-I-It’s… It’s K-Kiyohara, right?! I-It’s Kiyohara Inuma! H-He’s the one who murdered Shiroga!

-….H-Huh?! W-Wait, Memopo, girl, w-what are you saying?!

-W-Whaaaat?! S-Shiroga?! M-Murdered by– AAAAAAAHHHH!!

-I-I’m next to a… I’m close to a murderer! T-Tsu! Partner! P-Please save me!

-W-What the hell, partner?! Y-You’re the one who did that gross stuff?!

-S-Shiroga… was murdered… by him?! Kiyohara… Kiyohara! – Zeto… he was angry. – 

-N-No, you must be kiddin’ right, Memopo?! I’m the clown one, not you!

-M-Mr. Inuma?! N-No! T-This must be a misunderstanding! P-Please, Ms. Sakagara, think about it! Mr. Inuma wouldn’t hurt a fly!

-Y-Yeah! W-What are you saying, Memopo?! I’m not the killer! I-I… I don’t know what she’s talking about!

-Hehe… congratulations! You finally discovered the killer! – N-No… Kiyohara… he… did it?! – Hehe, this is gonna be fun.

-S-Shut up! This is something serious, Memopo, you wouldn’t believe something like that, right?

-But… considering everything we know so far, it could only be you, I’m sorry.

-N-No! That must be a lie, a farfetched lie! Memopo, please. Let’s calm down, and think about it.

-Why are you being so worked up if you’re not the killer, anyway?

-B-Because I’m the “final suspect” that they were talking about! You can’t vote for me, I’m not the killer!

-Kiyohara… I believe in Memopo, she’s my best friend after all, but I don’t wanna believe that such a good person like you would be able to commit such a crime.

-Well, I do believe that shit! Nia’s probably tellin’ the truth too, even though she was definitely fishy. 

-Yeah, I don’t think she would choose someone like him out of fifteen of us. He’s unbelievable.

-B-But I’m not the killer, I swear! I was in my dorm room the whole time!

-Hehe, stop pretending, Kiyohara… you’re the one who murdered a young woman.

-N-No! I-I… I’m gonna prove it to ya! I’m not the one who killed Shiroga!

-H-How? How are you gonna prove it to me? Kiyohara, I… I understand. I don’t want anyone to be the killer. Shiroga was friend, and you’re also our friend. But… after all these clues, you’re the only one who could’ve killed her.

-N-No! It must be the other way around! She’s probably the culprit, not me! You’re not thinking like I asked you to!

-Kiyohara, I… I really don’t wanna believe it either, we just started accusing you after all. But you must understand that pointing fingers isn’t gonna help anyone.

-…A-And how… how should I prove anything?! I’m saying man, this is definitely a trap!

-… – I wanna believe him, but… the clues aren’t lies, that’s for sure. He’s… the only one who could’ve done something like that. – Just… do your best shot, please.

-I-It’s strange, though. We didn’t even start accusing you and you’re already sweating.

-A-Alright… man… this is overwhelming… But I’m gonna prove it to ya! I’m not the killer!

-Do it, please, there must be a way to prove something!

-No, stop that nonsense. – Nia?! W-What are you– – Stop that right now. 

-Huh?! What are you saying, you liar?! You should let him defend himself.

-It’s obvious that you’re trying to defend yourself, but you’re working so hard for nothing, I must say, I should’ve expected a dead end like that ever since the beginning.

-H-huh?! T-The actual culprit is probably very mad at you! Y-You’re just a traitor and a liar! This entire trial you were just lying to us all!

-Oh, please. Stop that nonsense of yours. It’s so obvious that you’re the killer already, let’s just confess and keep on moving.

-N-No! I won’t confess something that I’m not! Look, I’m very strong, probably stronger than Chokakku! 

-And..? How is that proof that you’re not a filthy culprit, exactly? 

-O-Ok, even if he is the culprit… he’s definitely not filthy, Ms. Tsukiyama!

-I’ll stay quiet at my own, pretending like I never heard this coming from your mouth.

-W-Well! There was a struggle, after all. I’m super strong, so if I was the culprit, there wouldn’t be a struggle in the first place! The same thing with Memopo! 

-Hmm, so you’re saying that, since you’re strong and all, a struggle wouldn’t even exist, since it would be just a hit-kill.

-I-It makes some sense… Kiyohara seems to be kinda strong, too, so it’s not a lie…

-Oh, please. He’s strong in muscles, but his mind is weak. He hates small places, and don’t forget when you all first encountered us at the entrance.

-He was punching the grates! I mean, he’s more desperate than Chokakku! At least she started panicking after discovering the killing game.

-U-Ugh! But this has nothing to do with this crime, girl! If I started to panic, for some reason, I would just kill her instantly!

-K-Kgh! Don’t say something like that like it’s nothing!

-I-I’m sorry, but you understand my point, right?! I couldn’t have done this!

-Hmm, Hmm. Memopo, dear. It’s your turn now.

-H-Huh?! Me?! 

-Yeah, you already discovered, like what, 85% of this crime? all by yourself. Along with Maisake, but mostly by yourself.


-You can refute this man down, I believe in you. So just believe in your friendly Hypnotherapist! He’s definitely a dirty criminal.

-…I… I wanna believe in you, alright, Kiyohara? But please, you need to give me some more information!


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