-H-Huh?! What do you mean by that?!

-Y-You needed more proof, more answers, huh? T-Then I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you everything I know!

-S-So tell me, then! I wanna believe it, I wanna believe that you’re not the culprit!

-Please, understand, I-I’m not lying, s-she’s the one lying! I promise, I’m not the killer!


N-No, seriously, please understand, I couldn’t have killed Shiroga!

I’m literally begging you, right now! It doesn’t make sense! Everything doesn’t make sense! She’s definitely lying!

About the alibis, about the culprit, god, she might be lying about her new talent as well!

She’s a manipulator, she manipulated the culprit, which isn’t me, to kill Shiroga!

But, still, you might be right but, none of this is proof that you aren’t the killer!

I already said before, I wanna believe you, I really do, but you’re acting super suspicious right now! 

P-Proof, right, right, proof!

W-Well, I already said that I’m super strong, so a struggle wouldn’t be possible.

T-Then, I have a lot of clothing, so just throwing at ONE shredder wouldn’t be possible! 

And, last, but not least! I’m tall, but not tall enough, I wouldn’t be able to do anything with that rope! 


-W-WHAT?! What’s wrong with you?! Stop yelling your tricks!

-K-Kiyohara, I wanted to believe in you, I really wanted to…

-But I never said anything about a rope! Actually, we never mentioned a rope in the first place! You’re so nervous for some reason that you’re actually just answering our questions.


-Also, what’s the relation between the rope and you being tall? Maybe… you wanted to use the rope to fake a suicide?

-H-Huh?! Makoto, are you onto something?!

-Yep, the fact that we don’t know anything about the rope made me think about it, and it was probably what he wanted to do! He would get Shiroga’s body, and with the rope, hang her at the ceiling! 

-N-No! I-I’m sure that I didn’t do that!

-And he would be able to do that, since there’s a giant vent hanging at the ceiling as well!

-Wow, that’s incredible! And it solves the rope mystery as well! But, why didn’t he do it, though?

-Hmm, perhaps he forgot about it. After disposing the knife and his clothes, he probably didn’t want to go back to the storeroom, so he left the rope around her neck.

-N-No… I swear, please…

-K-Kiyohara… I can’t believe this… y-you ended Shiroga’s life?!

-H-How brutal! W-Why did you do something like this?! 

-Poor girl, getting killed just because a man doesn’t know how to control himself. That’s horrible, Kiyohara, you should be ashamed of yourself!

-B-But! I didn’t murder her! Ok, I may have overlooked the rope, b-but! I’m still strong enough to kill her instantly!

-Kiyohara, you were inside the storeroom for less than 5 minutes. You wouldn’t overlook something like that.

-Hmm… maybe… maybe you could’ve struggled with her.

-H-Huh?! What are you– N-No, I– wait!!


-K-Kiyohara, please stop. We already know that you can get desperate very easily. At the motive, the killing game announcement, the grates. You’re anxious, and that’s definitely okay.

-Maybe… when you saw her, she attacked you, because she was expecting me, and not a giant lumberjack. Then, that made you nervous, and you started a struggle.

-…Oh, I see your point, Memopo. Maybe… you tried to escape, but you couldn’t, because she was with a knife. So you got your thermostat and attacked her, trying to knock her down.

-Y-Yes… and then… you overlooked your strength. You started a small fight, making some cuts around her body. But after some time, you became desperate.

-And that’s when… you sliced her neck. You became even more desperate, because you only needed the key, so you tried to forge the scene, to make it look like Memopo assaulted her.

-But you made a lot of mistakes along the way, you tried to call Nia, so she could help you, but we discovered your lies. And now… the truth.

-Kiyohara Inuma, you killed Shiroga Nesumi, didn’t you?

-……I-I… I…

-Uhuhu… please, stop your acting, now. Everyone knows about your dirty little secrets.

-M-Mr. Inuma… please… don’t do this…!

-K-Kiyohara… my friend, my pal… that’s a big betrayal! 

-Y-You’re the one… who murdered her…


-N-Nia… M-Memopo… M-Ms. Nikada… S-STOP! STOP, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! I-I didn’t do it! I! Am NOT! The killer! What the hell should I do for you guys to believe me?!

-Kiyohara… everything makes sense now. Everything points to you being the culprit, and you’re not making it harder either, please, d-don’t make this harder for anyone else.

-No! No! I won’t stand by your false accusations! W-We’re friends, right? So why are you guys trying to pin this crime on me?! 

-Kiyohara, you’re being awfully suspicious now. And being worked up for no reason, ever since we started suspecting you.

-Y-You’re anxious, Hara… that’s how we discovered your mistake… your anxiety turned you into a monster.

-N-No… I didn’t… I’m not a monster! Shut up! Hoshi, Shut up!

-I-I…! I was just trying to say–


And then….






-A-Ah… A-Ah… N-No… I-I… I-I didn’t… I…

-Mr. Inuma! Why did you do such a thing?!

-I…No… I DIDN’T KILL SHIROGA! P-Please! I’m telling the truth, PLEASE!

-Hehehe, why are you still saying that? I do understand that anxiety is something serious, but you had NO rights to do such a thing.

-SHUT UP! I DIDN’T DO IT! I… I didn’t… I didn’t do it!

-Memopo… – Makoto looked at me. – Can you… do one last thing?


-Please… we can’t continue this class trial if he keeps that way. Can you… calm him down?

-H-How?! Makoto, how?! I… I was never a leader, I shouldn’t do something like that!

-I… I understand your feelings, I really do. But you need to tell him to calm down. If he doesn’t confess, then we’ll never be able to finish this in a peaceful way.

-…I… I…

-He’s right, you know? – Nia?! – I understand that he’s worked up. Even though I said that he’s weak, his anxiety is his big weakness. If you just calm him down, just for the rest of this class trial… it would be pleasant for everyone.

-T-Then why can’t you do this?! Y-You’re the hypnotherapist, not me!

-Memopo, he wouldn’t listen to me. I manipulated him, yes. If I try to talk to him, it will be meaningless. 

-…So… why… why should I take the responsibility? You and Maisake are better leaders than me.

-Oh my god. Grow up! You’ll never be able to survive in a place like this if you keep thinking about this stuff! 


-Use some tricks, magic, I don’t know! You discovered most of this crime by yourself, you can definitely calm down a classmate.

-…You think so..?

-I… I agree with Nia, Memopo. You’re able to finish this. You’re the one who should finish this.


-…A-Alright. I’ll try my best, but I’ll need some backup is everything goes wrong!

-Alright. G-Go get him, best friend. W-We’ll… we’ll survive this class trial.

…Let’s do this.. I just need to calm him down, right? It’s not a big deal.

…Kiyohara, you’re one of my friends, my classmates. But you did something unforgivable. It’s time… to let you know.

-N-No! SHUT UP! EVERYONE! I DIDN’T KILL HER! H-How many times do I have to tell you?!

-Kiyohara. You did murder someone, and you can’t hide that truth anymore.

-M-Memopo?! Y-You too?! Why?! Why is everyone against me?!

-…Kiyohara… please. You need to understand… you murdered someone! This is not a drill!

-N-No… I didn’t… I didn’t murder anyone! Why can’t anyone believe me?!

-…I believe in you. I believe… that you’re the killer of this case. And I’ll prove it to you! Let’s bring this class trial to an end!


Bring this class trial to an end? W-What are you even saying? 

I’m not the killer! I didn’t kill Shiroga! You’re a liar, you’re all liars!

I never once wanted this to happen… I’m not the culprit! I swear I’m not the culprit!

What should I do for you to believe me?!

I never once thought about killing someone!

If someone’s the killer, then it’s definitely Nia!

She’s a manipulator, don’t listen to her words! She’s the one who murdered Shiroga!

-Kiyohara, let’s calm down. We need to think about this. Just stay calm, this will all be over soon. I promise, please, listen to me.

D-DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! I-I have all the rights to be mad about this stuff! This is crazy! 

Why do you hate me so much?! I didn’t do anything wrong! All of your proofs are just coincidental! 

Me, being the culprit, is unfair! UNFAIR! UNFAIR! Why are you believing her instead of me?!

I only helped through this entire trial, we need to find the actual killer! This is not– This is not how it works!

Calm down, calm down, I don’t wanna calm down! All the clues are just lies! Liar, liar!

I didn’t do anything! You know who I am! I’m a literal lumberjack, way stronger than an unlucky student!

If anyone needs to calm down, is Nia! She’s the liar, she’s the culprit!

-But, she already admitted that she was working with the killer. This is not right, but you’re getting upset for no reason.

-Also, you punched Hoshi, too… He’s knocked out, now. You knocked him out with only a punch, so you could definitely use the thermostat as a murder weapon.

-Please, let’s stay focused, everything’s gonna turn out okay, I’ll be here with you.

Shut up, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! Man, this is annoying! You literally just said it! I knocked him out with just a punch!

If I wanted to kill someone, I could beat them to death, not use an object!

I-I mean, your theory makes sense, about the killer not wanting to kill at first… But I’M NOT THE KILLER!

No struggle would happen, and she would’ve died instantly! It’s a big thermostat, man! A big! Thermostat!

F-From what Monobot said, a-at least. M-Man! I never once wanted to kill her! A struggle never happened, and Nia’s the culprit!

Nia’s the one you’ve been looking for! She’s a traitor! And I won’t let anyone say that I’m the culprit!




-Kiyohara… a struggle happened. Not a one-sided fight. And she had a knife and glass shards as well, she would most likely try to defend herself from you.

-N-No, please, d-don’t– DON’T!!

-Memopo! That’s actually a great move! If she tried to defend herself, with sharp objects, not only her would have struggle marks.

-And, his clothes completely hides his arms and legs! So even if she also made some cuts around his body, his clothing hides it!

-N-No… No… NOOO!!

-Ahahahaha! So that’s why you wanted me give you some new clothes?! Ahahaha! This is so depressing!

-Huh? Nia, you didn’t saw him?! Not even once?!

-Oh? Well, actually, after he left my dorm, he actually wanted me to meet him at the garden. Since the original plan was to knock out Shiroga, he would need some help to make the scene  less suspicious. 

-At first, I thought about this being such a waste of time, after all, no one would look at the storeroom anyway, but now…

-It seems like he actually planned to kill her ever since the beginning. Am I right, Kiyohara?


-Then show us your arm. 


-Show us. your. arm. If it doesn’t have struggle marks, cuts, or blood, then you’re innocent. If if does, well, you’re the culprit.


-And, if you refuse to show us, then it’s obvious that you’re the culprit. You fucking waste of a human. 


-I don’t care now. It’s obvious that you’re the murderer that I’ve been waiting for.


-…Then show us your arm. It’s nothing unusual, right? It’s not like you don’t have an arm or anything like that.


-…It’s game over, Kiyohara. You knocked out Hoshi with a single punch, you could’ve done that with Shiroga as well.

-Makoto’s right. But you decided to use a thermostat. You need to take responsibility for your actions.

-…I… I…

-Kiyohara… please. We can end this right now. Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise.

-…A-Al…. N-No…-I-I……F-Fine.


-Mr. Inuma…? N-No… please, please no…

-…I-I’m… I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry everyone…alright?! – He then… started to cry. – I-I swear… I never wanted this to h-happen! I-I… S-Shiroga…

-T-Then why?! Why would you bring a thermostat?!

-…I was… afraid. I was nervous. You guys know me. Sometimes, my anxiety turns me into monster… and…

-Just say that you killed her and let’s finish this.

-N-No… I never wanted to kill her… I-I did, but… I was just anxious. A-After I entered the storeroom, s-she proceeded to attack me with a knife, it made me so nervous that I…I-I… d-didn’t think straight at the m-moment…

-But… is it true then? About your struggle marks and cuts?

-…Y-Yes. I don’t wanna show it, p-please don’t make me suffer even more. I-I’m a… murderer… without passion, but still a… m-murderer. A-And it wasn’t self defense… because then, w-we wouldn’t be inside this class trial…

-…Kiyohara… I’m… I’m so sorry….

-…H-Haruka… S-Shiroga… Hoshi… I’m so sorry for everything…!

He then… continued to cry, even more. 

I…. We found the killer, after all.

Nia… Nia was right. She’s now the Ultimate Hypnotherapist, and she helped him with his murder plan.

Kiyohara… was only afraid. And nervous. Why everything turned out to be such a nightmare..?

We thought that a merciless killer between us would be a horrible thing, but… an anxious teenager… who was only afraid… is even worse…

I… I don’t wanna finish this anymore. I don’t wanna lose another friend, I… I don’t wanna finish this class trial without one of my friends…  I already lost Shiroga…

-S-So… p-please… I never wanted this to happen… I… I… I’m really telling the truth.

-What the hell… this… is definitely the worst bitch that I ever saw.

-What a horrible thing, first a wonderful woman… and now a gorgeous man…

-P-Please… I don’t wanna… I don’t wanna die! I don’t wanna be punished! Don’t vote for me, please!

-B-But… if we don’t vote for you, then we all die!


-Hey… Kiyohara. – Maisake tried to talk to him. – I… I’m gonna explain what happened, again. For everyone that didn’t understand your crime. Carefully, alright? So everyone can understand. We… we can end this together, if you want.

-..I…I… no…


-M-Maisake… I’m sorry. B-But… can Memopo do that instead..?

-H-Huh?! M-Me?! Again?! Why?

-B-Because… I feel comfortable… talking to you. You proved that I’m the killer… but.. I can feel that you never wanted this to happen either.

-And… you can’t feel that with Maisake?

-I… – He made a sad face… – I can’t feel this with anyone else. You’re a joyful person, and those days inside this shopping mall, you were just trying your best to keep everyone safe.

-Maki and Teru too, and Ms. Nikada… I’m so sorry, Haruka. but I betrayed them all… you’re the only one that I would feel comfortable to be exposed.

-…I understand. Let’s make his last moments comfortable for him, alright Memopo? It’s everything that we can do at this point.

-…I… alright. If you really want to. I’m gonna say exactly what happened in this case.. and right after that, we’ll end this class trial.

-…I’m fine with that. – Kiyohara… I’m so sorry for everything.

-Alright. So… I’ll start now. Let’s end this together.


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