymore.

Good night, everyone.


































Welcome, welcome! Ladies and… the rest. It is time for what everyone’s been waiting for..! My own Talk Show! KEHEHEHEHEHE! Give it a shoutout to… Monobot Theater Video, Cheeky! Produced and given to you by the SHIFTED Company! 

This is our pilot episode, though, so stay with me, everyone! Let’s use the hashtag #DRSHF to spread the word! What do you mean it’s not even related to the name of the show? It’s my own show and I’ll choose whatever hashtag I want! 

Today’s first topic will be… “Killing Game Mascots!” with our special guests…!

Give it a round of applause to…! MEITORI! MONOCATTO! THE CAT TWINS! We were trying to see if we could find the Monofrog as well, and some remnants, but…

the budget is too low for big celebrities like them… Keh.

Hello, guest stars..! I know, I know, we have TONS of things to discuss, yadda yadda, hosting a killing game isn’t easy! Imagine cleaning the place every single night, buying groceries and whatnot for our participants, and even getting rid of the dead bodies during two hours or so..! Such a pain in the butt!

So, we’ll start by our first guest, Meitori, I know most of you already saw him before, he IS an unique celebrity! Tall as hell, kicked most of us mascots at least once..! But he’s here today to tell us his experience in his own killing game… let’s see…

16 participants… inside an abandoned town… woah, a town?! That’s big! And that’s our first question, big boy! How did you locate this town? How are you keeping everything… checked?

H-Huh? You’re saying your name isn’t Meitori..? It is, obviously! Everyone knows that!

Hey, what are you doing? Get up! Come back here! I know you can hear me even though you’re too big!

Come back! Hey, heeeey! MEITORIII!!


Next block, we’ll have our guests, they both came from Russia, and just like our guests over here– HELL– They trapped tons of participants inside a killing game! Including a famous youtube..! Keheheh.. KEHEHEHE!


@Druwcapa – 2020 – Chapter 2 – Part 3 –


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