Danganronpa: SHIFTED – 2024 Final Post

Hello, everyone! It’s been a long, long time, huh?

Alright, I wanted to make this final blog post to explain what happened during the creation of Danganronpa: SHIFTED, what was going through my mind as I developed my first project, and how it came to an end.

I will keep it short, don’t worry!

For starters, I was 15 when I started the development of this fanganronpa. I’m 20 years old now, and looking back I see many, many problems with it, with the way I structured the dialogue, from the character designs not being… that good, being completely honest, the design of the mall itself was also a mess, but I love it! I genuinely think for my first project, this was a big risk to make.

At the end of the day, did it pay out? Definitely not lmao I stopped in the middle of the second chapter, after my laptop broke, my drawing tablet also broke, my grandpa passed away as I was drawing the first execution, my life was a MESS at the time- truly, the lowest point was WordPress for some reason deciding to delete 90% of the images out of nowhere? This is why the pages are impossible to read nowadays, I genuinely, ‘til this day, have absolutely NO idea how that happened, and honestly, 5 years later, I’m not interested in fixing it either.

I am proud of what I’ve done, I think I got done dirty a little by tons of inconveniences at the time, Danganronpa: SHIFTED was never going to be a Super Danganronpa Another 2, but it was my project, these characters are dear to my heart and I am fond of what I wrote, even if it was a bit silly. My writing process for most of the chapters was to create real dialogues that people around my age would actually say, which resulted in… interesting dynamics. I’ve seen a lot of negative comments against my writing at the time, which did make me a bit sad, looking back I do understand where I failed, but it also wasn’t that serious for such backlash lol

The characters will live on in my works, I am currently in another, completely different fandom, doing fanarts and stuff for the TV show “The Masked Singer”, created a nice fanbase which I love, made great friends, and I always had this project back in mind, because part of me just wanted to move on, and I never got to, I believe this is the way I’ll be able to achieve it, finally putting an end to this chapter of my life and explaining myself. So yeah, as of April 10, 2024, Danganronpa: SHIFTED is officially canceled. The page will stay for as long as the internet wants it to be, so if you want to see the remains of what was once an active fanganronpa, you’ll be free to search through it.

So, just to summarize this part, I was a child doing this fangan, made tons of writing mistakes and weird decisions, got some backlash but overall I’m happy with what I’ve done, at the end it was just a bunch of sad circumstances that made me stay away from continuing this project, it was also just… not doing well for my own being? 

I didn’t live in a great place at the time and I was finding myself in situations where working on this fanganronpa was a way of keeping these thoughts aside for a moment, but it was reaching a point where working on it was only making me worse, the place where I wrote the chapters and drew the CGs was full of mold and stuff, it was icky. 

Sorry for suddenly dropping the mood, my mind is all over the place, I think it’s clear to see here, but I believe I got more positive experiences than negative ones, I truly mean it! I talked to really great people, met so many friends, I miss talking to some fangan creators that I really bonded at the time, we just grew into our separate ways I think, but I still look every now and then to seek for any new updates on those fangans that are still ongoing and stuff, if I talked to you at the time and we stopped talking on a good note, I’m most likely still thinking of you, your fangan and all, so I’m saying hi for you right now!

Alright, let’s go to the final section.

I’m sure everyone wants to know, some close friends already do know, but I’ll explain the overall story, just to end it with no mysteries.

Alright, as it was said in the prologue, Danganronpa: SHIFTED takes place years after the tragedy, in a timeline where the world was able to slowly go back to its roots, there were still some remnants of despair (not the DR2 cast) that followed the Junko way of thinking and stuff, but overall people were going back to their usual lives. I don’t exactly remember what was going on in my 15 year old mind so I don’t exactly remember the year gap, maybe it is written in the released chapters but I ain’t reading all that just to find one information that isn’t 100% relevant right now, so moving on.

The cast knows each other, a thing I’m proud of making for this fangan as – til this day I believe – I am the only fangan creator who has tried to make such dynamic work, I did not want to erase their memories because I believe it would make the deaths more emotional and meaningful, since these people are actively killing their friends who they know for a while. I could’ve worked more with that, too, but oh well.

Memopo is the protagonist, I chose her as the protagonist because she was kinda dumb in some aspects but smart and focused in others, like, for real she forgot Maisake’s talent and didn’t even know Nia’s new talent, people like that do exist and I just found those dynamics so funny, it was meant to be a cute game of Memopo trying to guess Maisake’s talent throughout the chapters and a subvert of expectations of the usual ??? trope, like I said, it wasn’t that serious, a lot of my decisions reflect on it, I wanted to make a death game but the choices were so silly.

I don’t need to talk that much about the first chapter, Shiroga dies, Kiyohara kills her, kinda gets manipulated by Nia, Nia is the Ultimate Hypnotherapist, I don’t know what was going through my mind when choosing some talents, because you have like a Bowler and a Hypnotherapist on the same cast? A fear a lot of fangan creators had at the time was to not repeat talents or make simple ones, because there were so many like, “Ultimate Florists”, “Ultimate Hosts”, “Ultimate Writers” and I did not want my cast to look bland, people also did not like when fangan characters had talents already utilized in canon, but since Memopo technically existed in a timeline before V3, I thought it would be okay if she was a Magician haha, of course I got hate comments for that but it’s fun to think back now lmao

Oh yeah, before I actually talk spoilers, sorry for edging anyone who is reading this, the names of the characters are dumb, yes, I know. I did not have any experience with creating Japanese names, I believe only Nia Tsukiyama has an actual name I put actual research, others I just made whatever sounded cute in my mind, so we have people like Miya Dafinu, Chokakku Dokuita, Teru Tozumi, besides the ones with repeated names like Makoto Hiroma, Hajime Nohara, Maki Kin and etc. I really should’ve changed the setting if I did not have experience with making Japanese names… I also did not have anyone to help at the time because I made them before joining the fandom, so I just had to live with that, I guess. Still, not an excuse to throw a 16 year old hate?? Some people were just weird, man.

Alright, actual spoilers ahead. Let me tell everything.

The second chapter stopped with Aki Kinota, the Ultimate Matchmaker, dead. The motive was a time limit before their loved ones died. They also saw their teacher dying but she never appears again so RIP bozo

The killer was Maki Kin, the Ultimate Clown. Yippeee, some people knew that immediately!! She killed him because she was still a bit shaken up from Kiyohara’s death and after seeing her family in danger she wanted to kill someone, she poisoned a random plate and whoever had it would die, she made sure it wasn’t hers though lmao

At some point in the trial, Miya Dafinu, the Ultimate Wedding Planner would be the main suspect, and Memopo would lie to defend Makoto once again. Since Miya is a WEDDING Planner, she knows couples, she knows how to read feelings because she has a policy of only marrying couples who absolutely love each other, so she knew Memopo was lying to defend her friend while accusing her, breaking Miya’s heart as she was in love with Memopo, she would have a huge moment and after that would kinda become the main protagonist for the rest of the trial.

It would also be pointed out that Aki wanted Maki to save Miya somehow, as she was his loved one, platonically of course. Miya was the one Aki cared about the most and if the time limit reached zero, she would be executed. Miya would proceed to survive the rest of the game with a character arc of understanding the situation she’s in and moving on from her crush on Memopo, they would end the game as best friends.

The third chapter would open up an area kinda like Waterfall from Undertale, I wanted to make an area with a glowing lake and tons of green because it’s my favorite thing to draw. At some point in the chapter, the motive would be revealed: Hallucinations, every night some hallucinogenic smoke would go around the mall and people would start seeing stuff, like dead people, dead bodies, etc. Zeto and Hajime would be the only ones not affected, but Hajime would still get worse because he was gradually getting more insane and after missing a death and execution he would NOT be well.

In the middle of the chapter, close to the BDA, Nia Tsukiyama would break a rule and almost get executed on the spot, with Hoshi Nakanaka, the Ultimate Game Creator, jumping in front of her. He would get really hurt and taken to a hospital area that would be open, where they could check up on him every now and then. On one day, Memopo would wake up with a BDA announcement, and would run to Hajime’s Lab, finding her best friend, Makoto Hiroma, the Ultimate Hairdresser dead.

At this point, she would go numb, she was already not doing so well due to the hallucinations and after seeing her childhood best friend lying dead on the floor, she would break. She wouldn’t show any emotions at all, just blank. Maisake Saihara would be the protagonist for the rest of the chapter, we would go on her POV.

Trial would happen, Hajime and Memopo would be guessed as culprits, chaos, chaos, at some point in the trial, Monobot would make an announcement that Hoshi Nakanaka wasn’t able to resist the injuries, and also died. The player would be shown a camera of the hospital room with his body, and Nia Tsukiyama would also break down, as she was catching feelings for that loser, RIP.

At the end of the trial, Haruka Nikada, the Ultimate Teacher, would be revealed as Makoto’s killer, she was going insane after losing Kiyohara Inuma, and she kept seeing his hallucinations, making her go mad. She would reveal that she talked to someone who was a traitor and they said that if she killed someone she would be able to leave with no trial, or something similar, so she went with her gut and killed Makoto who would be the easiest to trick. Joshua Jazra, the Ultimate Cowboy, would be really pissed at her because he was becoming really good friends (maybe more) with Makoto and she cut this opportunity, she would feel sad, etc, etc, she would die. I really don’t like Haruka nowadays, and if I ever rewrote this game, she would either have a complete redesign or just straight up be removed. 

At the end of the trial, Nia would run to the hospital room, Hoshi still being there, dead. Zeto would make sure that he’s indeed dead and it isn’t a replacement doll or anything similar because someone would probably have that idea, Nia would cry, Memopo would go back to her room, going to Makoto’s first and grabbing one of his hoodies and scissors, she would notice a letter he wrote for her, and would read it. It would say he kinda was expecting to die soon and wanted to make sure she is and will always be the most important person for him, he really valued her friendship and did not want that to change, and that if he does die that she doesn’t give up and move on without him, and to tell his mom what happened when she eventually escapes.

Memopo would suffer a makeover, cutting her hair and letting her scars show, changing a bit of her design n stuff, being honest this is REALLY UGLY!!! and I thought so too even at that time, I wanted to change for something better but since I never continued, I never changed it. But yeah, I kinda foreshadowed her having scars, it was part of her backstory, one of her magic tricks with acid failed and that’s why she had bangs. She would be a more assertive person now, and the killing game would move on.

I also changed her design because I received many letters of people saying she looked like Maya Canzanilla from Hyper! Danganronpa H2O: Abandon All Hope and it made me really sad. Love Maya though, tons of love for her and stuff

Chapter Four would be a really spicy chapter, we would discover Maisake Saihara’s talent, which was originally going to be a Writer, then a fucking Epistemologist, the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. (according to Google), I wanted this specific kind of philosopher because I was really into epistemology at the time and I had a whole philosophy book, I really like it, but after reflecting a little I think I would just make her a normal Ultimate Philosopher.

Everyone would have their labs opened at this point, Chapter Four would also open a small area either outside of the mall – as like a garden – or at the top showing the outdoors – like an observatory – both covered in grates and lasers and guns and shit so they wouldn’t be able to leave or try to break out.

At some point of the chapter, Teru and Hajime would have a huge drift in their friendship, and would fight, leading into Joshua and Zeto having a gun fight because each one of them was on a different side and they was an armory area opened, shit was starting to go down and Memopo could choose a side, it would be an open vote for the audience to choose. This would determine one of the survivors.

Either way, Joshua gets shot, he would be in the hospital room kinda like Hoshi, but he would be fine. Maisake would also be there alongside him so he wouldn’t be vulnerable. Monobot would be pissed after that though, and announce the Motive early, which would be starvation. They could drink water but they couldn’t eat anything until someone died.

Memopo would try to cheer everyone up by making a magic show, and it would be in the – either garden/observatory – area I mentioned, it would go well and no one would die! There would also be a ball on the same night, probably in the theater, or some big area for a ball, they would dance, have fun, Miya would design everything and shit. Hajime and Teru were still fighting and a bit bitter but they would dance together because they’re gay

Once Memopo is back in her dorm and ready to sleep, she would remember that she didn’t clean the area her magic show took place, she would nap a little and then go there in the early morning to fix everything up, but when she arrived at the area, Chokakku Dokuita, the Ultimate Chocolatier, would be dead. 

This is where the voting would be important:

It would be to either choose Teru or Hajime’s side in the situation, whichever way the audience chose, they would survive and the other would kill Chokakku because they felt guilty for separating the group and wanted to save them from starving to death. If Hajime was the killer, he would also be just so done with everything and would want to do something just to make his pain end. Chokakku also would be less mean after Hoshi’s death because she would feel like her bullying was part of what caused him to sacrifice himself. I like Chokakku’s character, but I don’t think it was very nice of my part to make the only black women in the cast (Chokakku and Shiroga) be either a mean bully or the first victim, so in retrospect I probably would’ve made her a survivor.

Either way, Chokakku is dead, one of them killed her, in the execution the survivors would have to play a game to hurt the killer, either a bowling game with Teru in one of the pins or a duck hunt inspired game with zombies. Memopo would notice Zeto pressing a button that would either cause a huge bowling ball to go over Teru or… something to happen to Hajime idk, either way Memopo would call Zeto out afterwards, where he would steal the scissors inside her pocket for a second, cut his hair, finally wear his hoodie and…

Oh my god he has red eyes

No for real he’s the mastermind!!! oh my god!!! totally the truth since it’s still Ch4 and there’s 2 more chapters left!!!

Nia would also go ahead and reveal that she’s the traitor, shocking everyone!!! Monobot would go on his arms, forcing everyone out of the class trial after a heated fight and locking everyone in their rooms, they wouldn’t be able to leave.

Chapter Five would be an interesting one, with another vote to choose one of the survivors.

They would all be locked in their rooms, with Nia bringing them meals from time to time, then Joshua would appear in Memopo’s room, showing her a secret hatch that probably Zeto and Nia used to move around the school, in that hatch they would be able to move around their bedrooms and reunite, without Zeto or Nia discovering it.

Memopo, Miya, Maisake, Joshua and Hajime/Teru would investigate, talk about what their theories are, what they can do to escape the game, why Nia is giving them meals if they’re meant to be there alone, what the next motive will be like…

In one night, Nia would invade Memopo’s room and ask her to follow her to an area. She would agree, and Nia would reveal that, shockingly, she and Zeto aren’t the traitor and mastermind respectively, oh wow!

Zeto is, however, the traitor, and that’s why he has special powers that Nia doesn’t, and she wants to confront him about it because he trusts her and they became this sort of villains duo. After Hoshi died, she would feel immense regret over her actions, especially with Kiyohara and would try to find a way of escaping or alerting someone outside of the game, she would reveal some extra info to Memopo about the mall they’re at, because apparently another game happened before theirs and Memopo has a clue about it?

There goes Takedo Himoji, the Ultimate Fanfic Creator, he had a diary and Memopo had it on her dorm, she never read it until now, she discovered the whole game that happened before theirs, with Haruka Nikada’s brother, Zeto Pannacota?, Takedo and the Ultimate Ice Cream Guy, Takedo’s best friend.

In their second chapter, Takedo killed his best friend out of desperation, he just stabbed him a bunch of times, left him in his room, cleaned the knife and hid it in his own room, no one saw him and it was a perfect crime, so Takedo was able to leave and everyone was executed, he now lives outside of society because he’s ashamed of what he has done and doesn’t want people to find him. Memopo theorized about Zeto’s participation and the player would choose whether Memopo would confront him or tell Nia about what she discovered.

Whoever she chooses, would survive. 

At the end of the chapter, they would all be unlocked off their rooms and no meals would be given, they would be confused and investigate the mall, with them nowhere to be found. Memopo would go back to the room where she started the game – the room Shiroga died in the first chapter – and would find the one she didn’t choose there, dead, full of blood, the room full of weapons and some weird trap going on.

There would be no Body Discovery Announcement, even after all remaining 5 get there (not counting the Zeto/Nia that isn’t dead – they’re currently missing), they would start investigating and after opening the door to the secret corridor, they would find Monobot completely broken and dead. The mastermind would leave a pre-recorded message, saying they would have to solve the crime in an hour, then go to the trial. 

Trial would happen, they would discover that both Zeto and Nia had a conversation and tried to trap the mastermind into going to the trap that killed one of them, but got outsmarted and ended up dying. They would also discover that the Zeto they had in the game is a robot created with the memories of the actual Zeto that was part of the original killing game, with the revelation that the mastermind knows how to create robots and stuff. If Zeto had died, he would have blue blood to indicate that difference.

No execution would happen but someone would drop out of the ceiling, passed out and completely bloody, this person being whoever Memopo chose to talk to.

Back to the hospital room once more, everyone is there together:

Memopo, Miya, Maisake, Joshua,

either Teru or Hajime

and either Nia or Zeto, passed out.

For the sixth and final chapter, they would all agree to investigate as much as they can, and once its done, have their own class trial at the entrance to determine who is the mastermind, if they’re either one of them, someone outside of the game, someone who died, someone from the old killing game, etc…

At the start of the class trial, Nia or Zeto would be good enough to stand for the trial, but wouldn’t be able to say much due to the blood loss. The mastermind heard what they were saying and also moved the class trial grounds to the front of the mall, with seven stands, one for each current survivor and one for the mastermind – who will appear if they guess right.

In their investigations, Maisake found a laptop in the mastermind’s room, with tons of info from their game, their current location, and she took it with her, so she could try to send a message. She succeeded, so it would be revealed that help was finally coming, but the mastermind knew that obviously and changed the rules so they’ll either complete the mystery of the killing game or die trying.

They would discover that the mastermind couldn’t be someone from outside nor someone from the old killing game, and they had to be someone who has experience with technology. They remembered a certain person – who apparently died earlier – who had a room full of tech, opened as soon as the killing game started, and actively spent nights there before their apparent passing. They thought of this person’s talent, they’re not just a developer, they’re a creator, they create things. so I wasn’t just dumb when making the talents, I had an idea, even if it was dumb – again, this wasn’t meant to be 1000% serious lmao – that person is, indeed,

Hoshi Nakanaka, the Ultimate Killing Game Creator

This name is so dumb I love it so much

It was the usual “I was bullied so much I got angry and decided to take revenge” storyline, but they found out the remnants of despair and got too deep into their ideologies, taking their side and trying to replicate the first killing game. The remnants were in a retirement home, with Monobot being a robot created to entertain them and just distract them into going back to their own ways, Hoshi took Monobot for himself and turned him into the killing game host the SHIFTED cast knew. He also got an abandoned location to create the setting of the game and had the help of those old people – some who were rich – to fix it and make it the mall the SHIFTED cast killed each other at.

If Nia died, she would have an extremely shocked face on her, which would be a clue for the class trial, because she would feel extremely betrayed to be killed by the one she was catching feelings for. If she’s alive, she would also feel betrayed and probably pass out, showing vulnerability because she’s just that mother, either way she would be heartbroken.

Zeto was kidnapped by Hoshi for the first killing game as a test and Hoshi did not make part of the first game, he just hosted it with different Ultimates, once Zeto actually got executed in their CH2 he felt guilty and made a robot replica to replace him, specifically to take care of Shiroga. She died never knowing a thing poor girl

Hoshi also had the memory disk of Monobot saved on that laptop Maisake took, because he was planning on rebuilding him to finish the current game, but Hope’s Peak securities and officers were already at the mall almost breaking it down to rescue the survivors, so Hoshi wouldn’t have time anyway lmao.

To end the chapter, Memopo would have a faux choice to either forgive Hoshi or not, either way she would end up not forgiving him because being bullied does not give you the right to kill people, so Hoshi turns his class trial stand into a small levitating escape hatch thing and would try to escape the police, leaving the mall flying, this would be his execution, kinda like a game missing gunshots and stuff, but one gunshot would hit one of the wings of his stand, making it fall. While it was falling, Hoshi decided to press an emergency button, making it use its extra fuel to fly straight to the air, and explode. It’s weird to explain the execution with words but I promise it would look cunty animated.

So yeah, they would escape, there would be a time skip where all of the survivors are taking group therapy, Joshua left Japan and Maisake followed him to be roommates with her best friend, Memopo and Miya are now close friends and working together, Teru/Hajime is living the best he can, Nia would be doing a psychology major and Zeto would be in his worst, living in a world without a purpose and without Shiroga to take care of, he would be reintroducing himself to society. Maisake got the laptop with her and showed the killing game info to the authorities, they arrested the remnants of despair, and Monobot would be turned into an A.I. to help Hope’s Peak improve their security and stuff.

This is kinda therapeutic, finally revealing everything I planned for the public to see. I don’t know how I sounded when making this, but I hope I didn’t sound bitter or anything, I made jokes about how I received negative comments and all, and while I do think those comments were not necessary, especially for a child just having fun with their first project, it’s been 5 whole years let’s be honest I would be a really depressing person if I was still letting that take care of my life.

I’m 20 years old now, I have my own game – which is not a killing game – in the works, amazing friends, a job, I’m in college and Danganronpa might be part of my final paper, so I’m finishing this with an open mind, I’m happy to be able to finally release this to the public, move on with my life, and know that I did something that not a lot of people has done. I was talking to my friends a while ago and I pointed out how at the time I was the only written fangan that actually made backgrounds for the places, I am a visual person and I wanted people to have the experience of seeing what the characters are seeing. I draw way better backgrounds nowadays, but those ones I still have saved ‘til now because I just like to see how much I improved and to have this feeling of nostalgia.

Danganronpa: SHIFTED might be canceled, might be unreadable, but for those who read it when it was going on and for those who know those characters, I hope you got to know them, I hope you liked at least one of them! You might hate the way I wrote them, or certain aspects of the trials I wrote, but I had a good time, I enjoyed those moments and I hope you did as well. Danganronpa: SHIFTED is a forgotten fanganronpa as of 2024, but it will be part of my journey and I will always remember it as good part of my mind.

Druwcapa is out.

@Druwcapa – 2024